My (IHP) Full Sexual Recovery from PFS - Story and Regimen

Ime going to give this a shot. Anyone else tried IHP protocol? Read that some were considering it but didn’t see any results posted.

Sorry I missed the IHP protocol can you tell me what it is ?

It’s in the first post.

Guys i’m started use chinese herbs and i’m doing a lot better, i’m using about one week,
my erections come to 30% to 85% in just one week i’m so happy

i clearly see mucus comming out of my stool,
i will keep you update!

Hopefully the improvements stick for you! Make sure to cycle them so your body doesn’t quickly build a tolerance.


Hello all, I hope everyone is doing well, at least as well as they can with this god awful disease.

I just want to report that I have made full sexual recovery. All that is remaining is residual brain fog, which is improving monthly. If all continues at this rate, I should be mentally recovered by June/July. Also, I have been fully sexually recovered since October give or take, and I have been med/supp free. Given the many false recoveries, I have decided to wait these 4 months, because we all know that PFS can easily come back. So far, it has not come back.

Just a little background:
I had all the side effects, everything. Here is a list I had to make for legal.

In 5/04, intermittent at first and then gradually increasing, the first symptoms were:
• stuttering
• word slurring
• word searching
• word confusion
• poor memory
• word hesitation
• change in handwriting (signature)
• digestive issues: indigestion, belching, flatulence, constipation & feces were small dark brown and pellet sized
• bloating in the lower abdomen
• testicular pain
• bloody stools
• intermittent anal itch
• heart palpations
• shortness of breath
• extreme thirst
• minor food cravings

Developing around 10/04: All previous symptoms increased in severity with the addition:
• poor libido
• erectile dysfunction
• decreased ejaculate volume w/ clumpy sperm
• loss of erectile sensitivity
• acne
• rosacea-like skin
• wrinkling of skin on the hands and around the eyes
• blurry vision
• nail beds began to fan out
• sensitivity to light
• frothy urine
• frequent burning urination
• insomnia
• depression/anxiety/suicidal thoughts
• extreme lower back pain especially when laying down
• headaches beginning to develop in sleep
• stopped up ears
• earwax build-up
• ringing in ears
• white tongue
• extreme fatigue
• increase in breast tissue (similar to a female’s breast)
• dry lips
• weight gain
• ridges in finger nails, finger nails no longer smooth, but ridged

I stopped taking Propecia 12/04, within 6 weeks, all symptoms subsided. I started Propecia again around 6/05. The symptoms resurfaced around 10/05 with the same severity as before.

Symptoms remained constant until 5/06 when present symptoms increased in severity with the addition of muscle wastage and sensitive teeth.

In 6/06, I stopped taking Propecia again, within 8 weeks all symptoms disappeared. I started taking Propecia again around 11/06 and in about 2 months the symptoms slowly started emerging again with a general increase in severity continuing to increase in severity up to cessation of Propecia in 6/08
At 8 weeks post Propecia, symptoms resolved to about 75%. At 12 weeks, most symptoms returned with more severity than ever before especially severe acne and rosacea-like appearance.
New additional symptoms surfaced:
• penile shrinkage with a sort of hardening of the tissue
• rounding of face/chin

Now, I’m going to tell you what I did, and I understand it may be controversial, and a few will want to challenge it saying I never had “real” PFS, etc. To that, I’m going to say up front that I will not respond, and I will leave that debate to the more able and those among you who spend all day studying the “science”. I only cared about what worked, and more specifically, what worked for me. You can speak about hormone regulation, genome theory, etc. Don’t ask me any of those questions because I DON’T KNOW.

My theory is basically that the drug weakened our liver and gut, they couldn’t process properly, detox, whatever, then bile flow stopped, we got constipated, infection grew, the immune system became stressed, metal may have built up for some, and we never recovered. We are at differing degrees of compromise. Once again, is this right? I don’t know. Is it wrong? I don’t know. Did I recover treating this angle and theory? – Yes. You can argue the details.

Let me preface my recovery protocol with this – I DO NOT remember the exact dates, amounts, etc. It has been a year or so long process and I don’t recall to the last detail the dosing, times, etc. With that I will give you the basic outline of what I did. Oh, also, I have previously tried everything under the sun except TRT. You name it, I either have it, or have tried it pretty much.

Ok, so what did I do?

  1. I had a very strict diet – I started with a 10 day fast (only water basically). I then eased into kefir and yogurt. I eventually started to add veggies and some chicken breast. No Carbs! I had this diet for about 4-6 months. I also started juicing, and I noticed that it helped a lot. After about 4-6 months I started adding some things like once a week sushi ( I know rice carbs, but it was only once a week). I stayed with this diet up to around middle of August.

