Woods' Member Story

Hi everybody

My name is Morten, I am from Denmark and I am 22 years old.

I am one of the victims suffering from taking Propecia. I just wanted to share my story with you as it has been so far. It is mostly positive, so I think it is interesting for you to read. I won’t be posting the full story at this point, because I am busy today, but I will follow up with more details on how I got to the point where I am now and how things will work out in the future. I am primarily doing this because of you guys. I remember the first long period after quitting the drug, where I was pretty much in hell. I didn’t know what to do, and it was like a had no future. But there is! And I actually think that there is a good chance that you may recover from this, if you treat your own body well. My english is not perfect, but I hope you’ll understand what I’m writing anyway.

So, this is my story:
As many people in here, I couldn’t accept the fact that I was loosing hair at the age of 21, so I started taking Propecia around february/march 2011. Soon after I started taking the drug, I got side effects. Therefore I stopped after only a week. After a week off the drug I started on a lower dose, 1/2 pill, but it still gave me sides. Last shot was to go with 1/4 pill which worked out pretty well. I still had some sides but compared to my hair loss problem at that point, I could live with them. I continued on this dose for some months until the start of july, where I stopped taking it for a week when I was at Roskilde Festival (big music festival) where I had the possibility to get laid. After that week when my side effects disappeared, I felt a big difference in my body. It was like I had forgotten how much more energy and lust I had before starting on this stupid drug (Propecia). As stupid as I am, I started on the pill when I came home from festival but quickly realized that there was no future in it. My sides returned again immediately. I thought to myself that I, at some point, was going to loose my hair anyway, so I quit again after a week, assuming that I would return back to normal. But as you can probably imagine… I didn’t!

A rough period of my life started: Extreme fatigue, crappy sleeping, a mild brain fog (compared to other guys on this forum), no lust at all, no interest in life and women, very seldom erections. If I watched porn I could barely get an orgasm (a weak one) and my semen was reduced and watery. My testicles were also remarkably smaller than before. After probably a month or 2 after quitting, I started having pains in my prostate area and I also started having pains in testicles and the area between my abs and penis (i think it’s called “groin”?). My digestive system was barely working which resulted in hard stomach. Things were not so bad in the beginning but got worse 1,5-2 months after quitting and peaked around middle of september.

In the first period just after quitting, I ate normal food (fast food, soda, candy and of course also healthy food). I drank alcohol almost every weekend while not paying attention to my body. After a 1-1,5 month after quitting I read some posts on this forum. I also thought there was a little chance that I might have got Candida Albicans (yeast infection in body and sometime prostate). I began on a very healthy diet with no sugar, no bread and no alcohol. I ate lots of vegetables and meat and I almost only drank water. I didn’t even eat sweet fruit like raisins, banana, orange and stuff like that. Also no juice. This was to treat my body well in hopes of getting better. Also the way to get rid of candida is to follow this kind of diet with no sugar and alcohol. I wanted to try everything, so I a gave it a shot. It did work. I had problems in the beginning of the diet where I felt awful, but then I started to improve around middle of september.

I bought a quality bed and a good pillow because my sleep was crappy. I didn’t have any dreams and I couldn’t get up in the morning. Slowly I started to dream more and more. In the beginning it was only nightmares, but at least I was dreaming.

Today, 2 months after starting on diet, focusing on sleep and exercising, I feel much better. My penis works much better. Much more lust. I can get an erection by thinking of girls. I have some returning pains in my prostate sometimes but NOTHING compared to the pain I had in september. No pain in testicles and groin. This last week I have had a great sleep. I am starting to have good dreams and sometimes even naughty dreams. I have more energy, I can act socially with my friends. No brain fog. Much better digestion.

I have good and bad days. Some days my penis works much better than others. The improvements are VERY slow and sometimes it doesn’t seem like if there are any improvements. But I feel so much better compared to two months ago. I even had sex with a girl. It wasn’t that good and I didn’t have an orgasm, but she liked it and my penis worked okay.

My conclusion is to have PATIENCE and discipline. I was in HELL too - thinking that nothing happened at all. Don’t fill your body with other drugs before you are absolutely sure that it won’t recover by itself. I think that by taking new drugs, you will “disturb” the body and make things worse. Maybe I am not right about this, but at least it is what I feel.

