My (IHP) Full Sexual Recovery from PFS - Story and Regimen



I would like to say that around 8 months ago is when my first set of symptoms arrose. After many doctors and tests I saw a movie called Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. After all hope was lost and going undiagnosed I began to give this a try. I did a Juice fast for about 18 days and I want to say that I really did feel amazing. I began to eat only vegetables and fruit for the next month and then started with beans and nuts. So for about 3 or 4 months I was saying THANK god I beat this thing whatever it was. I started to get comfortable and going back to my old eating ways and over the course of the next 2 months I noticed my health started to decline. I was getting lightheaded when I stand up from a sitting or squating position. Then the lightheaded-ness Is with me all the time. I began feeling very fatigued after only a few minutes of doing something. My tongue was white again. I started getting these intense headaches that I never had before. And for the past 14 days I have basically been in bed sleeping as much as possible because its the only time when I dont feel sick. Doctors have not confirmed anything wrong with me till this dayā€¦ Noone believes me or understands the pain I am constantly in. Its getting really lonely.

I do want to say that yesterday my neighbor made me sit in the yard. It was a nice day and I felt like crap. I was trying to enjoy it. Imagined what my life would be like if I wasnt in so much pain.
I went inside and made a Juice with whatever fruits and veggies I had in the house.
I didnt wake up last night. I slept the whole night that is very bigā€¦
I woke up with an erection!! Thats veryyyyy big that hasnt happened in monthsā€¦
I woke up with a better feeling of vitality.
I went to the store today and bought a ton of veggies and fruits to start juicing again. I wont do a juice fast because I still feel very sick but alot better than 2 days ago.
So I wanted to tell everyone that I do BELIEVE that Juicing is vital to recovery. I believe that everyone on this forum HAS to try it because your bodies are generally under nourished if your not eating like 5 pounds of fruits and veggies a day. which I know noone is doing. AND thats why juicing is important.
I created a youtube channel to make some videos regarding juicing and if there is any progress.
Youtube channel is Please subscribe so I know I should even bother to start making videos.
I just think its worth a shot for everyone to try and see how you feel.
Any questions please PM me.

  • Jason

Why would juicing help? I am not using an accusatory tone, I am just wondering.

Fruits and vegetables would obviously add more nutrients and less fat, which should be good overall. Is the juicing process taking away some of the digestive stress of breaking down the fruits and vegetables?

And by ā€œjuicingā€ Iā€™m assuming you mean using a machine like the ones i see on infomercials?

Based on my own experience of digestive issues, it would on some level make sense that during the digestive process, SOMETHING is happening that is causing us not to get everything we need. Hence some of the signs of vitamin or mineral deficiency (twitching) and low metabolism (low heart rate, temp, lack of energy and adequate sleep). Now before I get skewered on that, I donā€™t know how it would happen or have any literature evidence about it

By the way, are you taking any antifungals? Iā€™m assuming you are juicing because it was what IHP did, but antifungals was a big part of his regimen.

Also, you have only been off the drug for less than a year, correct? There is a good chance it will resolve soon on its own for you, so weā€™ll keep our fingers crossed for you

Thanks for your kind words. I dont know if I mentioned but I got sick in January and the doctors didnt know what was wrong. So I saw a movie called Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead on Netflix. I reccommend EVERYONE to watch this. Its about a man who lives in Australlia and comes to the U.S. and cures himself of being obese, and puts his auto-immune disease into remission and to this day thats where it has stayed.
What happens when you juice is your flooding your body with nutrients and minerals that you are normally suppossed to get from eating but because people do not eat mostly vegetables and fruits its more like fried foods and meats with little or no vegetables, OR If they do eat vegetables they are cooked to the point where they loose 70% of their nutritional value. So juicing is the way to get all of these vitamins and nutrients in a way where they are more rapidly absorbed into the blood stream, And your digestive system can repair itself as well as other parts of your body.

I am in NO way following anyone elses routine or regimen. I juiced for 3 months and felt better than when I was 16.
I stopped for a while because it got expensive, took extra time out of my day, and I thought I didnt need to anymore.
I was wrong. I know now that I have to juice atleast once a day to feel good.
I have cured my diabetes threat since January My A1c Hemoglobin Score was 6.1 last months tests resulted in 5.5 (Perfect Score)
I had 2 nodules 7 mm on each side of my thyroid also in January and last months sonogram they were gone. Doctors were shocked.
I am a firm believer that if you juice, your body will attempt to heal itself and as long as your persistant with good health decisions your body WILL HEALā€¦

I am on day 5 of juicing and I noticed big improvements to my health I am sleeping better, I am waking up with more energy, I wake up with erections now, I am feeling better as a person.
I believe it will take a few more weeks to reutnr to normal but I am positive I will.

