Woods' Member Story

  1. You found ONE (with 8 posts). Or two. This is definitely not the majority.
  2. Most of the guys here IMHO do suffer from low T / high SHBG / low DHT, and most of them who bet high DO have good experiences with TRT at first, but not for a long time. So the problem might be hormonal, yet it seems like no meds can deal with it OVER TIME, a well known issue even for those who suffer from low T with no fin history.

So I just wanted to update my story after 5-6 years of living in hell.

All side effects have vastly improved. I’m not taking any medicine.

ED = Gone
I have PERFECT erections today without any problems.

Libido - 90% of normal

Sleeping - Great improvements (85% of normal)

Improvements regarding my prostate problems - almost no problems anymore

Hair starting to fall off again - which is good… I guess

The only thing, that I have problems with is the digestion. It has improved a lot during the last 6 years, but it is still not there.

I only wanted to post this because I want to let people know that there is hope for the future! The body can recover itself.

Exercise (not too much), get as much sleep as you can, eat healthy, stay positive AND PATIENT.


I think the same and I am experiencing the same. Best of luck, let’s enjoy life.

Hi guys.

Quick update.

Not as good as I used to be. Although since 2010 I’ve still improved a lot.

Still problems with bacterial prostatitis/painful bladder/pain after peeing. I’m positive that this is due to fungal infection.

My GI MAP results say I have high levels of bad bacteria, parasites and fungi in the intestines. Working on that now through a diet. Hopefully it can reduce symptoms with loose stools and prostatitis.

ED is close to gone, but libido still not perfect. Although, at this point I don’t see sexual sides as a problem.

Still problems with gaining muscle. Still fatigued. Especially after orgasm.

Sleep quality not perfect but OK at the moment. Reduced work stress greatly improved my sleep after the last 2 years on and off zopiclone.

Mentally I’m OK. No severe brainfog except for bad days.

I live a decent life despite all the sides that I am struggling with. Just became father of two healthy twin girls.

I just hope that I can stay alive to see my girls grow up.

I want to encourage people to donate for the research in PFS. This is the only way forward :pray:

Hang in there, friends!

Feel free to contact me for any questions.


WOW! Thanks for the update after so much time! It’s encouraging that your ED improved.