7 YEARS OF POISON -- Recovery progress

Im entering my sixth year without propecia.
Things are bad still. Fatigue is almost unbearable and i just decided not to try
Any relationship, not even short ones, as i cant have sex as i had before. My erection is flacid and
I ejaculate under 2 minutes. Also, my refractory period is huge. As you can see, my symptoms can be confused with depression.

I did so many bloodtests, MRI (joints, head, muscles) and other tests that i gave up. Every single test went normal. So, my family and doctors tell me its psychologic. I’ve been 2 years going to a psychiatrist, went in and off some drugs and i cant get better. In fact, its getting worse. Did you have this “phase” in your road to recovery?

hi. you said i will never be %100 back to normal. whats holding you to return %100?
isnt ur libido back %100 or are u still have some brain fog or depression?

Im suffering from 0 libido but my concern is my emotional blunting. I feel like Ive anhedonia. I dont feel the same emotions I used to feel. Did u have this and recovered? but interesting thing is I always feel when I travel from europe to USA. I feel my oldself for a few days. Its so weird. Maybe my circadian rythm changes and release the hormones… I also believe Im having a ptsd more than pfs because I rmember when this shit happened. I used this at december 2014 for one month and quit. just a lowered libido but i didnt even suspect the drug and things had improved. than i started at may 2015 again and I just took one pill, my testicle hurt in 20 min and I googled it and found permanent side effects of propecia in 10 min. I had an extreme panic attack and severe anxiety. it was the same panic like I was in a war. so that means in 30 min, I lost everyting because of this. I dont know if one pill or this severe anxiety the cause of my depression, anhedonia and libido loss. I also have ruined vision too. Im feeling like my mind and my body locked that day to present. I also felt “back to normal life” when i had severe flu. Ive no explanation for these…

To the gentleman that emails me
Please just direct message me

As for your question I feel like
Some of your issues are definitely mental. I have actually recovered 100% and you probably will too
You took finasteride only a few times
You will heal I’m certain
I suffered greatly like you please read my thread
I don’t even think about it anymore but was ready to give up, literally in the beginning
I’m glad I didn’t…

Hi 12345,

I can see that you mentioned testicle shrinkage. Does it regrow in size? Or the size stays the same?


did you recover morning wood ??

12345 is a fraud. His recover story is not credible. Maybe one of the M… guys again. He has not answered the important question whether he has cured his shrunken penis.

To the person who suggested I am a fraud. You have no idea what I have been through. I havent been on this website for so long now bc I am living my life again. I have children and a life and feel blessed to have my life back…Penile changes seem to be back to 100%. I came back to shed some hope for people.

If I havent messaged you back I apologize I just happened to come on here again today to see whats up and if anyone posted anything new on this thread

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I was on Dutasteride for BPH. It has damaged by penis. The damage is permanent it seems. Penis has shrunk by 1/3rd. Shocking, isn’t it! There is a curve in the shape. Loss of mass is obvious to my wife. It is all over, guys. Not sure if the Drug companies have just destroyed millions of married lives like they have done to me.

This drug destroys lives. Who can help…? Who will?

It seems there is a huge cover-up going on. Trillion dollar drug mafia has taken control of the world, is it or I am hallucinating! These drugs are so effective in shrinking prostrate that users have been suffering in silence for years, it seems. OR, i am an unusual case.

Man stop saying evrybody who recovers is a fraud. You should be banned.

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People who gets their prostate extirped also experience a loss of mass on penis. I think that the PFS is on the prostate…maybe the size or their function…but I think that it is located there.

Please comment!

What is on the prostate exactely?
How do you explain insomnia or anhedonia this way?
The different neurosteroid levels in the brain are due to prostate? So, what problem is to be found in the prostate? Have you done some research or have you been to doc to check your prostate? What did the doc say, what does the research say?

You said: 100% recovery is not possible. HM…

If you do not accept freedom of speech, feel free to leave the forum. You cannot forbid anyone saying his opinion. It is all legal.
I helped people by giving information re tests and treatment protocols. Have you done AS well?
It could be useful for the community to share your big knowledge. And you have the energy as you said not to have the severe issues other have on pfs.

If you do not agree with my opinion, just argue why.
But please you do not have to become agressive or nervous, this is not good for your recovery ! :slight_smile:

Feel free to leave if questions make you aggressive. It is not good for your prostate recovery.
I still will comment on fake news.

In fact, the protate tends to grow naturally over time. Maybe, and just maybe, this explains why people with PFS gets better little by little over time.

Also, some users have said that according to their doctors their prostate size is “ridiculously” small.

Also, some users have reported that they have less semen volumen when ejaculating. Do you know where the semen is produced?

Also, many users says that their penis gets smaller. And people who gets their prostate removed their penis have loss of mass.


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That’s makes sense what you have said about the prostate growing and it would certainly explain why some people have improvements and why it takes so long for natural recovery/improvement. I never thought of that before, seems like a logical explanation. I wonder if there is a way to speed up the process and make the prostate grow faster.

I have all the symptoms you described, I took finasteride for a total of 13 days and had tons of other symptoms that could not be explained by prostate issues. This is most likely a chicken and egg situation, where the prostate is smaller as a result of whatever PFS is, therefore we have some of the symptoms of prostate removal as well as other ones.

Please see my initial story, it started in 2011==When I first started posting.

I am now at least 90% better, and back to the normal life I had

It has taken at least three years post finasteride.

I took many different supplements, some drugs, lifestyle changes. Truth is, I cant say any ONE thing or combination of things worked for me. Slowly, very fucking slowly, over time things have gotten so, so much better-and have been back to normal for the last year 1.5 years, definitely.

Ask questions if you wish