Any thoughts

These ones:

Ø Most slow oxidizers and all very slow oxidizers.

Ø Calcium level greater than about 70 mg%.

Ø Magnesium greater than about 10 mg%.

Ø Potassium level less than about 4 mg%.

Ø Zinc less than about 13 mg%.

Ø Zinc greater than about 20 mg% is often, but not always is a hidden copper indicator.

Ø Mercury level greater than 0.03 mg%. (see below)

Ø Slow oxidation with a copper level less than 1.0 mg%

Ø Copper greater than about 2.5 mg% on any chart indicates excess and usually biounavailability.

Ø Calcium /potassium ratio greater than 10:1.

Ø Sodium/potassium ratio less than about 2:1.

Ø Phosphorus less than about 12 mg%. This is a newer indicator with less research behind it.

Ø Four low electrolytes.

Ø Four high electrolytes.

Ø Sympathetic dominance pattern.

Ø Calcium shell.

Ø Step down pattern.

Ø Step up pattern.

Ø Double low ratio pattern.

Ø Bowl pattern.

Ø Passive-aggressive pattern.
j899, reading about some of these things you listed above on the site i give you, makes me think some of my stats may be a bit “raw” as in i’ve only been off fin 2 and half months, my magnesium which is 54(25-75) could still be building up, my calcium which is already quite high 73.7(20-75)could be going up and my phosphorus which is 157 (150-220) could be still coming down, although it seems lowish at the moment. It will be interesting to see yours…being off fin for a long time.
The bit about having low sodium/potassium ratio and adrenal fatigue was very interesting, i will be looking into this as my na/k ratio is in the gutter 1.33/1.

why dont you call your GP and inquire as to blood or urine for histamine testing.

An update if anyone cares from one of the “copper guys”.
Histamine is my main topic at the moment and how it effects other neurotransmitters.
I have found multible sources linking high copper to low histamine, which in turn will raise dopamine, serotonin, norephinephrine.
At first i couldnt see how this made sense until i came across reading saying that if dopamine in particular gets to high it will cause your brain to propergate neurotoxin formation. (neurotoxin is the kind of poison a blackwidow spider or rattlesnake will inject into you).
This is just my speculation here, but a potential reason for a crash would be you come of the drug, your histamine is low, causing your dopamine levels to rise, hence men saying they have high libideo etc, during the time they come off and the time they crash, then the brain does what its programmed to do and releases neurotoxins.
Im also finding strong links between histamine, NO2 and arousal, which i will be looking into in the coming days.
I am having a blood histamine test on tuesday morning nzst and im quite looking foward to it…you know a hot nurse touching me :smiley: …na the results interest me more in a way…which is the sad state of our situation. :frowning:
Of note i had some more blood tests yesterday, a couple to eveluate my copper levels, a couple more and reverse t3…my gp is great.

The more information i find the more it shows that elevated copper levels due to increased estrogen levels could be causing all our problems. I will prove it either way so don’t you worry about what ifs and could it be’s, its under control :wink:

In a semi-unrelated topic has anyone had a blood zinc test done? I did a search but may have missed…

Also this is a really loose connection but if you get bittin by a black widow spider one of the effects is muscle twitching…pretty loose though. This has almost subsided for me but when i come off it was crazy…every 10 seconds like

It slightly interests me how many men here say they crashed after a night out drinking, considering alcohols effect on dopamine.

Many studies linking histamine to NOS and arousal. Im not going to post any in the fear no-one will read them…if anyone wants to look… keywords histamine, nitric oxide, arousal.

Im also wondering the difference between nocturnal/morning erections and spontaneous erections because nocturnal and morning are not uncommon for for me but spontaneous are just not going to happen…arousal?

I recieved an email from the head of the thyroid ass. in New Zealand, heres the whole thing…

"Hi Tim

What tests have you had done? What were the results of your tests? and the reference ranges?
The tests we recommend to get you started are:-

  • Free T3 & Free T4 (measures the amount of T3 & T4 available to the cells and tissues)

  • Ferri­tin (not RBC)
    Ferritin is a protein that stores iron and releases it in a controlled fashion - if the blood has too little iron, ferritin can release more, if the blood and tissues of the body have too much iron, ferritin can help to store the excess iron. RBC is Red Blood Cell count - the standard blood test.

