An update…
I started taking zinc at 50mg a day on celiacs diet.
I think i have started chelating copper almost imediantly, i think this is because i am quite recently off fin, lets convienace said 2 weeks before he got chelating symptoms, he was off for 6 years.
I have developed an acute allergic reaction to dairy, watch this guys it fucks me up for about 5 hours. I put this down to a raised copper blood level which has smashed my histamine, the biggest clue it is histamine based is that cheese gives the worst reaction. The other indication of this is i have a constant feeling of euphoria, which suggests my dopamine is really high at the moment.
I have canned the ox bile, this was not for me i am now taking taurine to increase bile flow, this is deffinantly the one for me.
Lets convieniance was right about moments of hell I think this is fixed by finding the foods that are right for your gi tract. Headaches are killer too.
On an encouraging note i got a spontanaous erection last night, this thing was a bonner, harder than ever and it was induced by libido. It wouldnt go away either, remember those days. I didnt take care off business though because the body expells alot of zinc per ejaculation.
Also my muscles feel like they are “powering up” a good feeling in them. It would be interesting to fing coppers effect on the androgen receptor, maybe a job for tomorrow.
My penis is returning to its normal colour, doesnt look so dirty anymore.
If infact i am detoxing from copper believe statements such as you get worse before you get better.
Also my piss has turned a shade of yellowish/green, could be bile related or the combination of urine and copper, it goes green.
I am not drinking tap water at the moment. If it turns out our bodies are/were not absorbing nutrients from food, water is a huge suspect in the case of where did the copper come from.
Estrogen dominant + tap water + zinc deficient = ? Time will tell.
I will push on either way