Who is actually doing the 200mg/day proviron cycle?

I don’t want to hijack this thread since it’s designated for only the guys who did whole 200mg for~50 days. But no, I can’t say that I feel the hormonal pump yet. A key sign that I’m really waiting on is my male body (underarm) odor to come back. I know that sounds gross, but it’s something every guy is supposed to have after puberty.


Im completly with you on that, when I had windows of recovery one of the most interesting thing was to smell me again, the same.odor I have had alll my life. Can you develop more your body composition changes?

Fat loss (no diet changes). My gyno has improved significantly. It’s almost non-existent now, which is awesome, but I know it has a strong tendency to come back if hormones get too far out of wack again or if - notwithstanding hormone levels - PFS remains.

My upper rib cage and lats have started to look wider, providing a semblance of my old physique. Abs look more defined too. My exercise regimen since COVID-19 hit (light jogging about 3x week) has not changed.

What’s encouraging is that these changes only started taking place in the last two weeks (after the protocol ended). However, I’m a little discouraged by the aforementioned lack of libido and BO).


Ah, well, there’s a little difference in me answering what I do and advising YOU what you should do, if you see. If I had any advice it’s let me take the hit and see if it works (I don’t know if it will tbh) or if it doesn’t, and most of all if it does any damage. Then make a slightly more educated guess on what you think is reasonable to do. I don’t necessarily want to encourage you into things if you get me.

But I do exactly as pal did. 200mgs in one dose every day in the morning. And yes mine are 25mg each so I also take 8.


Since the original thread is closed. Anyone who did the exact 200mg protocol and completed it, please report your results here.

I will going to use proviron for a month at 50mg which will be my second cycle. And see how it goes. After that, if i don’t see any major improvements, i will going to do the @pal’s protocol even though im (was) a very mild case. It is enough for me to live like in this nightmare. I won’t wait anymore. Whatever happens will happen. I will use and try anything to get recover from now on.


Good luck bro, as always keep us updated :wink:

Any updates from people doing 200 mg proviron protocol? Any good news?


Maybe a bit early to ask, it’s been only 4 days :wink:
I’m sure if there would be anything significant they would share it.

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Just to get a clear picture:

We took fin, it lowered our DHT and that forced our AR to become more sensitive.
Then we stopped fin, we had a raise of DHT which was too much for our AR as they were too sensitive so our body reacted by changing our whole hormonal and body chemistry to balance with those sensitive AR…

So the idea here is to take exogenous DHT (Proviron), have our body react the same way it did when we had too much DHT for our sensitive AR (it made pfs) but this time the body cannot shutdown the DHT levels as it comes from outside so eventually the AR will become less sensitive until reaching normal sensitivity. When that happens, we stop or tapper down Proviron and with less sensitive AR the body will produce (in theory) more T and DHT and all the other hormones and chemicals will rebalance just like it did before we had pfs.

In this scenario, we have to go through a second pfs crash as our body will react to increased DHT targeting oversensitive AR just like it did under the initial crash, hence the user stating he experienced a worsening of all symptoms but toughening it out until reportedly his AR were less sensitive and the rest is described above.

Everyone does what he wants, I don’t want to criticize. But I took fin 20 years and 1/3 on my pfs symptoms appeared in the 3 years BEFORE stopping fin. My T and DHT always tested normal, before and after fin and most of my symptoms were physical and neurological, the sexual ones less severe and with no shrinkage of my organs. It appears, in my case anyway, a lot had to do with the inhibition of the 5ar by itself, with the symptoms related to the other functions of the 5ar not related to transforming T into DHT. The disruption of the progesterone to Alopregnananolone process being the most obvious in my case since insomnia appeared 3 years pre-crash and is my last serious symptom.
Wouldn’t taking exogenous DHT lower the production of 5ar as the body wants to lower or stop producing DHT as high and seemingly unstoppable levels of DHT are hitting sensitive AR ? (less 5ar = bad) Wouldn’t the body create extra 3a-HSD to eliminate that surplus DHT ? (More 3a-HSD = good until you stop Proviron).

This approach could maybe be an element in a curative process but it seems incomplete to me and risky as hell. What if after the second crash the AR do eventually become less sensitive but the epigenetic damage done to all the non T/DHT/AR related symptoms remains in a worst condition ? There’s no telling desensitized AR would restore all the damage done to non-sexual hormones related damage.