  • Iodine

  • Adre­nal Cor­ti­sol levels (if you can’t get a saliva test, a 24hr urine collection is next best)

  • B-12 and Folate

  • RBC Mag­ne­sium and Potas­sium
    RBC Magnesium & Potassium is the blood test for Magnesium & Potassium - Only 1% of the body’s magnesium is in the blood, the remaining 99% is stored in various body tissues, particularly bone and muscle. If blood magnesium is low, cellular magnesium levels will be very low. If blood magnesium is normal, cellular or tissue levels of magnesium may still be low. Unfortunately, tissue magnesium levels are not easy to obtain in living, breathing humans. In all practicality, a blood magnesium test only helps if it’s low, while normal levels don’t necessarily mean anything and may provide false reassurance.

  • Vita­min D (25-hydroxyvitamin D )

  • Reverse T3 (to be tes­ted when your Free T4 is in the upper part of the range with con­ti­nuing symp­toms. You need to do it at the same time you do Free T3 to mea­sure the ratio)

  • Thyroid Antibodies - Thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPOAb); Thyroglobulin antibody (TgAb); Thyroid stimulating hormone receptor antibody (TRAb)
    -TPO Antibodies frequently show up as a sign that the thyroid tissue is being destroyed, such as in Hashimoto’s disease and in some other types of thyroiditis such as post-partum thyroiditis, and TPO antibodies are detectable in approximately 95% of patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
    -Antithyroid Microsomal Antibodies / Antimicrosomal Antibodies - perhaps 80 percent of Hashimoto’s patients have elevated levels of these antibodies.
    -Thyroglobulin Antibodies / Antithyroglobulin Antibodies - Thyroglobulin antibodies (also called antithyroglobulin antibodies) in someone with hyperthyroidism confirm autoimmune disease – but are not formally diagnostic of Graves’ disease. Tg antibodies are positive in about 60% of Hashimoto’s patients and 30% of Graves’ patients.
    -Thyroid Receptor Antibodies (TRAb) are seen in most patients with a history of or who currently have Graves’ disease. TRAb may be:
    stimulatory, in which case they cause hyperthyroidism [TSH stimulating antibodies (TSAb)]
    blocking, in which case they prevent TSH from binding to the cell receptor, and cause hypothyroidism [TSH receptor blocking antibodies (TBAb/TSBAb)]
    binding, in which case they interfere with the activity of TSH at the cell receptor has anyone been tested for this?-i wrote that
    Patients with Graves’ disease tend to test positive for stimulatory TRAb, and patients with Hashimoto’s disease tend to test positive for blocking TRAb.

When not on thy­roid medi­ca­tion:

  1. If your free T3 is high, you could have Hashimoto’s disease, which will need the two anti­bo­dies tests to dis­cern it, or Gra­ves disease, which needs the TSI test.
  2. if your free T3 is mid-range or lower, and in the pre­sence of hypothy­roid symp­toms, you may have hypothy­roi­dism, no mat­ter how low the TSH.
    Gene­rally, a free T4 level at mid-range or higher with free T3 at the top and in the pre­sence of healthy adrenals should be ‘normal’.

My latest copper test

20.2 (12.3-17.3) High

Its come down a fraction (20.9 last time) but seems to be consistently high

so whats the plan for u to do something with this copper level?

Dont know yet

Far out fellas my city just got finasterided by a big earthquake :open_mouth:

Im thinking blood nourishes the body and if i have high copper blood and copper is a known 5ar1, 2 inhibitor its the last thing i want to be high in coming off fin.
So im going to start with some bile.

Eeek, poor Christchurch hope everything is ok :exclamation:

Im a little skeptical of this high copper thing. Its just that it’s too simple, and i don’t think its really a true condition. Still, my Bilirubin level is very high so im willing to suspend some disbelief. Its odd because they talk about the copper personality, which i think is rediculous. The strange thing though is the copper personality fits me pefectly. I read a number of things on the net about controlling copper.

I think it suggested
Drinking water
Eating foods high in Zinc (pumpkin seeds, etc)
Getting lots of vitamin c (but not too much or you will get a copper dump)
Getting adequate calcium (To reduce sides?)
Not eating sugary foods
Not eating foods high in copper such as shellfish.
Eat lots of protein
Reduce stress

Some of this may be wrong, it was just the kind of stuff i read…

A few days ago i started taking super doses of vit c and kelp and ive had 3 spont. erections in the last 2 days and my hair is pissing out, libido deffinantly higher. Coincidence, possibly, but maybe not.

