We have data stored away somewhere showing around 5-10 current PFSers with low Gluathione levels. Of the # that had tested, 100% were VERY low. The th1/th2 ratio and Cytokine activity is of interest to me of late.
Cytokines released by immunological cells during viral infections or cancer therapy produce symptoms of sickness behavior, typically including decreased appetite, anorexia, fatigue and sleep disturbances, retardation of motor activity, reduced interest to physical and social environments, loss of libido, impaired cognitive abilities, dysphoria, anhedonia, and depressed mood
Infections are associated with a specific behavioral pattern that includes hypomotility, hypophagia, increased sleep, decreased libido, and decreased exploration. … Because the secretion of these cytokines is induced by LPS and infections, it is possible that they mediate the behavioral responses to infection.
-"TNF-alpha plays a detrimental role in erectile function"
-" TNF causes a decrease in eNOS promoter activity"
Many of the things that people have had short-term inmprovements from are inhibitors of cytokines as a whole or specific - or help rebalance the th1/th2 ratio.