I will leave my computer for now and come back to answer questions and post updates on how my recovering is working out.

Good things come to those who wait. Eat healthy, focus on sleep and workout (also leg-training).

Kind regards

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Good post

Keep up the good work

and PLEASE continue to come back here and post your updates.

I like your dedication, it’s found very seldomly i’ve found.

Mens rea- as much as one deserves praise for managing to stick to a strict anti candida diet (great effort btw woods) you say that as if there aren’t countless users on this very forum that have been incredibly patient and dedicated there whole life to the problems that finasteride has caused.

Please do stick around ‘Woods’ as it is very interesting to see people make positive progress/ recoveries if they still suffer side effects after 4-8 months off the drug.

So I have a short update on my recovery so far. I wen’t off diet and stopped training, and I feel huge difference. I’m not 100% back to where I started, but some of my sides have come back.

I will begin my workout and healthy diet from tomorrow and give you an update on how things are working out.

Thank you for posting this!

For god’s sake… why is nobody getting better? :cry:

How did you get propecia in denmark? I thought saw palmetto was banned there. I would think no doctor would prescribe propecia if you can’t even get an herbal supplement which is less dangerous.

it seems when you stop doing diet and work out that you get worse. I have heared similar stories from other guys who did a diet and work out and once they stopped it got worse.
I am just asking because we couldn’t be on a strict diet for life. It is really frustrating.

Need to do it much longer, that’s why. I am definitely doing much better now than i was before doing hill sprints, pressups, situps & squats every morning for 3 months (and this was 3 months ago!). This pretty much resolved my vision & digestion issues that’s for sure. Keep going woods

have your sexual side effects also improved through your work out?

yeah, i have the exact same experience. whenever i get off my diet, my sides come back. although i’m getting better over time as i stay with the diet.

No, but sure these are prostate related, requires something different.

A quick update:

I have to admit that the plan of going back on diet failed. I didn’t manage to keep away from all the Christmas stuff, but that’s going to change now. :slight_smile:

I have gotten a lot better since i stopped taking propecia and I have much less ED. The things that bothers me mostly is:

  • Difficulties getting up in the morning (tired first part of the day)
  • Bad digestion (it was much better when i was on diet)
  • Up and downs regarding sexual desire
  • Problems with prostate, which I fear quite a bit

My prostate seems to grow a bit and get quite sore. I fear that it might be serious (cancer or something like that). I am going to visit my doctor (but he is an idiot, so I fear that he might blow me off again). As I can see many people in here have problems with prostate, but it seems like that’s mostly shrinking problems?

I must admit that I start to appreciate the life that I have now - despite of the sides that Propecia gave me. Right now I just beg that I haven’t got any serious stuff going on with my prostate.

A good tip for you guys:
I play music (drums) and actually I found comfort in concentrating on music in order to forget all this bullshit going on with my body. If you have any kind of hobby, try to stick to it - it will make you feel better.

Yes, I play the drums too! And it has helped alot, but it has helped to keep me optimistic, i probably have a problem with my PC muscles but no one know whats wrong with me!

Hi people

I haven’t been on the forum for almost a year since my last update on this topic. I promised myself that I wouldn’t get too involved in the forum since it has a huge impact on my mood.

It has been about 2 years since I stopped on propecia and i started suffering from PFS. I owe you guys a short update on my progress so far. Forgive me for my bad english.

The last year has been the best of my life so far, which may seem as a paradox. Somehow I’ve managed to “forget” that I suffer from propecia and that has helped me a lot. It seems that forgetting about bad sleep, ED and low libido - which has been my primary problems after stopping propecia - seems to actually help on the symptoms. I think that 20-25% of my problems were actually in my mind (my thoughts) which made everything a lot worse. Getting off this forum made a huge difference.

So how am I?
Sex has gone from SHIT to OK and my new girlfriend seems to be satisfied :slight_smile: I still a have bad days, even bad weeks but then things get better again for a period, then back to bad again - and so on. Over the last year it seems that I’ve been improving a lot. It has been 1,25 step forward, and 1 step back so the process is very slow and hard to recognize.

