I’m positing my exact experience, because there just isn’t enough stories.
4 year time frame. Major sides lasted 2 years.
2004, start propecia for 3 months, notice a limp dick, start some herbs to help with the sides. Quit because fucking the then current gf, a very hot chick was more important.
Waited another year, thought I probably imagined all the sides
Started taking propecia everday again, got sides, limp dick, and for the first time ever, lost interest in sex. I was nailing a few different hot girls… so I quit. Got on Ezantye to recover. I was back to normal in about a month or so. Ezynte worked really at the time. I would get so horny, I would bust it a few times a day, and many more on weekends.
Waiting another six or more months. Thought I could ‘beat the sides’ that maybe I gave up too soon. After 3 months, sides really bad. So I experimented with diffent doses, .25 every day. .5 EOD. Stuff like that. However, I had no dick, no interest in sex, depressed… thoughts of killing myself and random crying. I’m not a emotional guy, so I got off fin
Sides stayed… The next is over the course of two years and half
started taking lots of herbs and sex helpers.
Order cialis to at least have sex.
Was able to perform at first rather well with cialis. I didn’t care about it that much. Liked being horny, so I looked online for other sexual stimulators.
I was this way for a long time. I feel I steadly got worse. Probably for about a year, where I would get super horny because of the hurbs. Also I used Cialis to help me perform. After the first year. I got into a routine of herbs, and cialis. I was ok with this. Things keep getting worse. I had no interest in sex, my dick was a very sad dick. I started taking some T boosters like Tribex and Tribulus. Each 1 full bottle
Finally after just not getting any better I saw my doc, who did blood test and said everything is fine.
He said I might be depressed… I never saw the blood work.
I kept a solid 2 tablet tribulus in the morning, and a ocassionaly single ZMA tablet at night. With various sex vietimans to try to perk my interest. I was meaning to do ZMA every night.
*** now this is retarded but this is what I thought. If my Test is indeed low, and propecia bumps it up… maybe it will bump it up back to normal. **** yes I know. I start taking it for about less then a month with a .25 tablet every four days. I was still not into sex with my gf, but I looked at some porn and ocassionaly and would wack it. I quit taking propecia the moment my sperm became wattery.
moving on, I’m tired of turning my gf down for sex, or telling her i’m not in the mood. I finally confess to my girlfriend that I have sex problems. She says she understand.
I read somewhere, that some ED is resolved after consistantly taking cialis or viagra for several months. So I started cutting up my cialis into two parts. 2x .5 tables per week. At thsi point I was after anything that would keep my dick hard. I enjoyed holding my own hard dick in my hand. I enjoyed waking up with a big stiff erection. Getting a borner jerking off to my hard dick made me happy. Knowing I had a full erection.
I read about and ordered Aspire36, one full bottle. It work really well for me. Its cheap enough per pill, works quickly, and last about two days. I’m happy I have found this.
I have almost accepted my fate as a pill poping borner guy. If I can find something that turns me on, and something that lets me perform. Maybe thats the best I will ever get back to being normal.
One night, i look at my girlfriend and she is just too fat for me. I don’t like her, I don’t like being around her, and I certinly don’t enjoy fucking her. I also don’t like going to work, I don’t like going to sleep, because that means I have to go to work. I have life problems…
This entire time, i’m still hitting the gym, I eat ok… I drink sometimes.
A old flame calls me up, and she is super hot. She is skinny. For the first time in a while I feel a tingle. I’m getting aroused.
The end…
anyways… I think my body got much worse before he has started to get better. I would say at least under two years. I had a long period i felt my body just shut off my sex drive. Cialis stoped working, and everything was going down hill.
Hope this help. Two years is a long time. I hope its over…