14 Day Water Fast - My Improvements

Fasting killed my prostatitis so that is definitely possible for you. But imho you don’t have to do 30 days of fasting, 14 or max 20 days should be enough, because you have to fast more often than only once.

My prostate seems to be totally unresponsive (dead as others say) along with the burning pee (possible symptom of prostatisis) but interestingly in the last 1,5 month it was possible to turn on horniness for me with masturbation and then my prostate seems to work perfectly till I come - it becomes sensitive and produces a lot of fluid. I hope that losing weigh and balancing hormones will help arousal and my prostate in the long run even if directly through overall balancing other hormones. During the fast I will try to get it up maybe weekly just to test things…

I will probably check how fatty I am and continue fasting until the “true hunger” or the development of a six pack and a rock hard ass. :slight_smile:

Hello, Has anyone had any continued success with the water fasting?? brongfogboy started this thread in 2012. Now he has a new thread here in 2015 viewtopic.php?f=1&t=10595. about how he is recovering and its something entirely different

Interwebs, I did my first waterfast when my situation seemed completely hopeless. I would say it saved my life, because waterfasting showed me that there is a way to get better. It rebalances and kickstarts your immune system. Now I know that fasting isn’t the only way to recover, but it’s a very fast way to make improvements (though it’s a tough way).

Really? I’m signing up for one in February, hoping for the best. Whats your routine and life like now?. Also I think they might be on to something in this current thread. You know about the stomach microbes being the cause of the issue and such, you should check it out if you can. It falls pretty closely in line with what the guy on mrfreet is saying about pfs.

Life is much better now, although I’m still having these ups and downs. The thing is that these ups and downs are normal in the recovery process, and after every down phase you feel better than before (at least that’s how it is for me now). I recently finished my master-thesis and am looking for a job, which was unthinkable for me a year ago. I also gained some weigth (69 kg a year ago, now 74 kg) and my digestion is much better.

For me personally it’s clear that this condition is linked to bad microbes / the immune system. But simply replacing them with healty bacteria doesn’t do the trick. Your immune system has to accept them, which takes a long time. I think fasting accalerates this process a lot.

Have you had had you’re stools checked? And worked with dietitians and nutritionists?

how can sombody replace his gut bacteria ?
im eating very healthy lately and i feel better but i want to try to change my bacteria. how can i do this treatment ?


Interwebs, I asked my physician to do a complete stool test, but he only wanted to check for candida and some harmful pathogens like salmonellae and so on. So I don’t know how many lactobacteria and bifidobacteria I had. But there were slightly too much candida. I then did an anti candida treatment, which helped a little bit but not much.

kornilios, I don’t know this for sure, but doing what I did the last 5 months definitely helped digestion and overall well-beeing. I’m taking 1-2 pills of probiotica a day (they recommend taking 4 a day but I think that’s only a waste of money). In addition to that I lay on a accupressure-mat twice a day (front and back). Also taking cold showers / holding your head under cold water, makes your body produce more antibodies, which helps.

My long water fast was a long time ago and I don’t remember how long it took me to get my weight back. If I have 4 days once I break the fast before going back to work, can I expect to look normal by then? I’m rather thin normally and I want to do a 14 days water fast.

I’ve started a 14 days water fast today, after talking to my endocrinologist. I might go up to 21 days. No food and 4 liters of water a day. I’ll have 100 mcg triptorelin injection once the fast is over to attempt to restart HPTA.

Good luck. Be strong.

What are your thoughts on broth fast?

I did a 5 day water fast and it was too dangerous due to my lpw aldosterone.

I am thinking of trying another fast. A bone broth fast. This should keep my electrolytes ok. Drinking a few cups a day.

Do you think a 21day bone broth fast will have substantial benefits? ??

started a bone broth fast today.

I am hoping to make 14 days because that’s how long it takes to starve pathogens and SIBO.

I cant water fast due to low aldosterone. My electrolytes get way too messed up.

Il do 21 days if i can. Depends how weak i get…

Why not get a fecal transplant instead? I would if it was available in Turkey. It’s quite safe afaik, when done in a good clinic.

Its safe and cheap to do at hone
thepowerofpoop.com/epatients/fec … tructions/

i would do it if i had a donor. Im housebound so got noone to donate. Plus i need the donor to be tested and i have 0$

start water fast tomorrow.

I fast till recovery or death.

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start water fast tomorrow.

I fast till recovery or death.

i seen a story in the daily mail online the other day about a woman whos little boy had autism,the kid couldn’t even talk etc,she took him for a fecal transplant and all the kids symptoms reversed,talking again and everything,hes body was full of pathogens,apparently they are using it to treat loads of things,m.s, parkinsons, etc,have a look on the daily mail site,sounds very interesting,theres a clinic in Herefordshire does it,im seriously thinking of getting it done…

Im doing a fecal transplant next week