“The body doesnt like toxins in the blood stream so it stores them deep in tissue and organs” - Some guy

Ive been having a closer look at my hair test tonight and something jumped out at me, i cant believe i missed it.
A symptom of high tin, which i have .33(<.30) is testicular degeneration, interestingly enough muscle weakness is also a symptom. Other listed symptoms are eye problems, skin and GI tract irrations(very broad and quite non specific) but enough to perk up my ears. (Im quoting the material that was sent to me from the hair analysist people in this post).

My uranium is also high .16 (<.060)…i could blow something up with that reading…“high uranium is associated with chronic fatigue” accordinding to this document.

The highest of all for me is nickel .76 (<.20). Golf my green named friend we were just talking about this…nickel symptoms(im marked in the red for this), “nickel can hypersensitive the immune system, causing hyperallergenic responses to many different substances.”

I have low sodium 16 (20-180)…“emotional stress”…that one sounds quack to me, but i am emotionly stressed, more likely due to my “situation” rather than low sodium.

Copper…5AR1 and 2 inhibitor, enough said

Strontium is also high 4.2 (.3-3.5)…i dont know where this would come from, but judging by what i read on wiki theres two forms of this, sort of a good and bad, undistingwishable in hair tests…“Diseases caused by excess Sr have not been reported, except for rickets” - they just casually slipped it in there, “except for” …nicely done :wink: :sunglasses:
I guess that gives it something in common with low vitamin d.

I must admit i feel very toxic and radioactive at the moment. Im seeing someone next week, i gotta get this shit out of me even if it isnt the solution to our problems.
From what i have been reading it takes 3-12 months of specific detox to rid the body of these substances.

Of note i do not smoke and am very rarely around anyone who does. I have drunk alcohol once in the past 6 months, zero post fin.

wikipedia says 5ar is involved with bile acid biosynthesis.

Does anyone have any info on this? Or know anything about it? … 0brain.pdf

Histamine is back on my mind for two reasons

  1. It raises dopamine. Symptoms paranoia and hallucinations. Last night i lay in bed and shut my eyes and started hallucinating, much like the old screensaver where the triangle turns inside outside and moves around.
    Also i did not go to the mall today because i was so paranoid that people will know i have something wrong with me, i ended up going but it took me 3 hours to talk myself into it, this sort of thing has become a regular occurance, pre fin i loved going to the mall and looking at the girls.

  2. Its spring here. Today we had a wind that comes from the mountains, passes over the plains, through the city and out to sea. It is typical in my city. Pre fin this wind would drive my allergies crazy, especially in the spring, today nothing, absoulutly nothing. On the other hand i work with food and my post fin allergies at work have sky rocketed.

Obviously if this is a problem for us its not the only one. Im not sure how low histamine could cause penis changes and muscle wastage. It kind of makes sense for me because i have the high copper level.

I have a test being processed at the moment and im hoping like hell it shows something cause im sick to fuck of this.

My advice, based on what is now becoming a pretty comprehensive knowledge of both Westerna and Natural Medicine is dont be quick to rule out vitamins and minerals that are essential to human health and life. I just cant fathom how this is hard to understand. You see vitamins and minerals creeping into Western medicine more and more as the years go by. There is a good reason for it. Its also used now in PCT (vitamin E)…

Your Billirubin is very high. IMO your liver is in distress due to toxins. You simply cannot be healthy without a healthy liver - the liver is the backbone of Chinese Medicine which is becoming VERY popular with good anti-aging clinics. They know their stuff.

Dont buy the big pharma B.S… You guys of all people should know this.

" Just as histamine dominates other neurotransmitters, it also can deregulate the HPA axis by overstimulation of the pituitary and adrenal glands."

Full text:

The Role of Histamine in Mental Illness and its Attenuation with Vitamin C – Part III
Chapter 5: Conclusions, Implications and Recommendations for Further Research

Conclusions and Implications:

The role of histamine in mental illness has been theorized about for several decades, but both the conventional and alternative medical fields have been very slow to respect histamine’s influence in mental health. In addition, the vast majority of conventional and alternative practitioners do not realize that vitamin C has potent antihistamine effects, which can be beneficial in both physical and mental health. Conventional medicine uses pharmaceutical antihistamines to treat histamine-related physical complaints, and sometimes mental ones as well. As mentioned earlier, pharmaceutical antihistamines have several side effects, including many that worsen mental health. It is lamentable that the vast majority of alternative practitioners are ignorant of vitamin C’s antihistamine effects. It is the purpose of this dissertation to convey vitamin C’s antihistamine effects, especially as it pertains to treating various forms of mental illness.

