If you are getting emotions back you are definitely on the right track. I’m at a point where someone could spit in my face and I’d probably sit there and do nothing except wipe it off.
thats excellent to hear about your emotions. Its funny how before I had absolutely no idea that emotions were pretty much a manifestation of hormones. I always thought of emotions as cerebral, and intangible. As opposed to being regulated through physiological channels.
Yeah, I can definitely relate. I really hope that (slowly) getting my humanity (emotions) back is a permanent thing but I guess we’ll have to wait and see…
Today was the third time I have done AHT. I only inject 6 CCs of blood today, although for some reason it feels much more potent. I theorize that perhaps the last time I didnt AHT it didn’t have much of an effect because I went to the gym immediately after which probably made most of the blood circulate out of my muscles. I could be wrong, but it makes sense to me. However for today I didnt go to the gym afterwards, and so far I feel really tired after doing AHT. Especially around my eyes, they feel really dry, and feel really heavy. I’m not sure if my body is reacting this way because the AHT protocol itself is very stressful, or if maybe it is a direct result of me injecting blood into my muscles and how my body is reacting to that.
Seeyou, how long do you feel you want to commit yourself to this protocol before you decide if it’s one you want to continue/discontinue? Good work on getting your third dose in! I would think your fatigue would be a normal response to the stress of performing the procedure and perhaps also attributable to the procedure itself, like you theorized. Glad to hear you’re keeping at it though man!
Thats an excellent question, I have been asking myself the exact same thing. So far, I feel quite comfortable in saying that by doing AHT there is definitely something going on, this is because when I do AHT I have vivid dreams and I sleep an uninterrupted (seven hours plus) without randomly waking up for no reason at all. However on the other hand, I have not yet seen the dramatic results that Brazilian Dude has seen. Although this could be due to a number of factors. For one, I do smoke cigarettes more often than I would like to admit, so that could be affecting the entire process. However I intend to cut back on smoking in july. Another thing though is that for me, my PFS has been relatively stable for the past three years, I mean, its not really bad (but not really good either). Therefore, since my margin of improvement may not be as wide, improvements may not be as noticeable. All that being said, in the literature I have read on AHT, it says to give it about two or three months to see results. Since AHT is a relatively simple and cheap procedure, I don’t really see any harm in continuing it for that length of time. Of course…it is a possibility that AHT may have no effect at all and that I may be going through this extremely stressful procedure all in vain, however like I said, AHT is simple, cheap, and relatively safe. So I have very little to lose by doing it, and much to possibly gain. So, to sum up everything; yes I do definitely experience effects from AHT in terms of sleep quality. However I have not yet experienced any other positive effects that I can definitely assign to being as a result of AHT. As I posited before, I do think AHT does affect my emotions, but emotions are a pretty subjective thing, so its hard to be exactly sure with something like that.
Okay cool, nice game plan. Though, I’m sure some of what he has stated in the past has been truth, I feel that trusting braziliandude’s posts in their entirety could lead to an upset. I haven’t had a chance to read your story (if you’ve posted one) to see what treatments you have and haven’t tried but I can tell you from my own experience of lessening unhealthy fat intake (cutting fast food and pop–caffeine–immeasurably, but not completely) and increasing my consumption of fruits and vegetables (bananas, grapes, blueberries, strawberries, broccoli, and various other vegetables I can tolerate) has helped improve some of my symptoms.
I haven’t had brain fog in a couple weeks and the last day I had it I had only had eaten two five guys burgers and drank a large pop…aaaaand I was working an afternoon shift which is normally when both my mind and body relax because they don’t have to do any work at that point. My memory seems to be steadily improving daily (not sure if it’s actually improving or if I’m just being lucky enough to remember what I’m remembering) but it’s still nowhere near it what it used to be. And it appears I have a little more motivation than I’ve had in the past few months especially as I’m multi-tasking with prep work at night to make my slow starts in the morning less apparent.
Additionally, my body seems to be absorbing damage at work better (I’m a transporter at a hospital and I push patients on carts or in their beds and I do a lot of running) which seems to be slowly getting closer to what it used to be able to handle. Oh, and I can’t verify it because I don’t check my weight enough but I’ve gotten two compliments on my “putting some weight on” that weren’t prompted by me at all. The only other treatment I’m actively using is 15 mg of Zinc to hopefully lessen the estrogen influence on my body.
