AUTOHEMOTHERAPY...has anyone tried it?

so…after the shot…i swear to you…i just wanted to crawl to bed…and i slept in the whole afternoon…its now 4 in the morning and i feel great, very very clear mind and no brain fog…its to early to tell, but i’ve been readin so many things about this treatment…seriously, YOU HAVE GOT TO TRY IT, and also i was watching that doctor talking about grape seed extract and how important its to take it WHILE doing the autohemotherapy( it has vitamins that elevates the number of macrophages in the body and helps to regenerate damage in the brain) and this is what i found on the internet about the extract,
Studies have shown that grape seed extract (vitis vinefera) crosses the blood brain barrier fairly easily. It is an exceptionally powerful antioxidant, experience shows that this nutrient is an agent of first importance in the results observed in neurodegenerative diseases.

I just think that someone else should also try it…or at least post some more stuff about it here…im not very good with writing stuff on the internet, i get too excited and my writing is confusing enough already ( even in portuguese).
so if any one here wants to give it a try…it would be great. im buying some grape seed extract asap, and also im very interested in getting the milkthistle thing that joetz has been talking about…all of those three possible treatment together should be the perfect scenario for the body to recover for real.


I have been watching this thread a lot lately and find it very interesting, and I am considering trying it.

Also, I found a wonderful Acia drink called “Amazon Thunder”

In addition, you really should try the milk thistle, I tried it last night for the first time and I am having my very best day since this whole nightmare started. But, you must get the correct one. I got mine at :

Keep up the good work and I wish you health and hapiness.

Grape seed extract is a natural source of a powerful antioxidant called OPC. It is twenty and fifty times more powerful than vitamin C and vitamin E, respectively. In addition, grape seed extract is good for eye health and support brain because it has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties besides being an antioxidant environment.
Grape seed extract may support the treatment of aging by stopping the onset of mental degenerative diseases like Alzheimers and dementia, and also by slowing down the aging process abroad. Grape seed extract is also used in the treatment of cancer by suppressing tumor growth and protection against the effects of internal and external stresses. Another benefit of grapefruit seed extract is that it is useful in treating fibromyalgia, a condition known as chronic pain in their muscles.

The good thing about this is that…
If the problem is with hormones…this treatment will help.
If its auto immune…it helps.
If its an infection…it helps.
If we are intoxicated ,this will fucking help.(As the main effect of auto-hemotherapy is the stimulation of the reticuloendothelial system clarified that its main functions are to clean the body of foreign particles from the blood or tissues (including tumor cells), toxins and other toxic substances. It promotes the biotransformation and excretion of cholesterol, protein metabolism and removal of denatured proteins. So accounting for so many important functions, is easy to understand the role of the reticuloendothelial system in the determination of favorable or unfavorable disease processes as varied as are the infectious, neoplastic, degenerative and autoimmune diseases.)

and if we have some fucked up nerves…it helps with tissue regeneration.

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Lennon , thank you so much for you support!!! i cant wait to buy that milk thing…i think ill ask joetz to ship over some of it…asap.

ahaha fuck i feel so good…its ridiculous. some improvement with that hard flaccid situation…and my "head"down there its itchy in a good way…at least im feeling it.

This morning i had a dentist appointment…and since i got to bed only at 5 30…i woke up…and for the first minutes as always, i pictured myself in this situation…felt sad and angry blah blah and all of the other crap, and then something odd happened…i remember that BEFORE finasteride even when i DIDNT WANT TO GET OUT OF BED, something inside of me kept tellling “you gotta get up…you gotta up”, and it didnt matter how hard i wanted to go back to sleep, i just knew it wouldnt be possible because i had stuff to do…well for the last 7 months i didnt have that AT ALL, as a matter of fact i basically slept the last 7 months away…and almost didnt go to college or eat properly ( i didnt feel the need to eat), and this morning i had that andd it felt so …human.
hhaha i dont know how to explain it, and the urge to eat also came back …now i can only hope for the urge to sex to came back. fingers crossed.