  2. What supps did I take? – I started taking TONS of digestive enzymes with everything I ate. I also took them periodically throughout the day on an empty stomach. Not just one or two – I took 8-20!! With every meal! My reasoning? – I didn’t want ANY undigested food sitting around in my gut. I also started taking TONS of probiotics. Also at this time I started taking Wobenzyme, but after about two months I stopped because I felt it wasn’t helping.

  3. What Meds did I take? – NYSTATIN! – I started out with the liquid taking 3 teaspoons a day, Again, let me reiterate, I don’t remember how I graduated the exact dosing, so don’t ask please. After about a week I notice it was really helping. After about 3-4 weeks of use I regained nocturnals. So what did I do? Yup, I doubled the dose to 6 teaspoons a day, then up to 9, topping out around 12-15. It was great and I continued to see improvements. I was now getting mornings. So, continuing with my logic, I eventually was able to source the nystatin tabs (don’t ask where I got it from) and I started taking 3 tabs a day with the liquid. I eventually worked up to 12-15 tabs a day plus 12-15 teaspoons liquid. I eventually stopped the liquid and just stayed on tabs as I felt they were more effective. Then I got a script for Diflucan and started rotating that. I would take 600-1000MG for a couple of days, then take a month or so off. I didn’t want to tax the liver too much. I continued this from March/April to around the middle of August give or take. I also cycled Phellostatin at 3 pills 3 times a day with the Diflucan. I would also stay on it a week or two after cycling off the Diflucan, though I didn’t always do that. There was no set pattern here. I took Lufenuron – whole bags at a time for a week on, a week off, and just cycle it. I also took it periodically. Again, no set pattern.

  4. So life was going good, then I hit a break through – I started using these Chinese herbs. What did these herbs do? Well, they really hurt my stomach. I was shitting all the time (5+ times a day) and was very fatigued. They also made my erections near perfect after about 4-6weeks use. Libido was almost normal as well.

  5. Colloidal Silver – I took 16oz a day for a month or so, and then went down to 8oz a day.

  6. Diatomaceous Earth – The heaping teaspoon three times a day. This helped as well, and it also improved my mental faculties.

  7. Black walnut, wormwood, cloves – I took this cocktail in the morning, 14 days on, 14 days off.

Supp/Med Summary:

  1. Digestive enzymes with every meal.
  2. Probiotics before every meal
  3. Two Nystatin tabs upon waking, 2 at 10am, 2 at noon, 2 at 4, 2 at 8, 2 before bed
  4. Diflucan – 600-1000mg 4-6 days on, take 30-45 days off. Repeat
  5. Phellostatin – I took three pills three times a day. I took it normal when I took the Diflucan, but I also took it without the Diflucan as well. It is herbal based.
  6. Lufenuron – was intermittent and was not present during recovery section, though it could have played a part. I took an entire pack a day for a week, then took a week off. The dosing was not always consistent.
  7. Colloidal Silver – 8oz in morning, 8oz before bed. After about 6 weeks I went to just 8oz before bed.
  8. Diatomaceous Earth – 1 heaping teaspoon in morning, afternoon, evening.
  9. Black Walnut Hull, Wormwood, Clove Tinctures – all in the morning. Make a cocktail of it and drink it down. Use dosing listed on the bottles.

What brand of supps did I use?

  1. Digestive Enzymes – MRM Digest All and Enzymedica Digest Gold – Yes I used both simultaneously. … 16790?at=0
  2. Probiotics – PB8 … 13439?at=0
  3. Phellostatin - … 31072?at=0
  4. Lufenuron - Get over your “it looks like a marketing page” bullshit.
  5. Colloidal Silver – I made my own since I took large amounts. I used SOTA’s silver pulser to make it.
  6. Diatomaceous Earth - … S1N8JYEM5Z
  7. Black Walnut … /9212?at=0

Great, now that is my supps and meds, now I’ll provide a little timeline so you could see what I did. I recovered right around the end of September early October.

