White tongue and sore throat

Hi guys! I have a question. Since crushing 3 years ago I’m experiencing sore throat and white tongue. I did tests, no bacteria or fungus. Tried antimicotics, corticosteroids, even did HIV test which is luckly negative. Is anyone else experiencing this ?

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Yes I have this too.

Have you found any solution for it? It stays same for me for like 3 years already…

I have this too. So we got that in common. I noticed this a few years after Accutane, which was many years ago. What sort of test did you do for bacteria? Because this was my number one thought, some ENTs thought the same.

Just normal test for bacteria and fungus. I was sure i had candida, but nothing. They took sample with some small stick from my throat and tongue. I have same issue with glans and under glans skin inflammation. Tried evrything and cant resolve it

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A couple of other thoughts would be acid reflux or post nasal drip, but it doesnt really feel like acid reflux and I have been on very high dose ppis in the past and it didnt seem to help the tongue coating, in fact it may have made it worse.
I have been diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis twice though.

I changed 2 doctors, no help. I’m soon going to work with new doctor, but i feel until i fix hormones i wont get rid of it.

@RipLife i think we have to change diets… lemme guess you are eating lots of carbs like rice or bread? i think this is an blood-sugar issue. when we eat carbs our insulin spikes extremely high and falls into hypoglycemia after. This hypo and hyperglycemia state is what causes all those issues like white tongue, burning and/or foamy urine, ED… You should look into the recovery protocol of IHP. He had the same issues like us and even more. His symptoms are extremely similar to ours. The only way to tackle this should be by stabilizing bloodsugar and maybe add some antimycotics, digestive enzymes as well as probiotics. Candida is extremely difficult to get rid of that’s why discipline is key. You can consider yourself lucky if you only have an white tongue and sore throat. That was also my pre fin state, but after fin my symtoms list got almost the same as IHP`s. I also have some gut issues but even an stool test was negative for candida. thats why i think an stable bloodsugar is key for recovery. I used to take antimycotics for about 1,5 years against candida but it never went away, it only help to control it. During that time i was eating an extrem high carb diet which is probably why it was difficult to control. You can also slip into hypo when you are extremely stressed, that’s why stress management is also an big part of this…
This is only my opinion/theory and not medical advice.

I actually had tons of stress last year. And my insulin levels show i’m insuline resistant. I eat mostly potato and quinoa now. Nothing else

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same with me bro, ive been stressed for 2-3 years. im probably also insuline resistant. How can i check for this?

well, you have to do a blood test to check your insulin. Also, you have some special ones which require you to do 3 blood samples if I’m not mistaken. I’m not that fat at all, but I was under huge stress because of my job and pfs… I have a huge issue with my face as well. The skin has 0 elastin. If I sleep on side of my face I end up with permanent lines. That’s also huge source of stress for me

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I feel you, i had multiple panicattacks during the bad times which probably didn’t help at all with insulin sensitivity. I’m thinking about cycling some herbs to support my adrenals and trying to fight the sensitivity issues with an clean raw, low carbish diet. I also have to do some appointments tomorrow for those test but those specialized doctors don’t even pick up the phone when I try to make an appointment.

Doctors mostly don’t really care. I do my tests in private lab. I get my results in 2 days.

That really is the way to go except for some tests that are just much too expensive without insurance. Depending on what lab they use, you can also order any test from that labs catalog, you just have to pay the book price.
Btw this topic gets lost in holistic BS as some would say, but I did test positive for all three candida antibodies if you were curious.

I never tested for gut candida but ill do candida diet + supplements soon