AUTOHEMOTHERAPY...has anyone tried it?

this is supposedly supposed to help with auto immune problems, not make them worse.

I dont understand why you (mew) gets so angry at me at times…seriously?? Since my first post I get this attitude from you…its very irritating and pointless, i dont know you ( and dont want to) and you dont know me either… also I never got an answer from you when i sent that pm talking about it, if you think its bullshit, then great…i personally think that most of the stuff you post is bullshit but i dont go around givin you rude short answers…yes i’ve got to respect you because you own this, but you also have to respect me, because you re no better than anyone else here, especially me, so please if you’re annoyed by this thread , keep you angryness to yourself and dont comment here ok? take care…and oh…Mew- hows your glans today? Just kidding…

Please go and do some real research into Finasteride’s mechanisms of action before coming off like that, then post. Here’s a bunch of studies which I and others have already compiled: viewforum.php?f=8

Also do yourself a favor and read the opinions of people far more qualified than us to investigate this problem, such as Dr. Traish, a PHD researcher and professor, and see what they say. Check front page. Dr. Jacobs himself (a neuroendocrinologist) already alluded to androgen resistance as an area of investigation.They’ve already postulated where the issues may lie and we are trying to investigate to confirm some of these areas.

Posting about “self-injecting” blood as a treatment which is already banned in one country for various reasons is, IMO, a red herring and waste of time. But hey, if you want to drum up support for that, and people want to go ahead, they of course can do whatever they want. Too bad you weren’t here to see the fallout from another user’s hyping of a certain Doctor in Greece and his “prostatitis” treatments which were supposed to be “the answer” to everything.

Honestly when I read your posts they come across as uneducated and somewhat delusional, not based in science or reality. However I’m not here to argue with you about it, this is a forum for discussion and we are all trying to get to the bottom of things… unfortunately as I and certain others have always maintained, a qualified research study is the only way we’ll find answers as to root cause, so we can understand the mechanism behind the persistence/hypogonadal effects, so we can identify possible treatment areas.

Regardless, if people want to believe your claims and treatment suggestion, that’s their choice. Personally I’ve seen many users come and go over the past 6 years claiming all sorts of things, and this topic certainly IMO has nothing to do with 5AR2, androgen receptors or any of the other identified areas that are the most likely targets for disruption from the drug.

Good luck.

You have no idea what the “most likely” target is going on here since there hasn’t been anywhere near enough research to make that claim.


Everyone coming to this board: take a good look in the mirror. Where are you right now? Why are you here?

We need best practices symptom management while we look into identifying the cause and creating a treatment that can be duplicated. Until now the success rate for long-term recovery is basically nil and not explainable or repeatable. In search of finding these, there are more likely damages that finasteride did to our body than others, things we can track and do not need to theorize about.

If you believe differently or really believe in a treatment, research it thoroughly, try it out, see if it has long-term effects, then report back after you’ve had a chance to see if there are long-term benefits, ideally no earlier than a month with continued reporting for at least a year.

We could all use a break from dealing with PFS daily, a break from the dark cloud finasteride has put over our heads and into our lives.

Even if there is a cure in the future, we cannot get back the time that we lost. Some anger that should be directed elsewhere is being funneled into this site. New people come to the sight and want answers, want action, and many want others to test their theories with the hope that they will be successful in order to validate their own cure - all without reading up on the research that has already been and is being done.

How many of you have actually read all of the main site - - and can discuss the progress that Mew is talking about that has taken place over the last 6 years?

Perhaps this and a thorough review of all areas the forum is a better place to progress than bickering about bleeding yourself and injecting it into back into your glutes?


Mew, I’m really surprised you can’t possibly imagine that this treatment may well be banned because of a possible efficiency, there are way too much lobbies at stake. That would not be the first time in medical history such a thing occurs. Many breakthroughs were erased from official history, and many searchers were forbidden, hunted, killed for their discoveries. Don’t you know that?

We all know here what is based in science: 1% unwanted effects for Propecia users and return to normal after stopping the treatment. That’s what is based on “science” and that’s what most doctors believe, because they only believe in “science” instead of the reality experienced by human patients. I’m sad you sometimes think like they do. “Reality” is precisely what Brazilliandude has been experiencing those days.

this thread is becoming no more different than the bogus prostatis thread.
I offered $5000 to the first one who can prove his recovery through prostatis treatment in Kos, Greece. So far no one showed up.In reality some suffer even more now but they feel shame to come and admit it here on the forum.
That said, Gusy keep doing whatever pleases you.

sorry i had a moment here

im tired of this…anyone who feels like getting better or at least feeling like a human being again …pm me. not posting anything else here

I TOTALLY HEAR YOU! I will do AHT as I told you but given the mentality here I will just pm my experience with it to you…

Since there is nothing explainable, there is no way you can come to the conclusion that the damages are more likely being caused by your opinion as opposed to someone else’s.

