I was taking Zinc for a while and then stopped. I ran out of pills. I did notice a slight increase in sexual pleasure. I’m not sure tha I noticed much else. There apparantlly is a link between Zinc and Free T in the body. I am just ordered Zinc vitamin pills and will begin supplementing again. Anyone here taking Zinc or seen any positive effects from it?
Zinc is an important mineral in the production of testosterone, and is available in pill formulation at almost any pharmacy or grocery store in the supplements aisle.
Chrysin, found naturally in honey, inhibits the aromatization–or conversion into estrogen–of free testosterone, leading to higher levels of testosterone.
Carnitine, an amino acid (protein building-block) derivative, does not directly affect testosterone levels but has a significant impact on sexual function and depression, both of which are symptoms of low free testosterone levels.
Antioxidants, found in foods like blueberries, raspberries and green tea, also are mentioned by Life Extension to support healthy levels of free testosterone. Antioxidants include vitamin A, vitamin E, and selenium.