AUTOHEMOTHERAPY...has anyone tried it? ( heres the whole thing , with subtitles in english) starting from the first video on the very bottom of the page…up to the first one. the name of the first part is…“what is autohemotherapy?”

I think everything i’ve said here already gives you A pretty good view of how this works…some people inject god knows what into their bodies and do just fine…you really think that your OWN blood would do you harm? please…

Sorry, looks like snakeoil and spam sites to me.

youtube? spam site? uhum…

just did my second shot…the guy told me to do it at least for 3 months to see real changes,…but ill be doing it for the next 6 to 7 months AT least…it would be very good for someone here to try the treatment with me…so we could share information…and see if it helps more than one person. however like i said…3 months at least.!! so we re talking about 13 to 14 weeks…COME ON someeone please

Ok so a little comment here…although its been a lot easier for me to get erections…i can get it anytime if im with another person, i can now see the real demage that finasteride has done to my penis, veins all over it ( i;ve never had that)…and i dont need a doctor telling me im going insane,i;ve known my genital for 20 years i know exactly what it used to look like. Less sensitivity, i would say 40 to 50 % of what it used to be. it was like seeing in 3d, and now its black and white. (IT SUcks), i can get pleasure i know that…but its not the same and it fucking SUUUUUUCKS.
Penis when erect…ok so here the thing that kills …i’ve had doppler done, but the guy told me that the one i was getting was usually done just to see bloodflow, then i asked him point blank, CAN YOU SEE CALCIFICATION, OR FIBROSED TISSUE?
he was like…usually yes, bot not normaly (???), so i asked him again as he hold that fuckin ultrasond on my dick…,can you see anything there? he was like…your tissue looks pretty healthy and i see no signs of calcification. Ok i doubt it…and a month later after the fucking exam, i have TWO , weird bumps …that looks like a ring around my penis,and i can see it pretty clear now, and also that my skin that used to be white as shit, is turning into something a little darker and theres a spot where i can see perfectly where my fingers used to hold my dick while masturbating.
and also feels weird, like its made of it used to be…it feels like rubber, and plastic, it has lost a little girth and lenght. how ever that has improved a lot in the past 2 weeks, i would say now it’s 30 to 20 % less then its original size.
between my anus and nuts area…whenever i had an erection i would feel something very strong down there…like if i had powers where i could hold an erection for hours WITH NO PROBLEM. now that part feels weak, and theres no bump right under my nuts where it used to something poping out while having an erection.
No more weird things in my eyes, when i wake up, even if i sleep for 15 hours like i’ve been doing for the past 8 months…i wake up and there absolutely nothing in my eyes, where before i would probably have a ton of that discusting sand that regular human beings produce at night, also no more mucus in my nose and my spit is always white/transparent .

Things that have improved after starting autohemotherapy…
Libido - i feel the need and desire to masturbate or have sex,followed by an erection that lasts only a few seconds, however if i get the opportunity to get a blowjob or to have sex, the erection will continue with no problem.
Digestion - almost 100 %
Sleep - some people were talking about how they couldnt go to that REM state while sleeping…for the 5 months that followed my crash , i couldnt either…and i was sleeping up to 15 hours a day, and i swear to you, i couldnt get out of bed because i felt SO tired and exhausted. Now i can sleep from 8 to 13 hours, however i REALLY sleep, for real, have crazy dreams that look very realistic and i know my body is getting the break it needs.
Hair is starting to fall out again, at a very high speed.
Nails are growing again…they just simply stoped after the crash.
Facil hair is growing also at a higher rate now.
Semen quantity has increased…and its color. However it will turn into something transparent 30 second after ejaculation, and yes im now starting to pump out semen…rathen than just dripping it out of my penis.
Saliva…im producing it again. thank god, and no longer wake up in the middle of the night, feeling like i;ve been walking the desert for a decade.
boogers- i get them every once in a while,where before i had none.
Sensitivty in my b*** H*** , sometimes i had to look down to see if i had pooped , because i would not feel it passing thru me .
Depression/anxiety/imagination/blunted emotions…thats almost pretty much gone. im 90 % of what i used to be.
I no longer feel tired…and i can drive 6 hours with no problem or do whatever i feel like doing.
That hard/flacid situation has improved 60 %…
and thats about it…

OHH something i forgot to mention…do you know when you sleep and wake up with a sleeping arm or leg or hand…and after a few seconds you start to feel that sparkling sensation…and you just know its going back to normal. After i had my crash…that sparkling sensation was all over my body 24/7 with no reason whatsoever…for 2 weeks…and now i no longer have the sparkling anywhere in my body…i only get the pain and i can’t tell when the process of coming back may have started…so obviously nerve demage,but not only in my sexual area down there…ALL OVER MY FUCKING BODY.
gosh why the hell did i take this fucking medication…
well i can only hope for more improvements…the place i was just two weeks ago was a shit hole, and it was scary. so i will continue to do this treatment and start exercising more too…
take care guys

The bumps you describe sound like Peyronie’s. Something I think I have, discovered it a few weeks ago. It hurts quite often too, can be tender.

There’s a very good forum that discusses it. Just google Peyronies forum. Very difficult to shift by the sound of it. When I discovered this a few weeks ago it nearly finished me off, just thought how much more shit can I take?

how come i had a doppler done and the guy didnt tell me anything??? well i just recently noticed the rings…i want that test done again!

Because it happens practically overnight. One day all ok, the next you’re in trouble.

is that totally irreversible?? if its made by calcium…then i would say…its reversible.

This forum will answer every question. They know what they’re talking about.

they were talking about how much girth they lost having peyronies…
Solid Contributor
Posts: 85
Re: Regain girth: it is possible?
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2011, 12:48:33 PM »

Bathmate is a cheap and very reliable water pump which is efficient for me. It added girth, and in flaccid state, penis is more spongy, and it reverse shrinkage.
Believe it or not but traction shows in most of men girth gain, more than lenght gain, in the first months of use.

OK WHAT THE HEELLL? i want a bathmate right now

I HATE THIS FUCKING FIBROSED PENIS! DAMN IT…what the hell,i should;ve just shaved my hair…i can get erections/.BUT IT FEELS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO DAMN WEIRD

don’t masturbate for a month straight

I have the exact same thing man. The ring like bump on each side of my dick didn’t happen until probably 4 years after I stopped taking propecia, but the empty/missing feeling in that area between nutsack and anus has been there since I quit.

now that i have some libido…its fucked up tha i cant masturbate…its awful…i can handle for a few hours…then i catch myself…on those…and next thing i know…im going for the second round in less then an hour. its been like that for a while…ill try not to masturbate for a month…BUT ISNT THAT going to demage even more?? theres not going to be blood down there…doing what it needs to be done…im just confused sorry.

my brain is 100 %…im sharp just like i was before…i can laugh …get sad angry…and even miss some people …the only thing is that im still a little traumatized …and thats keeping me away from everybody…but with time im sure ill go back to normal.
im hoping my dick can go back to normal…or else ILL BE VERY ANGRY.

Some studies about Auto-hemotherapy in english:;jsessionid=0ACF05EAA2475AAA21A6D8718597143E.d02t04

If i found more something in english I will post here, I wanna do with as fast as possible, but I need some nurse to do with on me ;S

i cant say…how much better i am…i am 90 % recovered.
Had sex today and i swear to you…i was H.O.R.N.Y

How’d your dick work?

And are you doing this by yourself or is someone else using the epidural on you?

So it looks like you are suppressing the immune system and getting better, just saying.