The evidence for vitamin C’s positive impact on mental health is compelling. Vitamin C can act as a mild antidepressant via boosting cAMP levels. Low cAMP levels are associated with depression. Vitamin C also helps produce norepinephrine, which, like cAMP, is often low in depression. In fact, cAMP is downstream of the norepinephrine pathway, which is the pathway that many pharmaceutical antidepressants use to boost mood. Vitamin C also hydroxylates dopamine to help form norepinephrine (Goodman, et al., 1996).

Vitamin C, when used in large doses, can potentially reduce anxiety (Balch & Balch, 1997). As mentioned previously, the brain constantly strives to keep the vitamin C levels constant, no matter how low the levels are in the rest of the body. So, the question arises: how can low or high vitamin C levels affect mental health, assuming that it is at a constant concentration in the brain? A plausible explanation is the following: the total vitamin C pool in the body may become more oxidized than reduced. Recall that only oxidized vitamin C enters the brain, where it is then reduced. If there are not sufficient reducing agents in the brain, then the vitamin C will remain oxidized, and therefore most of its properties rendered useless. Reduced vitamin C modulates dopamine levels in the brain, and can thus act as a natural antipsychotic by lowering high dopamine levels. It also helps secrete oxytocin, a pleasure hormone, thus improving mood. As mentioned previously, “ascorbate promotes myelin formation” (Rice, 2000, p. 214). Vitamin C also inhibits release of the stress hormone cortisol, which in excess for prolonged periods can precipitate depression. It also helps protect the brain from drug-induced neurotoxicity, presumably by its antioxidant effects.

However, by far the most important positive effect on mental health that vitamin C has is its antihistamine effect. This is because, as mentioned before, histamine has several detrimental effects on mental health. Administration of histamine into animal brains reinforced fear memory (Blandina, et al., 2004). It is well known that histamine plays a major role in allergic reactions, and allergic people are significantly more likely to suffer from depression (Firshein, 1996; Ossofsky, 1976). Histamine itself can directly cause behavioral depression (Arrigo-Reina & Chiechio, 1998).

As mentioned previously, histamine either directly or indirectly influences all other major neurotransmitters, often via inhibition of neurotransmitter release (Brown, Stevens, & Haas, 2001), thus theoretically causing anxiety, depression, or both. The anxiety may be caused by histamine’s inhibition of GABA, which slows nerve transmission. The depression may be caused by inhibition of the ‘antidepressant’ neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine. However, histamine can also release norepinephrine (Bugajski, 1984), thus potentially causing anxiety or mania. Stress often releases histamine, which in turn will help release the HPA axis stress hormones. It is known that chronic HPA activation is associated with depression and brain alterations. There is also evidence that histamine activates the calcium pathway more than the DAG pathway (Sarri, Picatoste, & Claro, 1995). There is abundant evidence that the DAG pathway is antidepressant-like, and the calcium pathway may cause depression.

Besides its antihistamine effect, there are multiple sources of evidence to suggest that humans should supplement with vitamin C. Dr. Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel Prize winner, believes that adult humans need between two to nine grams of vitamin C daily (Haas, 1992). Animals who can synthesize vitamin C do so at 45-300 times the adult human RDA, which is about 0.9 mg/kg/day (60-90 mg/day) (Levine, 1985). For a 150 pound human, this would extrapolate to about 12 grams per day, if humans synthesized their own vitamin C. Vitamin C blood and tissue levels decline with age (Lieberman & Bruning, 1997), which is an additional reason to supplement. If vitamin C is taken as a supplement, then other supplementation should be considered, since vitamin C needs calcium, magnesium, and bioflavonoids to help its own assimilation (Balch & Balch, 1997).

Recommendations for Further Research:

Since vitamin C and histamine are involved in both physical and mental processes, this leads to the question of psychosomatic issues with both molecules. Recall that both molecules are also involved in the immune response and pro- or anti-allergic responses. There are three possible links between psychic state and somatic allergy. First is that allergies are produced by psychological stress. Second is that psychological stress is produced by allergies. Third is that allergic exposure can produce both psychic and somatic responses. This third link has been proven in a double-blind study (King, 1981). As mentioned earlier, allergy-mediated histamine release is associated with various mental reactions.

