Guys a friend of the family, is using this method to fight his problem with high blood pressure, and after 6 months he;s already lost 40 pounds and look absolutely healthy and is saying that hes no longer suffering from that problem…since theres a lot of buzz about this being an auto immune problem, im thinking about trying this treatment, it basically consists of getting blood out of your body and injection into the muscle, my family has some farms in brazil and my uncle told me that this method is very well known to boost the immune system when cattle has problem with warts or skin problems, and once they inject blood into the muscle, the problems go away very quickly.
What do you guys have to say about this???
no comments on this? guess ill be trying soon. and ill let you know what happened
Many years ago I had heard of drug addicted rock stars going to somewhere in the Caribbean to have complete blood transfusions, in order to “clean up” and go on tour - supposedly the best way to break an addiction quickly. At least one of the potential theories out there is that we lack a liver enzyme that is needed to break down finasteride, and that it may still be resident in us (thus the never ending side effects). So, who knows, this might be a viable treatment option.
What you are describing is a little different. Doesn’t look like there has been much published on it -
I know that some athletes get blood drawn, then have their red blood cells cultured and reinjected, not sure if its intramuscular or not.
You might try going on a diet that reduces autoimmune issues.
too bad there isnt a lot of articles about this in english…this is seriously something to look at.
So after the shot…the body elevates the immune system…and the number of macrophages ( from 5 % to 22%) and stays like that for a week, helping your body in all aspects from cleaning to regenaration of the tissues,after that you need another shot to keep the immune system working full force…
you would not believe your eyes, and people that have recovered from thrombosis , nasty ass open scars, autto immune deseases, gettin better from HIV, all kinds of stuff…just take a look at this
oh and men that had prostate cancer…and recovered. Men with Prostatitis and are 100 % now…well ok im stoping here, im just getting too excited, ill be going home next week, and there ill get in contact with this guy and ask him to give me the addres of this guy who helps him with this treatment. be back soon
Good job brazilian dude. Pretty much any new idea is a good idea. The world’s top doctors don’t know how to fix us, so we’re on our own. The more ideas, the better.
yes suree!! im just very happy about this regeneration tissue thing…i mean after i looked at this… i was impressed…(WARNING GRAPHIC PICTURE) but just to show how much power the body has to heal itself…and the cost of this is like NONE, you need to pay for the material and thats all…so we are talking about maybe 5 dollars? and someone to do it obviously …but a lot of people now how to use needles and do the Intramuscular injection of the blood on the Butt cheek, 5 ml to 20 ml (10 each side). im just amazed, thats why not a lot of people know about this. imagine what would happen with the drug companies if this was used by the world?? they would be shut down in a matter of months
Humm interesting, but they are kinda different actually , in this autohemotherapy you take out only 20 mg of blood and ré inject it into the body right ,…boosting the immune system, can’t wait to try it
*right after
I just put an intersting story please read, it is real and this is not second hand but the first hand story.
I think changing blood in our body has some merits. I would advice to throw out some blood from the body so that body can regenerate fresh blood. The best option is to take change the blood in the body. I mean donate one liter and get on liter for many times. I will research and put some links about cupping, the very ancient healing technique.
if i knew how to do this , i would be doing it now, its VERY SIMPLE, if you know how to do it …it shouldnt take more than five minutes.
heres a video showing the exact technique (plus… shes hot)
starting tomorrow…!! just got home from the beach, and cant wait to start it. see you tomorrow
I feel that im making myself look like a fool…no one is even responding…so just watch the video above and this doctor will explain how this thing works.
You aren’t making yourself look like a fool. We’re just all waiting for someone to try it and report their findings, that’s all.
just got it done…
i feel ok and off course it takes a few weeks to see some kind of improvement.
its one shot every 5 days, so next tuesday im going to do it again…and then sunday. so …yeah i know im going to keep up writing here as well. take care
Great! We’re looking forward to hearing about your results
Good luck brazilian dude, keep us updated. Obrigado