Any thoughts

I have been dosing at 3000mg for a few weeks now.
As i noted on another thread i have had a 75% reduction in brain fog. Depression and anxiety have come down.
I have had a small rise in libido of about 10-15%.
My erections come easier and are slightly fuller, noticably the head, but still needs manual stim to acheive erection. The erection seems to last longer, like it doesnt go straight down when the manual stim stops. Sensitivity slightly up.

I am considering upping the dose to 4000mg to see what happens.

Reverse T3 26.7 (23-54)
Histamine 37 (28-51)
Kryptopyrroles 9 (0-10) Flagged as borderline high, so zinc is pretty near going straight through me.

No luck here fellas :frowning:

edit. possibly some luck here fellas :confused:

I would be very interested in seeing your TSH, T3, T4, Free T3, Free T4 levels along with Thyroid antibodies+ Cortisol levels.

3 months ago

tsh 1.10 (.4-4)
freet4 12.6 (10-24)
freet3 2.7 (2.5-6)

Two weeks ago

tsh 2.43 (.4-4)
freet4 11 (10-24)
freet3 5.1 (2.5-6)

will work on getting others

your TSH is at subclinical hypothyroid levels…

Anything over >2 can affect brain metabolism, your thyroid gland is putting it self in overdrive.


I can see how not returning a high reverse T3 would be distressing. Work with anonn1 re, looking into your thyroid ratios. The scientific, and clinical evidence, (and my personal experience) has shown me that T3 is vital for sexual health. I know nothing of your clinical symptoms, but if you have any hypothyroid symptoms at all, I’d encourage you to consider T3 treatment.

As annon1 rightly said, it’s be interesting to note your cortisol levels at 4 different times throughout the day. The thyroid and adrenals work very closely together and we should all provide blood tests that pertain to both.

The picture is not complete, and we need more from you.

Maybe this thread should highlight thyroid and adrenal values?


Todays assignments:

  1. Go to the blood shop and get zinc plasma, zinc protoporphyrin and vitamin A tested.
  2. Ask my doctor about the possibility of having zinc injected directly into my veins.
  3. Suck down 3000mg of vit c…if your not doing this fellas your crazy.

To have a good zinc/copper ratio my zinc blood would have to be through the roof of a 10 story building…i should have thought of this sooner FUCK!!

Stay tunned

Got the tests done…1 day - 3week turnaround.

Cant see my doc to tomorrow…booked out with people who think they are sick but they are not, give em a box of fin and see how they feel.

Zinc taste test : Fail

2nd zinc taste test from different shop : Fail

When i asked the man for another one because the first one tasted good he told me i was extremly zinc difiecient.
I asked him to take one, he did. His face screwed up instantly and he spat it out soon after saying the words “i cant handle those things”.
I then asked him “does your dick work?” he gave me the weirdest, strangest, are you gay look, then said yes.
I smiled and walked away, taking this as one difference between a man whos dick works and a man whos dick doesn’t.

Todays blood tests :

Celiac panel and copper blood.

An update…

I started taking zinc at 50mg a day on celiacs diet.
I think i have started chelating copper almost imediantly, i think this is because i am quite recently off fin, lets convienace said 2 weeks before he got chelating symptoms, he was off for 6 years.
I have developed an acute allergic reaction to dairy, watch this guys it fucks me up for about 5 hours. I put this down to a raised copper blood level which has smashed my histamine, the biggest clue it is histamine based is that cheese gives the worst reaction. The other indication of this is i have a constant feeling of euphoria, which suggests my dopamine is really high at the moment.
I have canned the ox bile, this was not for me i am now taking taurine to increase bile flow, this is deffinantly the one for me.
Lets convieniance was right about moments of hell :confused: I think this is fixed by finding the foods that are right for your gi tract. Headaches are killer too.
On an encouraging note i got a spontanaous erection last night, this thing was a bonner, harder than ever and it was induced by libido. It wouldnt go away either, remember those days. I didnt take care off business though because the body expells alot of zinc per ejaculation.
Also my muscles feel like they are “powering up” a good feeling in them. It would be interesting to fing coppers effect on the androgen receptor, maybe a job for tomorrow.
My penis is returning to its normal colour, doesnt look so dirty anymore.
If infact i am detoxing from copper believe statements such as you get worse before you get better.
Also my piss has turned a shade of yellowish/green, could be bile related or the combination of urine and copper, it goes green.
I am not drinking tap water at the moment. If it turns out our bodies are/were not absorbing nutrients from food, water is a huge suspect in the case of where did the copper come from.
Estrogen dominant + tap water + zinc deficient = ? Time will tell.

I will push on either way :confused:

1 Like

Copper is a stimulant, im finding that out. Dont expect to sleep much.
A b complex will send you straight to hell, yet b6 is helpful on its own.
I have started taking b12 orally it is important to see how i react to this.
I had my first copper shit last night, there is no denying it, this thing was copper, i let it soak in the water for a few hours.
Moly-cu is also a good supplement.
Im in a spaced out state of euphoria :sunglasses:
Complications here are pyroluria and b12 absorbtion issues.

A random question, does anyone have or ever had a pink solution on the floor of thier shower and wondered wtf it is?

Im glad i never took a ssri, this could be a whole nother beast.

I am now taking a liver supplement, the big guys working overtime at the moment.
I have increased my zinc dose to 80mg p/d, cause im tough…grrrrrrrrrrr
Magnesium is good for relieving constipation.
Had my second copper shit, there is no two ways about it…the colour and the smell.
This is a phenomenon fellas.

Zinc plasma 9.6 (10-17) LOW
Celiacs 9 (>4 Negitive
4-9 Weak positive
<10 Positive)

J899 i am like you, so close its not funny

This is an apology to anyone i have offended about my zinc rubbish. I will keep it to my own thread from now on.

I have been speaking to a naturopath this afternoon, not about my results but stuff regarding mineral levels in blood.

  1. With out a certain amount of essential mineral in your blood you will die.
  2. The body does not want high levels of one mineral in the blood because they are toxic, so it stores it in organs and tissue.

She said genrally speaking if you have a high blood level for a mineral you could have a high amount stored in your body, if you have a low level in your blood your body levels could be severly depleted.
Go figure

Calcium is beautiful. Pulled me out of the fire today. 80mg of zinc was to much im going down to 65mg. Thinking about taking a small amount of copper because some of my symptoms are leaning towards copper deficiency, this would be due to the copper in my body being unbound(bio-unavailable) maybe drinking tap water for a day or two might help here.

Taking some copper has definantly helped me, this would make it clear that the copper being released into my blood stream is unusable by my body. I told the man at the shop my situation and he said about 4mg of copper is what i need, i will start with 2mg and go by feel.
Last night my arse just opened up and diarrhea ensued, maybe i over done the taurine. Either way there is absoulutly no arguement my stools are heavily laced with copper, the smell just blows you away.
I had another allergic reaction to a herb i had for dinner last night so at the moment i am limiting my diet to what i know, fish, steak(yuk), eggs, fruit, vegetables, gluten and dairy free cerial, orange juice and brown rice.

Dont let yourself become copper deficient.


What’s going on here? I don’t really understand your recent posts. Would you care to summarise your thoughts and findings?


I have started eating a celiacs diet and taking high dose zinc + other copper chelating supplements + vitamins. The way i have reacted there is no doubt i am juiced with copper.
At the moment im trying to find the right formula so that i dont have to much in my blood stream for my liver to handle other wise you get slammed with detox symptoms.