Working TRT protocol found!

This is for guys who’re using testosterone injections. If you haven’t used any steroids, I strongly recommend that you try the Proviron protocol before committing to TRT.

I’ve been on TRT for more than 2 years now. I’ve been using testosterone enanthate, but I’ve had a problem with stabilizing the condition. The condition would improve drastically now and then, and it would last for days or weeks before crashing hard - and this happened over and over again. My record was 3 weeks. I realized that it was a problem with estrogen dominance that caused this, so I began experimenting with more frequent I.M. injections to avoid heavy aromatization. It improved the condition somewhat, but it wasn’t until I changed the protocol to include testosterone propionate (ethyl oleate) S.C. injections that it really made a difference. I’ve been experimenting with low dose injections, once a day before bed - to mimic the natural rhythm as much as possible - and I can tell you it’s working. It’s not completely stable, but close.

My protocol

- Testosterone propionate (ethyl oleate), 10 mg once a day - injected subcutaneously in the thighs. Ethyl oleate, the oil, is almost as thin as water! The injection spot is gently massaged afterwards, to help with absorption. I’m injecting the thighs, because it seems as more blood is flowing down there. Injections on the stomach, would often leave painful lumps for a day or two. Testosterone oils are supposed to be injected intramuscular, but a Canadian study shows that low viscous oils may be injected subcutaneously as well.

- Andractim, it’s essential, and the protocol won’t work without it. I’ve been rubbing a small amount on my penis once a day, before bed - and it induces morning erections; the most important indicator of an optimal androgen/estrogen ratio. We’re dealing with estrogen dominance, and for some reason, the body isn’t converting enough testosterone to DHT. I don’t know why, but this study shows that estradiol (17beta-E) is a powerful 5AR Type 2 inhibitor, so it may be the explanation. There is no problem with the DHT = 3a-DIOL conversion! Clean the skin with an alcohol swab, and rub the gel until the skin is completely dry. It’s supposed to increase libido within a little while. If it feels like you’re impotent, you have overdosed. It’s very androgenic, so be careful with it around women!

- Cialis, I take one pill (2.5 mg) once a day. However, it may accumulate and cause side effects after a while. Pause the treatment for some days if that happens, and start over again. I usually need some days break every month. Brain fog and headache are side effects in my case. Cialis doesn’t work if your testosterone/estradiol ratio is bad, but it does increase the erection quality when it’s good - which suggest that we do have a problem with NO/cGMP deficiency.

- Dostinex. Prolactin increases along with the estradiol level. This increases the refraction period, and I’m using 0.25 mg to lower the prolactin level when my refraction period increases.

As you can see, the protocol works. I do have a problem with estrogen dominance. There isn’t a problem with the DHT = 3a-DIOL conversion.

I may add that estrogen dominance is where it all begins when it comes to side effects from Propecia, at least the sexual side effects. This is probably why people here don’t respond normal to TRT, and why Andractim is needed. Take a look at the study which shows that estradiol is a potent reductase inhibitor. We’re talking about 60% inhibition here! There is no wonder why we’re having a hard time recovering, if that’s the case. Avoid aromatase inhibitors.

What is your story with Finasteride?

What persistent symptoms did it leave you with?

And how have they improved?

Oh, god. I can’t go through this again, at this moment.

Short answer, Propecia fucked me over - hard, within 4 months. It left me with symptoms of estrogen dominance and secondary hypogonadism. This includes loss of morning erections, impotence, gynecomastia, shrunken testicles, loss of some body hair - and a lot of other symptoms! Blood tests supported this.

Everything has improved with treatments. I’m feeling a lot better physically and mentally. I’m able to induce morning erections with Andractim. If you have morning erections, it means that the androgen/estrogen ratio is optimal, and this affects the whole body. I have libido, and I’m able to have good sex, despite the fact that I have a problem with the glans. Luckily my foreskin is a bit tight, so it acts as a cock ring for the glans. After Propecia, my glans is always soft, no matter how hard the rest of the penis is. However, it has improved with kegel exercising, and I believe that it’s caused by atrophied penile muscles, as a result of the drop in testosterone during treatment with Propecia.

when you apply Andractim sete hair loss??

Andractim will create a more androgenic environment, and thus it may aggravate hair loss. However, you’re supposed to use it locally. If you apply it at your penis, and your scalp begins to itch and tingle, you have applied too much.

If I mix androctim finasteride and what could happen?

Loading up on trt and various meds for the rest of your life when many of us have good natural T is not a cure.

I’m beginning to think this user account is for spam/trolling.

I just think he has very poor English skills and is using Google translate which is screwing up what he’s trying to say.

But what can i do if my estradiol is ok but my testosteron is low?

Try the Proviron protocol.

what about your free testosterone? almost all of us have low normal or below normal free T regardless of normal or high normal total Testosterone.

where is the study for Estrogen being inhibitor of 5ARs and why Avoid aromatase inhibitors?

10 x 27.6 / 11 = 25.09

The free testosterone index was 25.09 at that point. Normal range is 2.3 - 9.9.

Influence of estrogens on the androgen metabolism in different subunits of human hair follicles.

17beta-E is estradiol.

I suggest you avoid aromatase inhibitors because they’re extremely potent, and you’re likely to experience a lot of unpleasant side effects which it may take some time to recover from.
It’s better to use steroids.


Your estrogen may be ok and your body may not want to increase it so it could have lowerd testosterone production. This is why your estrogen is ok but your test is low.

A change in the ratio of test to estrogen.

HCG can increase estrogen even more. So forget that.

Before you mentioned when you were using proviron that it only seemed to work when your T / E ratio was not too bad. Looking at your blood tests your t/e ratio does not look perfect. Why do you think the DHT is working now?