At the moment I seem to get almost good sleep. I still have problems getting up in the morning though, but that’s a small problem for me. To help myself falling asleep I take “prometazin” which we call it in Denmark. It is some kind of antihistamine. I take a half pill each night a couple of hours before I go to sleep and it helps a lot on your sleep. Try it! In the beginning it makes you really tired and a little dizzy in the morning but after a week the side effects of prometazin goes a away.

I started playing basketball almost a year ago - 1-2 practices each week. In the beginning it was really tough and I had a lot of muscle pain after each practice, but it is starting to get better now. I think that running (or playing basket) helps a bit. I recently began working out which helps on my libido. I also TRY to eat healthy food as much as i can, but I am not that good at it. I try juicing once a week and cut down on carbohydrates. Sometimes I eat vitamin D, calcium and magnesium but I cant really figure out if that has any impact on my situation.

I try not to masturbate / have sex too much since that makes things worse. I don’t do it more than once a day. If a take a break from any kind of sex for like 2-3-4 days it helps a lot on my libido and ED, so I try to do that sometimes.

I don’t have pain in my prostate anymore, which is a huge relief. No headaches anymore. The only problem which worries me a little is the digestion. I often have diarrhea, but even that seems to get a bit better over the time.

All in all I am satisfied and I believe that I will get back to normal some day in the future.

My recommendation is to start forgetting about PFS, try to stay away from the forum as much as possible, since it has a huge impact on the mood, as I mentioned before. It may be difficult in the beginning, but it is the only way to start feeling better inside. Don’t think too much about what you can do, what kind of medication or food that you can eat to get better. I think that the only things that really help is TIME, PATIENCE and POSITIVE THINKING.

I know that I may be lucky compared to some of you guys, but trust me, I also have been down that hell hole - suffering from anxiety, brain fog and several physical problems. I’ve even been crying sometimes because of my situation. But none of that has helped me. Forgetting about the situation and starting to think of other things has been the only thing helping me - even in really bad times.

The only reason I got on this forum today was to post this to you guys, because I owe that to you. I will go off again and I probably won’t go online again for a while, so I won’t be able to answer any of you, if you reply on this post.

I wish all of you the best of luck.


Quick update:

Had a tough winter with lots of digestive problems. Went to the hospital like a million times to be checked and scanned (colonoscopy, MR scan, gastroscopy etc.). Nothing to be found. Luckily I am doing a little better now - maybe because of better sleep.

My sleep has been improving a lot since I began taking Mirtazapine. I started taking 15mg every night before bedtime, but I cut it to 7,5 mg, which is much better. Mirtazapine seem to give me a bit of joint (and muscle) pain, but I can’t figure out if it’s the pill or another factor. Please reply if you have experienced anything like this. I can’t “afford” to skip the pill, because I really need my sleep.

Libido is overall improving: About 80% now. Almost no ED - I still have small problems with “arousal” / being horny… (i don’t know the word in english).

Overall I am happy as things are now. I know that I will get back to normal one day.

I don’t visit the forum so often. If you have any questions or need someone to talk to, feel free to contact me through the forum.

Best of luck to you all.


If somebody believes this is not a cleverly sponsored post like many other “success” stories, he is naive.
Until someone shows me authentic bloodwork before and after the “recovery” or “significant improvement”, I don’t believe sh!t, especially when people talk about “patience” and “healthy lifestyle” .

^^ What difference does it make? There are lots of men around here who have very healthy hormonal profiles, sky-high T etc but still suffering. You can’t prove a recovery just as you can’t prove PFS to the doctors when your blood tests return fine. It’s your choice to believe it or not but blood tests often don’t mean shit.

Where are all those “lots of men” of over-a-year-fin usage guys with over 500T + normal SHBG, LH, 3G naturally?
Please share ALL of their posts, I can’t wait.

^^ Well, why would I share ALL of them? Just, look around. I’m sure you’ll find many people who have normal blood tests. I’ve seen a lot, won’t bother to find and post them here for you. Here’s a hint: google.com.tr/webhp?sourcei … om&spell=1

One of them -normal blood tests but still got symptoms- is me, anyway. And this guy hasn’t used it for 1 year, so what’s the point?

If abnormal blood test results were the problem, fixing the hormonal profile would solve PFS. So here’s the cure.