And btw martin, could you please share your expert opinion as to why bleeding yourself and injecting it into back into your glutes is not a good idea?

As in, could you tell us in a scientific way what would happen exactly when someone were to do it and why in our PFS case this would be a waste of time? Could you explain to the rest of us what happens when you introduce blood out of the body, what exact scientific properties take place at this moment? And then from there, explain to us how this blood exposed to oxygen would be either beneficial or not beneficial back inside the body? And please, per your advice, use scientific studies.

Until you can actually prove your point, your pretty much talking about yourself.

This study was all ready posted:

Per this study, it’s concluding that this practice results in immunosupression.

Another post, over at viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6060 says that

So this post is talking about how 4/4 members posted strong immune reactions. And this therapy, according to a study, concludes that immune reactions go down.

Again, martin, please bring scientific facts and study to tell me why this may or may not be doing something to help because I may be missing something and I’m by no means an expert on this and probably I have many mistakes in there. And please actually respond to this.

Hey braziliandude, can you please tell us how your symptoms are? libido? erection quality/strength? ability to get erection? etc…

You insinuate that there are a lot of posts I don’t respond to. I’m not aware of a common practice of this but then again I don’t have time to read all of your factually incorrect statements baiting for a reply.

Again your double talk factual ineptness. I didn’t say nothing is explainable, I wrote that the success rate for long-term recovery is not explainable or repeatable. There is a difference. You misquote, misread, and misstate too frequently Bryce.

I didn’t give an opinion on this and am not going to right now. I stated that thorough review of available summarized material would be more effective than bickering about this treatment. If you believe differently or really believe in a treatment, research it thoroughly, try it out, see if it has long-term effects, then report back after you’ve had a chance to see if there are long-term benefits, ideally no earlier than a month with continued reporting for at least a year.

its so nice to feel like coming back here and giving you angry answers all the time…ahha it shows how normal i am again…it feels good to have feelings, even if it happens with people i dont like.

Martin i think you re cured too…haha you sound no better than a 80 year old granny

Okay, well all intellectual matches aside, if anyone wants to actually do something constructive and take a look at the science I posted above and dissect it with facts as right or wrong, that would be a great help in understanding if braziliandude’s success with autohemotherapy may be worth pursuing for PFS people.

[Size=4]If you really believe in a treatment, research it thoroughly, try it out, see if it has long-term effects, then report back after you’ve had a chance to see if there are long-term benefits, ideally no earlier than a month with continued reporting for at least a year. [/size]

I’m not against this treatment as I don’t know enough about it to form a decision - I wrote about the bickering and nonsense that accompanied this discussion along with the lack of review of available material. Incorrect facts are frustrating and urging others to try an unproven treatment - which brazilliandude does at least 3 times less than 10 days after he first tried the therapy - is irresponsible.

There were precisely 15 hours and 49 minutes between the time brazilliandude posted that he did the treatment and the time he was online urging others to try it. This is simply too little time to evaluate the effectiveness of a treatment. We’ve seen treatments, both coming from the official medical community and from other means, fail so many times here. Many who have tried this approach of jumping on a treatment bandwagon end up worse of then before they started. This is too often ignored in the mania of initial improvement.

By all means keep researching and posting information about alternative treatments along with personal experience. Just try to keep your posting factual and personal experience restrained until you have an idea if a treatment actually works or not.

Precisely. Thanks for another logical perspective on the situation.

so ok…yes i understand what you mean martim…and guess what you;re right when you say i should wait longer. Im sorry seriously i just got too excited because i was feeling great, like a normal person. which i still am…everything is 100% execpt…sensitivity. it seems like it(sensitivity) got better for a few days along with everything else and then …started to get back to shitplace…well i just have to wait.
you know this web site has turned into something very important to me…here i feel like i can talk to people and they wont treat me like a fuckin maniac you know? that why i got so attached…and i was really thinking people would be just a little more supportive or excited about it you know? something that could possible make you feel at least 80% recovered all times? for free?? without having to go to greece or something…and im sorry about my jokes…they were always a part of me and i lost that for a little while. peace out guys, you re my family now, no joke.
ps: not taking back what i said about mew…talking about how MY posts are delusional is not a very good thing to say, since autohemotherapy HAS HELPED people yes SIR, and you mister know better than anyone else here, that money talks , and if something like this was accepted and well knowm, it would be the end of drug companies , such as merck. however i cant explain the amount of respect i have for you, which is clearly not mutual. good night