There have been various theories on the molecular basis of mental illness for several decades. The first theory is called the monoamine theory, formed in the 1950’s and 1960’s. It proposes that abnormal brain function is directly dependent on fluctuating monoamine levels (serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, GABA). Interestingly, histamine was not included in the original monoamine theory, probably due to the lack of research at the time regarding its mental health effects. At that time, doctors would most often give only antidepressants to depressed patients, and benzodiazepins (ex. Xanax, Valium) to anxious people. The second theory is the comorbid theory, which dominated psychiatric philosophy in the 1990’s. It was formed after the realization that drugs such as Prozac could singlehandedly reduce both depression and anxiety. The third is the subsyndromal theory, which evolved from the discovery that the vast majority of anxious people have some depression, and vice versa. The philosophy of the subsyndromal theory is basically in-between the monoamine and comorbid theories.

The discovery that histamine can inhibit all other major neurotransmitters suggests taking another look at the original monoamine hypothesis of mental illness. It is known that dopamine tends to be high in psychosis, norepinephrine high in mania, and serotonin low in depression. It could be postulated that psychotics have a dopaminergic-dominated neurotransmitter system, bipolars a norepinephrine-dominated neurotransmitter system, and depressives a serotonin-dominated neurotransmitter system. The fourth major monoamine, histamine, may very well be dominant in atopic (allergic) people. People with histaminergic-dominant neurotransmitter systems could have a very wide variety of mental illnesses, since histamine affects the release of all major neurotransmitters. The biochemical characterization of the histaminergic person may therefore be of interest to practitioners in order to help that person physically and mentally. This characterization leads to the topic of metabolic typing, described below.

In the emerging nutritional science of metabolic typing, people are asked a series of questions to determine what type of biochemistry they have. Some people are slow oxidizers and tend to be sympathetic nervous system dominants. Those people do better on carbohydrates. Others are fast oxidizers and tend to be parasympathetic nervous system dominants. These people do better with more fat and protein in their diet. Too many carbohydrates for a fast oxidizer can bring a lot of physical and mental problems. Since histamine is a stimulatory molecule, it may hasten oxidation, and histaminergic types may want to consider limiting carbohydrates.

There is some evidence to suggest that histamine is involved in creating the parasympathetic dominant biochemistry in a person. The parasympathetic branch of the CNS is responsible for decreased heart rate and increased digestive secretions, both of which are also caused by histamine release. Also, physical tendencies of parasympathetic dominants include allergies and excessive appetite (Wolcott & Fahey, 2002). Histamine is a major cause of allergies and its stimulatory effect on digestion can result in excessive appetite.

Besides its antihistamine effect, vitamin C can help a person’s biochemistry in other, more subtle ways. Vitamin C can be purchased as straight ascorbic acid, or the pH neutral calcium ascorbate or sodium ascorbate. For people who are sympathetic dominants, straight ascorbic acid should be tried, since those types of people may not have sufficient hydrochloric acid secretions. The loosely bound hydrogen from the ascorbic acids hydroxyl group will dissociate in the stomach and help digest protein. Ascorbic acid may also be helpful to balance the blood pH of people with metabolic alkalosis.

Conversely, parasympathetics, who tend to have robust hydrochloric acid production, should try calcium ascorbate, since the ascorbate will accept excess hydrogen ions in the stomach. Calcium ascorbate taken in large doses may help neutralize acid reflux. Calcium is also good for parasympathetics, since it slows down oxidation (Wolcott and Fahey, 2002). Calcium ascorbate may help balance the blood pH of people who have metabolic acidosis.

Other future research may concentrate on how megadosing with vitamin C affects mental health quantitatively. There has already been research proving that vitamin C intake enhances mood (Brody, 2002; Balch & Balch, 1997). So far, there has not been a large study to see if vitamin C alone can significantly reduce depression or anxiety, either in conventional or alternative medicine. There are two main clinical scales to measure depression and anxiety—the Hamilton depression scale and the Hamilton anxiety scale. It would be of interest to see if vitamin C alone could significantly reduce depression and/or anxiety.

Since different people have different biochemistry, the question arises of how much vitamin C is needed daily by a person for physical and mental health. One of the best ways to test how much vitamin C a person needs is to have them do an ascorbic acid flush. This can be done with both ascorbic acid and calcium/sodium ascorbate. The protocol can be varied, but it usually consists of a person taking 1-2 grams of vitamin C every hour until bowel tolerance occurs (diarrhea). The grams of vitamin C are counted and recorded. The final gram(s) that cause bowel tolerance are usually multiplied by 50-80%, and that is the baseline daily dose that the person should take from then on. For example, if 18 grams causes bowel tolerance, than 9-16 grams is the daily baseline amount. If the person is under an unusual amount of stress, or has a viral infection, the baseline can be raised until bowel tolerance occurs at a higher level than before. Again, the new temporary bowel tolerance is lowered a certain percentage until the stressor abates.


