Zinc and Copper

For those who don’t know my story, in the summer of 2016 I went on a low calorie diet and basically just ate vegetables and black coffee all day with a little bit of meat maybe every other day. I was also doing loads of cardio. I eventually Crashed… symptoms include the following:

0 libido
0 morning or sponatenous erections
genitals feel numb like rubber
low semen volume and force
bad body odor
stress incontinecne

Anyways after 3 years of going to many doctors I had 0 answers. I did some blood tests after Dr Crisler said my symptoms can be attributed to low dht.

Total T always comes back between 450’s-650s. but dht was low twice 176 (350-850)
I was looking at my finger nails the other day and noticed I had vertical ridges and two white dots. I read that one of the main causes of low t is zinc status? I was wondering if I maybe have a zinc deficiency causing lowish t and low dht giving me these symptoms?

Maybe. Many of us, however, report worsening of symptoms with Zinc so proceed with caution if you do decide to take it.

I have never taken propecia/finasteride accutane though…however I have almost identical symptoms but they are 99 percent sexual only

I see. I just wanted to make you aware of possible side effects. Did you end up taking TRT to try to treat this? I thought I remembered you saying you were considering it to raise DHT and E2 or something along those lines.

I would never go on trt, as there is no reason for it… Im not over weight, i dont have a pituitary tumor etc… Total t is in the 500’s which is pretty low but somewhat functional…however dht is low at 176 (350-850) I am trying to figure out why total t is lowish and dht is low and I believe its a zinc deficiency causing all this…

1)low semen volume? ZINC is needed for semen

  1. bad body odor? ZINC deficincy. " A diet insufficient in zinc may deter the detoxification process, which could result in body odor. Some other symptoms of zinc deficiency may include hair loss, diarrhea, weight loss, taste abnormalities, impotence, eye and skin lesions and delayed healing of wounds

  2. zinc deficiency = low dht , and low t… taking zinc will only raise them if you are deficient

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  1. I have links of people being cured taking HIGH DOSES of zinc 60mg+
  2. I also have links of HEALTHY people CRASHING taking high doses of zinc
  3. Zinc and copper antagonize each other.

Maybe for you guys, who went on trt you skipped a step in fixing a zinc deficiency by going straight to trt, and it screwed something else up even more?

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start at 4:46

“Serious effect on zinc loss… zinc is highest concentrated in the jaw”

No fap users complain of numb genitals too: maybe from ejaculating too much (depleting their zinc levels)

Let me know what you guys think

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many who have fixed them self claim that they tried all types of zinc, and they felt ZINC picolinate was the only one that helped…

Im not sure what to make of this anymore to be honest…

It’s my opinion (unpopular though it may be) that firstly, your diet was able to trigger the same physiological effects as everyone who took a drug that brought them here.

Secondly, the only reliable recovery stories are time, not diet/supplement related.

I am unsure about the impact of exercise.

I also think that a generally stable environment is best for any time related improvement. Meaning, don’t take high dose supplements, do weird diets or act in extreme ways.

All of those are my opinions.

I used to think that exercising wasn’t going to help anyone either, but anecdotally, I think it may be helping me.

What I am fairly sure of is that Zinc, an antiandrogenic substsnce, would not aid a stable environment and some here have had difficulties with it. We have a long history of people taking antiandrogenic substances, feeling better for a time and then crashing. I personally take the low risk options whenever I can, and that would lead me not to supplement with high doses of zinc.

When people take supplements here, often someone reports improvements, people rush to replicate it and cannot. At that point, people believe there is something special about a particular brand of supplement and then it becomes important to get that brand. If something has a broadly positive effect on people here, it won’t matter if it’s slightly impure - it’ll be mixing with whatever else you put in your body anyway.

Often the original poster cannot replicate the effect.

I don’t think zinc will help you out and may harm you.

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Zinc is not anti-androgenic. It is well known that zinc is beneficial to you if you are ZINC DEFICIENT. If you are not zinc deficient it will not help you and large doses will actually lower dht.

Read this:

“If the patient is a male, I’d encourage zinc supplements, and possibly DHEA supplementation. I’ve had several patients on SSRIs and the above supplements got rid of their sexual side effects.”

99 percent of my issues are SEXUAL only.

The guy supplementing with zinc, first said that it made him worse. 2 months later he says he was cured. He believes his body was stuck in an estrogenic state almost killing him.

Sounds like you have your evidence, what now?


click his username, and read all his previous posts…

zinc picolinate and zinc picolinate only… I prefer to do a hair test before

I do not speak for everyone. I am asking if this would make sense to you in MY case. I never took fin/accutane/ ssri.

can you find me a “cure” from someone putting orange juice on their penis, spinning 3x in a circle, and snapping their finger?

All the “relief” of sexual symptoms I have found have been with high doses of zinc.

The accutane video guy said that it depletes zinc… this ssri guy says he usually has sucess with zinc for patience with sexual issues… I went on a high vegetable diet, low meant. I have ridges on my finger nails, white spots. Maybe we have copper toxicitiy? (high billirubin is a sign) and I have it. Zinc malaborpstion?

wilsons disease?

I have found information claiming the opposite. I am not saying it will work 100% but it sounds valid. No fap users also complain of numb genitals, probably from depleting zinc. Accutane video says it depletes zinc… I have signs of zinc deficiency. (Total T in the 450s,500’s, low dht) ridges on fingernails white dots.

I am going to do a hair test, plus copper 24h urine and blood. As well as zinc blood.

its not only Finasteride/accutane, ssri’s that cause this issue… I have found others who got these symptoms out of nowhere also…

yes FIN is bad and caused these symptoms, however what it did (unknown) is ORGANIC in nature… since we who didnt take fin also have these sides…

This is absurd statement. Time is not going to cure anyone.


You need cholesterol to sinthetize sex hormones, a veggie diet would not provide cholesterol, and hence your symptoms.

I have elevated cholesterol!!

Just got my zinc/copper+ ceruloplasmin results back.

Copper 839 (560-1110) ug/l
Zinc 20.9 (9.2-18.4) umol/l
Ceruloplasmin 165 (150-300) mg/l