11/10 – Started fast, new diet, started wobenzyme
12/10 - introduced nystatin liquid, still new diet, still wobenzyme
1/11 – Still on diet and nystatin liquid, stopped wobenzyme, starting getting good nocturnals
2/11 – Still on diet and have upped nystatin, great nocturnals and returns of morning
3/11 – still on diet, got nystatin tabs, tried some Diflucan, started banging again. Granted, it was difficult, but was able to work.
4/11 - Same as 3/11 added Lufenuron and Phellostatin – more banging libido improving.
5/11 - Same as 4/11 – sexual improvements continue, erection quicker and easier to obtain.
6/11 – Same as 5/11 but started Chinese Herbs – almost normal erections, libido improved further. Alsp, around this time I started taking more liberties with my diet – hamburger, tacos, not much, but a little.
7/11 – Same as 6/11, added DE, Black Walnut, Wormwood, Cloves and Colloidal Silver – WHOA! Big break through this month. Sexually almost normal.
8/11 – Same as 7/11, kept going, pretty much normal.
9/11 – Same as 8/11 – had eye surgery, stop taking all supps/meds 2-3 weeks post op I recovered. I have not taken any supps/meds since. Actually, I’m kinda nervous to try anything.
10/11-present sexually recovered, working on remaining brain fog, which has improved
immensely. My diet has been pretty normal. I can eat anything and no changes in health.

Ok, I’m going to answer a few quick questions I know you all have. Being a member for this board for years, I know the common questions. Basically, I can only tell you what I did, not what you should do.

  1. Hey IHP bro, can I take supplement such and such instead of the one you took? – I don’t know, can you? I’m not sure if it will work the same. I can only tell you what I did.

  2. Hey IHP bro, can I take different dosing from what you did? – I don’t know, try it. I can only tell you what I did.

  3. IHP bro, can I try this other med instead of what you used? They are supposed to “do” the same things in theory – I DON’T KNOW. I can only tell you what I did.

  4. IHP bro, I just read a cool article/study/doctor told me that I should try such and such, can I do that with your reg? – I DON’T KNOW!!! I only know what I did. You can give it a try I guess.

  5. Hey IHP bro, I was thinking that you take too much of such and such, can I change the dose? – I DON’T FREAKING KNOW!! I only know what I did.

  6. Hey IHP bro, I have been doing such and such, do you think I can throw your reg on top? – I DON’T KNOW!! Give it a shot.

  7. Hey IHP bro, can you tell me in detail when your erections came back, how did they feel, etc? – Look, I didn’t write all this down in detail – my dick works great.

  8. Hey IHP bro, just how bad was symptom such and such? – Look, they were ALL BAD!! I’m not getting into details of every single one. I was VERY sick. I know what PFS is.

  9. Hey IHP bro, I don’t understand how a 5ar inhibitor caused infection. I mean look, there are numerous studies all showing how it affects hormones, don’t you think it was that? Or a genetic change? Or something else? – Look, I DON’T KNOW!!! I used to read studies, theories, abstracts as well. NONE of it worked for me – the end. I don’t give 2-shits about freakin theory anymore. I know what got me better- THE END.

  10. Hey IHP bro, do you have hormone tests? I always read about hormones, and the testing, and I really have to see some numbers. I mean, I “don’t” know if you are recovered. We really need some testing. Can you post your tests? What was your T? etc, etc. – Look, I have TONS of testings…TOOONNSSS. I’m not posting it or outlining it. I will say this, at my worst E was 60, T was around 410, and DHT was 8. I’m now around E at 31, T at 824, DHT 57. I’m not going through my records to post hormones. I didn’t treat the hormone angel. I recovered from doing what I did above, not stupid hormones. I believe hormones are a symptoms of the body being sick. When it became sick it down regulated their production in order to provide energy, whatever, to critical systems such as the heart, etc. Once again, is this right? I don’t know! Also, I don’t really care about the theory at this potin. Just saying. Still have love for all the theory freak though. I used to be one.

11.Hey IHP Bro, I have tried one of your supps/meds and I didn’t work. What should I do? - Dude, I DONT KNOW! Did you try all of them simultaneously? What about diet? I’m not going to entertain this questions beyond what I put here. I dont know! I listed everything I did that allowed me to recover.

  1. Hey IHP bro, can I send you a ton of emails and ask you to be my coach/medical assistant and beat this thing? – NO. If you have a pertinent question, then ask it in the thread. Since recovery I have had tons of energy, working like crazy and enjoying my returned life. Dude – I GOT MY LIFE BACK! I don’t really think about PFS anymore. Now, the board was like an extended family for me, and you all my brothers, and that is why I’m here. I’m doing my service to the family and reporting my recovery. I will make it a point to visit from time to time to answer questions publicly on the thread.