What’s weird though is that I’m still having huge energy issues. Not so much at work but mostly a couple hours outside of work. I’ll lie down and relax and crash for like an hour or two only to wake up completely drained (not rested and full of energy like I used to experience). I’m pretty sure it’s a cortisol issue but I’ll save the concern for when I get a chance to go to an endocrinologist–I’m still waiting to have an MRI on my pituitary so my urologist will look further into my situation.
And July sounds good to limit your smoking but I would cut it entirely as soon as you can. I would think that especially since it’s a hard habit to kick and because it affects so many different aspects of one’s health that weaning off it (like it sounds like you intend to do) would most likely be better than cutting it cold turkey (learned that lesson the hard way). Otherwise it could very well be too large a shock to your system (I would think) and it could possibly (again, just guessing) end up doing more harm than good (at least initially). Regardless, thanks for keeping us posted man and I look forward to hearing more of your results.
Your advice regarding diet does sound interesting. I do seem to recall that when I went on a six day fast two years ago I felt incredible right after I came off of it. But like all things it faded away. As for smoking, I probably should quit but it doesnt seem to affect me for better or for worse. Like I said, my condition is extremely stable, again, for better or for worse. Also, I smoke occasionally just for the hell of it. My mentality is that my body is working against me anyways, so why should I pamper it any?
After the ozone therapy the dr. gave me a ton of different supplements, thyroid support and adrenal support along with tibulus and vit d. I have been a lot clearer lately with less anxiety and panic attacks. My energy is still pretty poor and sexual problems are not improving. Is this a good sign for the sexual dept.? Do people improve mentally and not improve sexually/physically? or do your mental sides subside and in time sexual sides follow suit? I hope this is a good sign, i’m sleeping a little better and have been able to get out and do some things the past couple days, but the sexual sides and libido are by far my main concern, because sex drive and a drive to do anything play in a key role in feeling like you are alive.
Each individual’s case is unique but generally speaking the mental/neurological side effects seem to be quicker to improve than the sexual sides for many.
This probably has to do with the brain’s plasticity (ie, ability to rapidly adapt/heal from stressors) via new neuron growth etc. Sexual/physical sides (ie, gynecomastia, penile changes etc) are physical appendages and do not share the same malleability as the brain.
Thanks Mew, do you believe some of the success stories in the recovery section to be true and lasting or have most that got better returned to pfs?
Unfortunately there is no way to verify the authenticity of posted statements, so one must weigh a user’s post history and other factors to determine whether you “trust” them or not. That said, if the common root cause for PFS can be identified via scientific research, I’d be inclined to believe that any potential therapeutic treatments and results should be repeatable across all victims with success.
This would be in contrast to the current situation of an an hoc approach, where some people report improvements from certain substances etc while others do not.
That would be nice. If some people have recovered naturally or with the assistance of supplements, I believe a spontaneous recovery is possible. One would think more recoveries would pop up on here as aggressively as some people have sought after treatments and the use of supplements and/or medications and as many dr.s that have been seen you think someone would have this figured out by now. This is truly the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever been apart of in my life, or hopefully will be for that matter. I know there is research being done, but that seems like the information and the treatments are a long ways off from now. I know we are all looking for answers fast and don’t seem to be gaining much ground, but dang I need my life back before I go crazy. Not that you all don’t feel the same way.
how’s the aht working for you see you in hell?
Hello brazilian, live in sao paulo and I’m interested in this treatment, how is your results?
and you SeeYouInHellMerck you okay? else’m new here I intend to post my situation but not yet apprehended to do so.
I’m sorry for my english, but I’m using google translator
Oh my gosh I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THIS WEB SITE AHHAHA…well this is exciting news i guess!!
brazilian Hello, some news for me, I saw several videos and I have a cousin who is a nurse, I think I’ll start this therapy and you like this? I will be waiting for a return hugs
To be honest, the AHT hasnt done much for me at all. However, I have only been doing it for a month. To be honest, Im thinking about quitting it, unless I can find some literature that describes the exact mechanism at work here. I mean, I have read Luiz Moura’s stuff about it, but thats the only source I can find about (pure) AHT. (I’m not interested in the AHT + ozone since this is something I would be unable to do on my own.) If I could find multiple sources describing the mechanism at work behind AHT then I would put more faith in it. But yeah, basically, if I could understand exactly what is happening (if anything) with AHT then I would be a lot more motivated to continue to go through with it.
-thanks bryce, reading that has motivated me a lot more.