AUTOHEMOTHERAPY...has anyone tried it?

my ass! sometimes in my arm

how come you guys dont inject directly into your blood stream? or are u doing that by doing it in muscle?

-Bryce, it is necessary to inject directly into muscles in order to trigger the proper reaction.

Keep us updated braziliandude and SeeYouInHellMerck, whether the news is good or bad

This is definitely interesting. If it goes well for you Seeyou, I might consider trying this myself. My sisterā€™s a nurse so sheā€™s used to sticking people and my veins are the dreams of an IV nurse, or so Iā€™ve been told. But definitely keep us posted as often as you feel necessary because Iā€™ll for sure be reading intently.

I definitely will. In my own experience, for the next two nights after the injection I had remarkably good sleep. I feel though that for me the effect may already wearing off because like I said, I only managed to inject 2 ccā€™s of blood. This is a far cry from 5 ccā€™s or even 10 ccā€™s. Next time I am definitely going to try to inject more. One thing I found out when doing this though is that 2 ccā€™s by itself is a lot of volume. Prior to finding out about hemotherapy I had no idea how much a CC was, now I do. In any case, I definitely need to inject more blood to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect. The way I understood it, the more blood you inject at one time (in different muscles throughout the body), for example lets say like 20 CCā€™s (this is almost equal to one cup of blood) the more intense and faster your healing process is. So feasibly one could experience all of the healing effects of brazilian dude, in a fraction of the time depending on how much you choose to inject yourself with. Granted, Iā€™m not yet completely knowledgeable about this procedure this I could be wrong. Secondly, with regards to AHT, I know that for certain things it has a permanent effect, but for other things it must be used as a treatment instead of a cure. (On this point too I could be mistaken, but its the impression I got from reading up on literature about it.) This mainly depends on the true nature of PFS, which we are still unsure of. That being said, if I could know ahead of time whether or not AHT would be a permanent cure then that would definitely affect my approach towards this treatment. Which is to say, if I knew that AHT was a permanent cure then I would have no problem withdrawing and reinjecting myself with upwards of 20 CCā€™s a blood weekly. As it is right now, im not quite sure if it is a cure or merely a treatment so I am taking a more conservative approach.

Youā€™ve got balls of steel manā€¦ kudos to you for experimenting with this and thanks a ton for sharing your feedback! Keep us updated.

I decided to go ahead again and do the AHT a second time today. I wanted to try doing it again yesterday but my arms/veins were still kind of sore from before. Additionally, I think that by waiting until your arms are more or less healed it helps give your nerves a rest too. (figurative nerves). In spite of that, I still had to psyche myself up to do it. Also today I learned some new stuff as well.

First of all, I discovered the importance of a sharp needle. Basically what I had been (cluelessly) doing before was using the same needle in a single session. (That is to say, in this session I was withdrawing blood and reinjecting it multiple times.) While IMO using the same needle in a single session is not a major hygenic issue, it does become an issue of comfort. Essentially, the tip of a needle gets (relatively) dull quickly. Trust me, there is a significant difference between poking yourself with a fresh needle and a dull one. That being said, I went through about three syringes in this last session. Which is perfectly fine by me seeing as how the syringes cost a measly 18 cents per syringe.

Secondly, I actually ended up wasting a full syringe of blood in this session, I was really pissed. Basically what had happened was that I withdrew the blood, and spent a few minutes finding an appropriate injection site and psyching myself up to do it, when I finally put the needle in myself and tried to inject the blood, the blood wouldnt go through the syringe. I tried in one other spot and the same thing happened. Puzzled, I removed the top of the syringe and tried pouring out the blood. The only thing that came out to my surprise was a slippery mass of ā€œblood jelloā€. So yeah, the lesson here is, if you wait too long to reinject yourself, the blood WILL congeal.

Thirdly, Iā€™m not sure why but near the end of my session it became really hard to inject myself in the deltoid or quads without a significant amount of discomfort and pain. While this was partly due to a dull needle, I think it also had a lot to do with muscular tension and my (figurative) nerves. That is to say, I was so nervous that I couldnt help but tense up my muscles.

All in all, in todayā€™s session I was able to inject myself with about 7 CCs of blood. Not bad at all. One thing iā€™m not quite sure about though is whether or not I should go to the gym after doing AHT. The reason being is that im not sure if strenuous exercise would ā€œmassageā€ the blood out of the muscle. I mean, I worked so damn hard getting that blood in there, so I would hate to waste my effort. Regardless I went to the gym after my session. If anybody there took a good look at my arms they would probably think I was juicing LOL. Finally on that tangent, one thing that sucks about doing AHT yourself is that your arms will probably look shitty. That being said, it is currently summer, IE t-shirt weather. Unfortunately for me, I cant really wear t-shirts at the moment. (Well I suppose I could, but I would have to use a lot of bandaids as well.)

Iā€™ll keep you all updated how I feel with this new dose of 7 ccs. I will say that the sole thing that motivates me to try AHT is the quaint possibility that I will be able to permanently regenerate myself and completely conquer PFS and regain control of my life (especially my love life). Without that motivation, I would not be able to push myself to do AHT. Granted, I have no idea if it will work that well yet, but I have very little to lose at this point, and everything to gain.