I TRULY BELIEVE THAT ALL OF YOU SHOULD GO OUT AND GET A JUICER. YOU CAN GET A JACK LALANE FOR 99.99 OR GO OUT AND GET A TOP OF THE LINE JUICER WITH A 10 YEAR WARRANTY WHICH IS AN OMEGA VRT 350 FOR 389.99 . All im saying is if you have done just about everything else to try and feel better, isnt juicing once a day worth the try?
you can juice once a day a day for like 2 weeks and then see if you notice any improvements in your health. Most of you will. I have helped many people in my personal life reach goals and feel better on a daily basis so I know it works.

Again this is something that, if it makes sense to you, I highly advise it. Im not here to try and convince people how to eat healthy and take care of themselves, but to offer some insight that I wish I had when I was feeling hopeless and sick. If I knew then what I know now, just imagineā€¦

Good luck to all of youā€¦

  • Jason

Hey JasonANYC ā€“ are you saying that 8 months ago you got hit with PFS/sexual sides (how bad were erections?). And then after a few months you completely healed? Can you clarify the details of your sides (before and after) and the timeline? Also, what specific veggies did you juice (leafy greens? spinach? kale? broc?) Thanks!

Hey you want to juice a wide variety of vegetables and like i was just explaining there are two tpes of juicers. Centrificul and Masticating. Centrificul are not so good with leafy greens and can end up wasting the produce because the grinding wheel spins so fast it is not such an effective way. Masticating juicers like the one I use cost more money but are more effecient at what they do. I use an Omega VRT 350. It has a 10 year warranty and is built like a tank also the way it juices is it spins @ 80 rpm and breaks and presses the fibers of the produce extracting live enzymes and nutrients especially in leafy greens. I can juice about anything with the one I have and it is considered a commercial juicer. The cheaper onces like the jack lalane for like 99.00 will work and I tell people if you cant afford the Omega then get the Jack lalane or comparable because you can still juice alot of vegetable just doesnt work that well on the leafy greens but some is better than none.

X I wrote on my inital post the timeline and everything I went through.

I know that I am feeling better again and its been about 5 days.
I am waking up with morning erections, more energy and sleeping better.
While I am nowhere near 100% I feel good enough to be out of my bed and on here writing this to you.

I think that if all of you have problems they way you say it and your life is pretty much destroyed then your only hope until theres a medical cure is to juice.

To get all your vitamins and minerals in a way you were meant to.
I hope anyone reading this goes and try to juice just to see if it helps them.
You will know in about a week or two if it is working.
The signs might be small but if its working you will notice.

Goodluck to those who take their health into their own hands.

AND as long as I am able to help anyone on here I will do so.

Have a great day!

can you give us a rundown on what you would be juicing daily? like what were some of the big veggies or fruits you would always be using?

It is important to understand that when juicing you want to use a wide variety of veggies. USE them allā€¦ they are all unique in the amounts and varieties of vitamins they contain.

A typical juice will include:
lb of carrots (usually 1 small bag)
2 or 3 apples
2 oranges
4 to 6 stalk of celery
2 handful of spinach
1 tomatoe
1 cucumber

This juice I use most days as it is a balanced variety of veggies and fruit.
I am in no way a genious on juicing but I do what makes sense.
We are suppossed to eat mostly vegetable I believe with very little meat. When we eat mostly meat and other carbohydrates like rice and pasta we get very little to no nutrition. And when we cook vegetables we kill 90% of the nutrition also so try to lightly steam veggies or eat them raw. Its the only way you get 100% of what it has to offer. Another reason why juicing is good because you are consuming raw vitamins and minerals (Micro-Nutrient)


Iā€™m willing to give juicing a shot for a period. GAPS, Gerson Method, and others have written on its merits as a detox measure. And indeed, IHP used it for a while, I just double-checked with him (still 100% sexually; still has brain fog, fyi). But long-term (no offense intended Jason), it does not provide sustenance, vegetarianism is not a healthy or natural practice, animal-derived protein is a vital life building block, cooking actually potentiates digestibility of certain vegetables and foods, and many of the talking points you reference are vegetarian propaganda. This is not meant to knock your approach whatsoever ā€“ Iā€™m glad you brought attention to juicing and actually purchased a juicer today, so I thank you; I just feel the need to warn people regarding long-term vegetarianism.