The contents of this dissertation have introduced a multidimensional model for the attenuation of histamine-related mental illness via vitamin C supplementation. Both histamine and vitamin C affect the human body on multiple levels. Histamine plays many different roles in the body, including neuromodulation, neurotransmission, allergic mediator, inflammatory mediator, and gastric acid secretion stimulator. When histamine levels are in the normal range, the above processes are usually in equilibrium and functioning optimally. It is when histamine levels become too low or high that trouble can arise. One of the roles of vitamin C in the body is to modulate histamine levels; if histamine levels are low, vitamin C administration will cause small amounts of histamine to be released. When histamine levels are abnormally high, vitamin C acts as an antihistamine, destroying excess histamine and thus bringing this chemical down to normal physiological levels.

In addition to its antihistamine effect, vitamin C has many other actions on the body. Like histamine, vitamin C is also both a neuromodulator and an immunomodulator. In fact, based on the information earlier in this dissertation, it is not an exaggeration to state that vitamin C is histamine’s counterpart and molecular ‘watchdog’. Unfortunately for humans, vitamin C cannot be synthesized in the body, so it must be supplemented either in food or nutritional supplements. If humans could synthesize vitamin C, a 150 pound person would make roughly 12 grams of vitamin C daily. That’s 133-200 times the US RDA (recommended daily allowance) of vitamin C. This statistic underscores the fact that there is a huge difference between the RDA of vitamin C designed to prevent rare diseases, and the optimal amount to sustain physical and mental health.

Sub-optimal amounts of vitamin C in the blood and tissues can allow histamine to rise to dangerous levels. Histamine competes with other neurotransmitters, and excess histamine can end up dominating and inhibiting other neurotransmitters. This can lead to anxiety and/or depression. Histamine sometimes releases norepinephrine and dopamine, and these two neurotransmitters in excess can precipitate mania and psychosis, respectively. Histamine may also be involved in ADD (Passani, Bacciottini, Mannaioni, & Blandina, 2000). Stress releases histamine, which then in turn releases various stress hormones that can result in serious bodily harm if the stress is chronic. Just as histamine dominates other neurotransmitters, it also can deregulate the HPA axis by overstimulation of the pituitary and adrenal glands.

The molecule cyclic AMP (cAMP) is an extremely important regulator of metabolism. Robust levels allow the maintenance of both physical and mental health. Low levels can result in asthma, depression, and possibly even cancer. Histamine lowers cAMP levels, by a mechanism that is not completely elucidated; it may have to do with the calcium pathway antagonizing the cAMP pathway. Vitamin C boosts cAMP levels by at least three methods: directly degrading histamine, synergism with cAMP producers, and inhibiting the enzyme (phosphodiesterase) that degrades cAMP. In this way it can attenuate, prevent, or even reverse asthma, depression, and cancer. Vitamin C also helps reverse asthma by slowing down synthesis of the inflammatory mediators arachidonic acid (AA) and PGF2a. cAMP also inhibits histamine release (Mohsenin & Dubois, 1987).

It has been shown in this dissertation that vitamin C is very beneficial for mental health in many different ways. Vitamin C benefits mental health both with its antihistamine effects and in numerous other ways as well. It is very unfortunate that humans cannot synthesize their own vitamin C. Animals who synthesize their own vitamin C develop cancer much less than humans. Yet the RDA for vitamin C is a paltry 60-90 mg/day, just enough to prevent certain diseases that are very rare in developed countries. The time will come when vitamin C is recommended by both doctors and nutritionists in doses that are appropriate to a person’s weight—about eight grams for every 100 pounds, as suggested by the two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling.


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About the author

Dr. Jensen is both a consultant and author in the BioMedical and Nutrition fields. He has previously written a book on both topics, The Failures of American Medicine, published in 2002. Dr. Jensen has also written a doctoral dissertation on how Vitamin C can reduce stress and allergies via its antihistamine effect. He has worked in a broad range of BioMedical fields, such as gene regulation, cancer research, and HIV vaccine development. However, Dr. Jensen eventually decided that helping people more directly would be more rewarding for everyone involved. He has since helped clients with dozens of different ailments. Dr. Jensen is a practitioner in the field of Metabolic Typing, which characterizes different biochemistries among people based on certain physical and behavioral traits they have.

I thought u believed low histamine was the issue previously?

Do you really care what i believe

He is simply brainstorming a few ideas. Does he have to go with just one avenue of research? Im not surprised he is looking far and wide for answers. He wants to get better.