SeeYouInHellMerck i can see you reallly want to get wellā€¦im proud of youā€¦but take it easy!! remember you need 10 mililiters once every 7 days!! and now that you are very motivated ā€¦just take a look at these.
Dont be surprised if you tear up sometimesā€¦its just a rude awakening my friend! namaste enjoy

Starting ozone autohemotherapy tomorrow. Anyone tried this treatment? The facility does this, chelation therapy an ion cleanse and hydrogen peroxide therapy with the ozone. The treatment should last 2 weeks and will hopefully do some good.

I have just started the o3 therapy. 35% food grade hydrogen peroxideā€¦
eBook Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy.pdf (830 KB)

Any improvements?

its been only a few daysā€¦chill and read my link

No, but I am only on day 2 and taking 6 drops of the HP. Within a few weeks I am supposed be to taking around 40-60 drops per day I think. Iā€™ll be taking Iodine, 35% HP, Vit D, Wormwood, and Kefir at that pointā€¦

I think AUTOHEMOTHERAPY can be benefit us. I have my own theory. Since I think our problem is autoimmune based we should find a way to raise anti bodies against antibodies. If two fin sufferers can cross their blood ( they should have the same type of blood and should be clear of all other problems. There should be involved doctor and a blood lab to screen the blood) then chances are our body will recognise anti bodies which we developed after taking fin and will create antibodies against these antibodies and this will help solve our problem.

spstriken, I dont understand your theory but it sounds interesting nonetheless. Iā€™m curious, how certain are you that PFS is an autoimmune disorder? I mean, I donā€™t know much about the potential causes of PFS or anything, but you sound pretty knowledgeable about it, much more so than I would be haha.

So far no body knows what PFS is but there are some issues which happened after fin use are auto immune based like

Autoimmune based hepatitis
autoimmune based pancreatis
and some of us have symptoms, like high CRP, ESR, low grade fever etc.
Also why our body react now differently? I mean girls / transsexuals use DHT without any problem to get muscline and even grow their cloritus to a small penis size and get very big muscles. if you look on youtube they look boys with good beard.But when we use DHT we get severe reaction. our penis become turtle and become even smaller. This is not reported by just one but almost by 100% fin sufferers.

about molecular theory here is link viewtopic.php?f=27&t=5589&start=220

A small update, emotionally I feel moreā€¦disturbed? Basically I have been feeling more anger lately. However, Im not sure if there are simply more things in my life that are going on which are pissing me off, or if rather I am reacting with more anger towards things that were always there to begin with. If its the latter situation then that would make a good case for AHT somehow affecting my hormone levels or something. Anecdotally, I do clearly remember my pre-accutane and pre-propecia days, in those days I had a terrible terrible temper and would hold grudges for a long time, and also I had the capacity to feel absolute burning hatred. However, since taking those drugs, in terms of anger, the most I can feel is a tiny knot in my chest. Sort of like a fullblown anger that wants to take off and express itself, but never quite leaves the launch pad. If that makes any sense. Besides the potentially different emotional states, I havenā€™t yet noticed anything really dramatic. Granted, maybe I was never as bad off as brazilian dude to begin with. In any case, my main interest is in sexual functioning so I will stick with AHT to see if I make any gains there.

Upon thinking over the past week or so since I started the AHT, The true extent of my ever-present feeling of anger/mild irritation is actual a lot more than I initially realized. I do want to clarify, this is not a ā€˜PMSā€™ type of anger/irritability, this is anger and irritability underscored with a distinct note of passion or ā€˜heatā€™. Iā€™m sorry for the overly figurative language, but its the only way I can really describe it. Also, again I am not claiming that AHT caused this, afterall I canā€™t pinpoint the exact moment when I began to become more and more angry. Its basically similar to a lobster being in a pot of water that is getting progressively warmer. My emotional shift has happened so slowly that I became accustomed to it without even realizing what was happening. However, like I was saying, this change in my emotions has happened in roughly the same time period that I began AHT.

Thank you for the detailed posts, Seeyou. Itā€™s interesting about the anger angle. I, myself, used to have a bad temper before Propecia too but I was mostly able to control it in public and when it really mattered. I usually only fell victim to its effects whenever I was alone or in the presence of someone who could tolerate it (not a long list of people, believe it or not). I was also very emotionalā€¦not really ever crying, but usually feeling very down (melancholic) whenever I realized how long it had been since I had had a girlfriend (I donā€™t know why but it was always on my mind). And Iā€™m not a bad-looking guyā€¦I just have some pretty high standards. Welllllll, when I started on Propecia I believe my emotions were slowly dying offā€¦and like you said, it probably came on very slowly. These days I find it hard to have any feeling, whether it be anger, sorrow, happiness, etc. but I believe they may very well be coming backā€¦and I donā€™t know if itā€™s because Iā€™ve improved my diet greatly or if somehow my bodyā€™s correcting itself some other way but Iā€™ve felt anger and happiness at times the past few weeks and itā€™s wonderful. I love feeling emotions instead of just thinking about what they used to mean to me. But keep up the good work, Seeyou, and if you start getting angry like The Hulk, you can totally back off itā€¦no one would judge you.

Buuuuut that might just be because youā€™re the hulk. And theyā€™re not, ha.