When I treated my body like it was a burning house – that is — when I focused on putting out the fire – first with great success with high doses of antifungals, and then by clearing out my bowels, flushing out everything, casting a broad net by taking products geared towards fighting various infections – THAT is when I had success. So with any great theory, I had to go back to the drawing board and ask, what works? If this works, then I need to readjust my understanding of what PFS is.

Will this work for YOU? I don’t know! But let me ask you: have all the hormones, anti-e, meds, etc worked for anyone long term on this board? If so, great!

I am sharing the particulars of my story so that those who are interested have a template and some inspiration. It can be done! My hormones are great now, without doing anything specifically for them – the body auto-regulated.

But the biggest take-away is not that what worked for me will 100% work for you. It’s that MAYBE you should look at your PFS illness in a different way, and maybe by exploring some of the above topics, you’ll find the right products, right doses, the right kind of doctors (hint: not PFS specialists or hormonal “experts”) and so on. I experimented with various products, but the underlying theme was the same: fight infection, restore immune function/gut health, purge the system of toxins…It was when I started adjusting my theory and treating this angle I found results. I have already received numerous e-mails of men to afraid to post that have regained some wood function within a week or two of nystatin use. With that, I say continue that angle, be vigilant, and don’t stop. It has taken me a little over a year.

Hey man, those are good questions. I took the Chinese herbs for about 6 weeks give or take. I had to stop because of a surgical procedure. It was at the time of this procedure I stopped everything else. I had to place two orders, as they are shipped in monthly orders, and the total for the two months was like $800 something or other. I also had purchased a third order, but never used it. It is sitting on the shelf with all the sup/meds I have.

My fingernails no longer have ridges. They have returned to the smooth shine they were before PFS. They also regain their arch. When I got PFS, the nails became ridged, and flat, almost fanning out if you will. They are normal now. Just speculating here, but you said that yours did not ridge until taking antibiotics. Could it be possible that the antibiotics, further depleting your good intestinal flora, allowed for yeast to develop further and hence the ridges in the nails? I don’t know, just thinking out loud.

Nystatin, probiotics, digestive enzymes and diet were consistent for the entire recovery reg time frame.
No, I did not take any additional supps – those things always made me feel worse, so I dropped them all. I looked to diet to provide my nutrition.

Hope this helps guys.[/b]

Can you tell me which herbs you’re taking?

I also saw some mucus in my stool…in my case, after taking diflucan.

How are things now?

the herbs that Ihp use of the chinese, of the ‘‘scan’’ site.
i used for just a week and magicly my brain fog stop and my erections come back.

the chinese guy told me that i need to use for 2 months, i just use this herbs
because ihp used and chi too,
and after one week, im getting better,
i don’t know what is this herbs,
i just know that now i go to the bathroom 5,6 times a day
and i’m felling better every day

florindo do you know where can i buy these herbs. Please post link. use this with probiotics and glutamine

chinese + glutamine ++ probiotics its my protocol,
its just one week i really hope that last, and improve


Florindo, is this the first time you have see any real improvements in those areas?

how much is it cost?

first i use clomid. and recovered 120% but after 10 days fade away and i become worse thanb before. after i try vitamins probiotic but they dont work , i fell a little better but nothing strong, no libido no erections etc, but when i use probiotic + glutamine+ chinese herbs in one week,'im felling better i feel my dig hot and full of blood again, my erections is almost normal, and my braing fog disappear. but sometimes, brainfog back, but i’m very happy

Please keep us updated! It would be nice to see if the improvements last for more than a couple of weeks.

Thank you and good luck!

florindo, and the others who have the china-med-cure bottles, what are the ingredients?

If its all in Chinese, we may need to post a photo for a translation.

I wrote them an email. This was their response:

my 8 day im improve every day a little today i went to churrascaria i’m brasilian
and eat a lot o meat and drink coke no change in health but i will back to health diet
every friday i will update guys
but my protocol glutamine probiotics and chinese herbs are working and its amazing
todah i wake up with a big erection thx god

i’m getting better, my libido is raising my dick look a lot bigger,
but my erections force is 60%, my anxiety problens are a lot better,
i can think clearly, i will update my probiotics, from 10 biilions day to 200 billions day
i’m eating more clen but sometimes i eat sushi rice and potato because if not i became weak
but i don’t eat big amounth of carbs just a little, i’m in 20 day of chinese herbs and probiotics and glutamine. i’m happy somedays i feel a little worse and the head of my penis look small
and my testicles fall, but next day bacj in normal and keep improving,
thats all for now. sometime something in my stool out, its like a rope mucus stool lol
its strange, and when more this out, more i get better,
thats all