Antibiotics. An awful dilemma

I didn’t have any really negative experience with antibiotics. Conversely, at some point I even thought I had a brief improvement from ornidazole. I even tried it 2 more times later. It didn’t produce any desirable effect but it didn’t do much harm either. Maybe, that could depend on the type of antibiotic and your individual susceptibility.
And there’s at least one person on the forum with similar experience.

Yeah, I am waffling over life changing surgery to escape life long disability partly because of this. I am also indefinitely holding off on a bone graft. Such is my life.

You can’t just get the abcess removed or cleaned without taking the antibiotics?

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It’s between my mouth and cheek like deep down. There’s no entry point :frowning: unless they slice into my face or cut between my gums and cheek.

Went to dentist today soon ill need my molar and wisdom tooth removed. Until then they gave me Ani biotic mouth wash (even tho it literally can not touch the infection) and I’m crashing off it. My joints are cracking again like fuckn mad and i feel wabbly all over. Its been a while since ive felt this its absolutly the mouthwash. couldn’t image what would be done if I had to take a pill I’d be fuckn dead

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Here’s my toes cracking (gf watching a horror movie in back grund) Wrists fingers and neck are the same

Looks like im going to have to take them. Infection has doubled in size. Pain is almost unmanageable. This is it. This is the nightmare I have been dreading for years. Antibiotics are going to destroy me.

I’m really at a loss. I can’t sleep I’m so stressed mental.sides are raging. I CAN NOT go through what sodium butyrate did to me again. These antibiotics will be much worse than that. I only took a grain of sand amount of SB.

My literal only hope is they remove my teeth and can clean it out without having to use them. But the Dr said if my infection gets worse I’ll have to take them. And now its worse.

I just fucking can’t


For anyone curious about what sodium butyrate did to me

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Not all antibiotics are HDACi. Which antibiotics will they give you?

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Hang in there mate I know how worried u must be, being forced down the drug route it is a huge fear. I used oral antibiotic mouthwash 5 years ago when they grafted my gums and I was OK. I was in a much better position then though with only a few sensitivities. U might ok with it i :pray: for you my friend. Sometimes using things for the 1st time is OK, returning to stuff is much worse, just from experience


I don’t know which they want to putnme on I’d imagine amxicillan. Please tell which kinds are not

Thanks laz. Im using the wash right now although the infection is deep in my gums and the wash isnt touching it at all. I’m slightly crashed on it my joints are popping again. But the stress has me in a horrible derealization/no sleep state. I did not sleep last night for second and my intrusive racing thoughts/images are back. Like having a televison channel flipping in my head and repeated music on a loop. I’m only praying they can remove these teeth without resorting to antibiotics because I can not see that going well for me at all


Sorry mateci can relate. It often feels like a new horrible state but it will pass and you’ll be back to your baseline. How many times!!! Its super tough I know but try to know its not permanent I hope u get through it without the need for a bionics.


Thank you bruv. I managed to drag myself to work. Idk how i do it sometimes


Fighting spirit well done bro

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Please update. Did you take the antibiotics? How are you holding up?

I figured that you already read that it was amoxicillin that I couldn’t tolerate. I was offered azithromycin for the bone graft which I have been holding off on.

I have spoken with someone who crashed from antibiotic eye drops but they’ve fully recovered, just to put it out there.

Haven’t taken them no I’m.still on a wait list for the surgery i need 2 teeth pulled. Been pounding advil to keep the swelling and pain down. There is literally no way i can take antibiotics. That last crash nearly crippled me and put me in a hell beyond my worst imaginable nightmare and it was off a grain of sand amount of sodium butyrate. A full course of antibiotics I may aswell write my will

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do you know for sure that the antibiotics they will give you have the same properties?

Not even the world’s best scientists could tell you.

I know that a severe case here who used more common antibiotics without incident, but worsened dramatically and hasn’t recovered from taking one pill of an antibiotic used for treating a rare skin disease but also acne.

For me, this thread highlights one of the biggest worries of PFS that can’t be ignored.

Well I know I said I’d be off here for a cppl weeks but today something troubling happened. Since my crash my breath has been really bad I just attributed to swamp mouth that I get time to time. Except earlier today i noticed behind my molar there is a hole in my gums that is clearly infected and my gums are swollen and hard. There is no pain but it’s for sure an infection. So I’m back here again. Facing my worst fear. My worst dellemma. I am certain I will be recommended antibiotics. I’m trying to stay calm. As it honestly truly seems like being punshied for something from a past life at this point. Uponnmy recent crash, my break up, my insane symptoms. Now this. But I’ve decided I will simply not be taking them. If I have halitosis forever and my head rotts off then so be it. If there is the possibility they can remove the tooth (which is impacted and embedded in my jaw) I will go through with this major surgery and major financial burden in hopes they can cut and clean out any infection. I’ll endure that pain and bone loss and protracted recovery because im 38 and not 17 whne most ppl have wisdom teeth out.

But antibiotics are simply not an option for me. I think eventually something will take me off this earth and into the stars but not yet.

I feel like im annoying on here and I’m.sorry.


Never annoying. Your sharing the story of your path. I’ve woke up to these holes too. Personally I think it’s the immune system attacking the tissue, its often accompanied by the further loosening of skin which u recently described. .Try gargling with Himilayan salt. Ive been using it lately in small amounts it helps the adrenals too. I used the recommended amount initially which was foolish. Good luck.

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Thank you bruv I’ve been gargling salt like mad. My gums are certainly in bad shape . So thin. Luckily the blood I can suck from the hole seems to be a lot less maybe that’s a good thing idk. Ive just simply decided I’m not taking antibiotics ever and if that kills me in the end so be it. But I wont suffer that crash cause I know it would be the end of my mobility and sanity. Laz you are truly a gift to this forum a we are all so appreciative of you. God speed fellow sufferer on our journey. I will post the outcome of my visit tomorrow

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