After reading JN’s thread I had a look at Zinc deficiency symptoms - many of which I’m suffering from. Also, my albumin is very high which I believe can also indicate low zinc.
Here’s an extensive list of symptoms:
Probably caused by a copper excess induced by Zinc deficiency (Copper accumulates in the body in the absence of Zinc)
Probably caused by a Vitamin B6 deficiency induced by Zinc deficiency (Zinc is required for the activation of Vitamin B6)
Probably caused by a Vitamin A deficiency induced by Zinc deficiency (Zinc is necessary to release Vitamin A from the liver where it is stored)
Probably caused by a cadium excess induced by Zinc deficiency (Cadium accumulates in the body in the absence of Zinc)
Common Symptoms
The individual may have a number of the following symptoms, however will not have all. The symptoms listed cover all ages from birth to old age.
◦White spots on nails (Leukonychia)
◦Weak nails that peel easily (A)
◦Brittle nails (A)
◦Ultra-thin nails (can cause nail biting)
◦Horizontal ridges on nails (A)
◦Slow nail growth
•Hair Scalp
◦Slow hair growth
◦Brittle hair that breaks or splits easily
◦limp lank hair
◦absence of sheen and lustre (A)
◦Falling hair (Cu, B6)
◦Premature greying or reduced pigmentation
◦Dandruff (B6, A)
◦Dry scales on scalp (A)
◦Oily scales on scalp (and eyebrows, around nose and behind ears) (B6)
◦Long coarse eyebrow hair
◦Sparse beard, pubic and underarm hair
◦Stretch marks (Striae)
◦Cracked skin behind ears
◦Small cracks (fissures) in skin on fingertips
◦Tiny blisters on side of fingers
◦Oily skin (seborrhoea) (B6)
◦Dry, itchy skin (A)
◦Rough skin on backs of arms or legs (A)
◦Red spots at base of hairs on front of thighs (glossy skin) (A)
◦Small bumps in skin of side and back of upper arm (A)
◦Acne (A)
◦Boils (A)
◦Warts (A)
◦Mouth ulcers (A)
◦Sore tongue and mouth (B6)
◦Cracks around mouth and split lips (B6)
◦Leg ulcers (together with poor circulation)
◦Eczema (especially around mouth, eyes, nose, vagina, and on hands)
◦Psoriasis (A)
◦Itching in the sunlight
◦Inability to suntan (“china doll” appearance) (B6)
◦Easy sun burning (B6)
◦Brown melanin spots on skin of face and back of hands (together with Vitamin C deficiency)
◦Slow wound healing
◦Fruity body (sweat) odour
• Eyes
◦Poor night vision (Nyctalopia) (A)
◦Dry eyes (Xerophthalmia) (A)
◦Burning and itchy eyes (A)
◦Bloodshot eyes
◦Aching or tired eyes on close work or reading (A)
◦Eyestrain headache (A)
◦Inflamed eyelids (A)
◦Cracks around eyes (B6)
•Sex Reproduction
◦Underdeveloped sex organs (particularly small penis) (micro phallus)
◦Low sex drive
◦Un-gratifying sex in males
◦Reduced fertility in both sexes
◦Enlarged prostate gland in elderly
◦Delayed puberty and late onset of periods
◦Menstrual irregularities in teenagers
◦Premenstrual tension (B6)
◦Heavy menstrual bleeding (Menorrhagia) (A)
◦Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (B6)
◦Small for dates babies
◦Early or late labour
◦Prolonged labour
◦Postnatal depression (Cu)
◦Difficulty sustaining lactation
◦Lack of maternal instincts
◦All girl families
◦Congenital defects in offspring (A)
◦Failure to thrive
◦Infections and allergic illness in offspring (e.g. diarrhoea, eczema)
• Childhood and Adolescence
◦"Growing pains" in muscles and joints (Cu)
◦Hyperactivity (Cu)
◦School phobia
◦Eating dirt and strange substances (pica)
◦Behavioural problems and learning disabilities (Cu)
◦Mental retardation
◦Delinquent and antisocial behaviour (Cu)
◦Reliance on narcotics (drug abuse)
◦Slow growth leading to small stature (A)
•Mental Symptoms
◦Tension and nervousness (Cu)
◦Insomnia (Cu, B6, A)
◦Sleepiness (B6)
◦Irritability (Cu, B6)
◦Aggression (Cu)
◦Depression (Cu, B6, A)
◦Tearfulness (Cu)
◦Reduced mental alertness
◦Inability to concentrate (Cu, B6)
◦Forgetfulness and amnesia
◦Poor appetite
◦Anorexia Nervousa (Cu)
◦Craving for sweet foods (together with a vitamin B complex deficiency)
◦Poor sense of taste (Hypogeusia)
◦Sweet tooth
◦Poor sense of smell (Hyposmia) (A)
◦Poor dream recall (B6)
◦Nightmares (B6)
◦Susceptibility to infections and cancer through shrinkage of thymus
◦Infections of skin and mucous membranes (e.g. sinuses, lungs, bladder) (A)
◦Susceptibility of epithelial tissue to cancer (A)
◦Frequent colds (A)
◦Frequent cold sores
◦Cold hands and feet (poor circulation)
◦Hypothyroidism (low metabolic rate)
◦Fatigue and lack of energy (A)
◦Stuttering (Cu)
◦Tooth decay
◦Loss of bone from tooth socket and periodontal disease e.g. pyorrhoea (red and retracted gums), crowded overlapping upper incisors (narrow dental arch)
◦Fruity odour to breath
◦Slow reactions
◦Nasal polyps
◦Swelling of nasal and sinus passageways (sometimes giving rise to a swollen face and nasal twang)
◦Swelling and closure of Eustachian tubes (gives rise to middle ear infections as prevents adequate drainage)
◦Neuralgia in arms and legs (A)
◦Tingling hands (B6)
◦Numbness or cramps in arms and legs (B6)
◦Carpal tunnel syndrome (B6)
◦Anaemia (B6)
◦Reactions to monosodium glutamate (Chinese restaurant syndrome) (B6)
◦Hypoglycaemia (B6)
◦Water retention (B6)
◦Nausea, especially in morning (B6)
◦Kidney stones (calcium phosphate type) (A)
◦Emphysema (Cd)
◦High blood pressure (Cu, Cd)
◦Accelerated atherosclerosis (B6, Cd)
◦Joint pain (especially knee and hip)
◦Rheumatoid arthritis (Cu)
◦Menopausal arthritis (B6)
◦Peptic ulcers
◦Migraine (Cu)
◦Confusion in elderly and early senility (Cu)
◦Premature aging (Cu)
◦Psychosis/schizophrenia (Cu, B6)