I’m tempted to try, but my remaining issues are with the 5ar/3a-HSD, allopregnanolone and GABA complex. I don;t see how the AR would change that.

What do you guys think ?

Good luck to all trying this.



Hello Ozeph
I am a guy who never experienced that dht return after quitting cold turkey. I just crashed the day itself of my last dose. From that day till now, i feel like i am still on 1mg fin.


Hey @anon74895881 just had a quick look at your story it sounds like you used dutasteride until around mid-May? So technically you may still be feeling the effects of 5ar inhibition as dutasteride half-life is about 5 weeks. I’d give yourself a good 6months before you know where your baseline is. Hold tight and don’t do anything drastic in the meantime hopefully, you will feel better after some more time.

I wouldn’t touch anything let alone proviron until you know where your body is at clean off all substances.


It’s all bullshit, my drug does not lower DHT yet I have PFS…

It’s because these drug attach directly to the androgen receptor and make it stop synthesize proteins. It’s probably a directly dna / epigenetic damage to our androgen receptors causing dysfunction.

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Hii @whathaveidone4669
Actually i took dutasteride in March. The day on which i used to take Duta, i didn’t take fin. I quit duta becoz i felt like there’s no difference between both and duta was more expensive so i got back on fin after taking 10 tabs of duta.

One thing i don’t understand is that during my fin usage, whenever i used to take 0.25 mg instead of 1 mg, my body returned back to normal just in a day. Suppose i took 1 mg yesterday, all side effects are present, but if i take 0.25 today, side effects were all gone and my body was like pre fin. But then again i used to allegedly and foolishly take 1 mg (even though this dose used to give me deadly sides) instead of 0.25 in fear of hair loss and the day which i quit cold turkey, i took 1 mg and from that day itself i am deteriorating. Even in april (just 2 weeks after changing from duta to fin) when i used to take Fin at 0.25 mg, all sides were gone but if 1 mg is taken, i used to become a zombie. I wish i had quit the cold turkey with 0.25mg. Idk what has happened to my body :cry:

It’s been only a few months , you can’t draw any conclusion now

Fuck man that sucks, its possible dutasteride may still be having some sort of effect. In any case I’m real sorry this is happening to you and I know how scary it is dealing with crap especially when you’re at the lowest points. But right now I don’t think there is anything you can do other than wait it out and recognise that it’s going to get better in the not so distant future. Keep calm be healthy and don’t stress your body. Stay strong mate, reach out to those close to you for support to help you get through.

There is exciting stuff happening in the PFS world just hold on until you stabilise.


Well, that’s my point, and not only to the AR. The damage is epigenetic and the epigenome does not have a memory of how it was before (that’s the DNA). I don’t see why taking exogenous DHT would restore the epigenome to what it was before, but I do see how it could mess with it again. It’s like throwing the marbles one more time in the hope they’ll land where they were pre-fin.


Fair enough. I think Proviron does more than just raise DHT anyway.

What’s your opinion on people getting temporarily better on anti androgens such as St John’s Wort or evening restarting their drugs?

St-john’s worth is an all neurotransmitter reuptake inhibitor. You end up with more serotonin, more dopamine etc… It makes a lot of ppl feel better.

But I get your point. However, eventhough taking fin again can lower the symptoms for some time, it’s hardly a recipe for recovery.

But I don’t know. I’m on this thread because I’m curious about this approach. It’s kinda doing the opposite to what made us sick. It’s just that epigenetic modifications seems so random, or case specific, I’d be scared to provoke more bad changes hoping it would randomly make me better.

I’m on St John’s Wort and I can tell you its much more than that. It’s not 100% consistent yet but when I do have a window of improvement my muscle are better, and my BO smells more masculine, etc basically every pfs side improves and I never had that before it.

Rn I have a theory that you have to “open” the receptor with anti androgens then take pro-hormone supplements of any kind, I think a lot of recovery protocols follow this approach, including cdnutz original protocol with fasting (ampk = anti androgen) and andro-hard stuff, tribulus (which contains anti androgen stems and leaves along with pro-hormone Protodioscin) and @ibewrg, who recovered taking St Johns wort and creatine + caffine, same thing im trying to do now.

Why can’t you just go back on 0.25?

You’ll need to wait like 9-12 months for dutasteride to leave your body btw, that’s why you have no crash.