Hi Braziliandud, i am Damian from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am very happy to hear your treatment and update.
And also i am very happy that i am near your Country. In what city do you have the treatment?
Do you have sexual side effects? Autohemotheramy may help this sexual issues?


you can do it anywhere in the world…anytime without any kind of special procedure, thats why its so convenient.
all you need is a syringe 10 ml of your own blood,and thats it. you can do it every other 5 days…here are three videos showing people doing it (spanish sub) video demostración

another interesting thing that happened to me…
woke up yesterday with big white bright eyes…my eyes used to be so yellowish.

This morning i had one of the most vivid dreams ever…and it was cool.
and my tongue was covered with white stuff all over it…i mean it was discusting,i ve never seen that it was seriously super thick…something must be happening in my body, and god i like it.

I’m so happy to hear that you are doing better. Keep us posted on how you are doing


More signs PFS affects the liver (not saying much, PFS seems to affect everything)

I am glad you are dude better. Keep us updated on your progress.

well…i was kinda yellow actually…during a week i started to get very angry…everybody in class…waas like…what the hell is going on with your hands…they were fucking weird and yellow…man i seriously love this treatment…i cant even imagine what is going to happen in the next 6 months… = DD

so your basically removing blood from your body, the reinjecting it somewhere there are muscles? there’s not much information on google for this… one of the top results was from a conspiracy website claiming its a big cure. although, it could’ve not “come over” from europe quite yet…

i have a hard time seeing if this is good or not without much information out there. i also don’t know if it’s safe or not to reinject your blood in muscle tissue since i’m not really educated on it… but if it’s safe, i guess it couldn’t hurt to give it a try…

Its 100 % safe. i cant wait to do it again on tuesday…also i was reading about calcification and everything…heres what i found about it
The two most important functions of magnesium are to regulate the metabolism of calcium in the body and determine where there should be calcium and eliminate calcium where there should be. Calcifications in the spine, joint calcifications, calcifications in the arteries, occurs by this lack of magnesium. Calcifications in the kidneys, calcium oxalate stones occur due to lack of magnesium. Just take magnesium to the patient that he melts these kidney stones, other than urate and phosphate

i seriously think that prople that suffer from…joint pains…and calcification in the penis , would have amazing results just by the intake of magnesium…

so 20g of magnesium chloride…for every 1 liter of water.
and out of this …you should drink 30 ml (1 to 3 times a day) im starting this tomorrow…and im just waiting to get my order of grape seed extract. im really wanting to get better

Please stick to one treatment only, your autohemotherapy. The more you mix the more you are confused. Just stay with one for few months and then try the other stuff.

what i meant was … the grape seed extract and the milk thing(helps the liver)…which im not going to take for now…i’ve started to take magnesium today…and no, im doing autohemtherapy plus taking these two other elements…they are not harmfull and the benefits are huge. the thing about autohemo…is that it forces your body to regulate whatever it is…that is out of balance.(so if you dont have what your body needs…how is it going to work?) so for those out there who dont believe it…/keep taking clomid…and the other stuff…i can only speak for myself, and i must say i already feel SO much better…compared to the shit hole i was in just two weeks ago…i couldnt even enjoy music, watch tv, or enjoy food…EVERYONE HERE whos suffering the physcal sides from fin…WOULD HAVE HUGE BENEFITS FROM THIS…time will tell…its amazing how some people just loveee to suffer.

dude what are you talking about? love to suffer? i tried to research this and there is basically no information in english anywhere on this, the top site on google was a conspiracy site. i’d have to consult or talk to doctors who have worked with what you are talking about since there’s no reputable sources talking about the benefits from it…

Hi, it’s is a very complicated thing, because medicine indutries want to ride that tratament, you just need a siring and your own blood, and what happens with medical class if this therapy become popular???

I know have poor literatury in english because this treatement was discovered in brazil, and Anvisa (brazilian medications regulator organ) proibed it.

I know a guy cured from prostate cancer using that, confirmed by exams and another one lower his HIV virus from 97%.

Since i only have some mental insues from fin now, I will give it a shoot soon.

Brasizilian you are talking about magnesium, give ZMA a try 30 minutes before bad. You can manipulate it with these components:
400 mg Magnesium
30 mg Zinc
12 Mg Vitamin B6

It is very useful for gym trainers, for help the body rest and testosterone production…

and you re not going to find it for real…with doctors…remeberr those are the same doctors who think propecia is awesome and doesnt create what we are going thru! ill give you links anytime, do you want them?

Post the links please.