There are many articles and books from former vegetarians who chronicle their hormonal imbalances, anemia, malnutrition, bone issues and so forth, if one wants to reference my claims. Ultimately, I donā€™t claim to know the precise amount of calories or proportions of macronutrients or foods that one should eat, but I do find that a grain-less and sugar and processed foods-less diet of real, whole, organic plants and animals provides greater nourishment than what most people eat these days (shitty cereals, mutated wheat products, genetically modified corn/soy fillers, preservatives, high fructose corn syrup, packaged foods, etc.). For detox purposes, I do think that concepts like fasting, intermittent fasting, and juicing warrant investigation and trial.

I understand what your saying and I never said for anyone to become a vegetarian. I simply meant that we eat too much meat and not enough vegetables. And that overcooking vegetables destroys the nutritional value and leaves only the fiberous part.
And I was trying to say to everyone that they should Juice once a day as a suppliment to their already lacking diet because I know most of us are not eating enough vegetables.

Thats all I was saying and Im not trying to get into an informational argument.
If this starts to happen I will not offer my insight on this website.

Iā€™m with ya. Iā€™m all for it.

Good always glad to helpā€¦

did awor say that juicing lowers androgens and that is why it makes us feel better initially? there were other things like zinc for example etc. ā€¦ i do not recall where he said this but i seem to vaguely remember it ā€¦ i am curious now because i would like to start juicing as well if it is beneficial long termā€¦ thanks guys

Our problem is our bodies arenā€™t functioning on our own.

JasonANYCā€¦a few more questions for ya, if you will:

  • How hungry are you when just juicing? I just had my first LaLane-produced juice, and Iā€™d love a real meal about now, lol. Also, there was a LOT of pulp, a lot of seemingly wasted leafy greens.

  • What ailments have you helped others with (referring to an earlier post of yours) out of curiosity?

  • How do these models compare in your estimation/research:

BrevilleĀ® Die-Cast Juice FountainĀ® Elite

Jay Kordich PGP001 Juice for Life PowerGrind Pro Power Juicer

Omega VRT350 Heavy Duty Dual-Stage Vertical Single Auger Low Speed Juicer


I have no experience with juicers, but could you not just put things in a blenders with water? is a special machine required?

Okay As far as the models go I explained earlier the difference.
Jack lalane juicer and other ā€œCENTRIFICAL juicersā€ (thats means all juicers that use a grinding disc and spin very fast) they dont juice greens well because they spin so fast and the leafy greens are very pliable.
The OMEGA VRT350 Juicer is a ā€œMasticating juicerā€ (that means it spins slow, it breaks and tears the fiber of the produce, and presses the juice out) which means you get more juice and less waste especially from greens. You should youtube the reviews on the Omega. Its tho only juicer I WOULD reccomend.

Juicing has helped other people I know by loosing weight getting healthier, having periods return to them after not having them for years ( this happened to my neighbor ) has also helped some friends with their allergies, sleeping better, more energy. I dont do this for a living its something that when my friends and neighbors saw me do they gave it a try and each had their own little things they noticed and was happy about.

As far as being hungry. Depends on how much juice you make.
I usually make about 32 oz , sometimes I am full for like 2 hours sometimes I eat right away just listen to your body.
There NO rules to this guys just get creative and remember your just adding vital stuff to your existing diets.

If juicing ends up being an integral part of someoneā€™s regimen that has been suffering from PFS for more than a year, then I really think it will mean something

I generally like the idea though, that it is getting the nutrients to you in its most pure form, and probably assists in digestion since it is already liquifiedā€¦but probably still a little fibrous-y

@ Nate

Your absolutley right.
Honestly its something that even healthy people should do every day.
NOT just people with problems.
Just that it takes a few problems for people to realize how unhealthy they areā€¦

Hello everyone!!

I hope everyone is doing well and the best they possibly can.

It has been a while, though lately I have been receiving higher than normal correspondence from the board, and felt that I would answer the call and provide an update.

Iā€™m afraid my update may be considered ā€œun-eventfulā€ but bear with me.

I am still recovered sexually. Actually, Iā€™m not sure what has been occurring lately (within the last 4-6 weeks) but my libido has been rocket high lol. Iā€™m getting erection at work, driving, etc. just from thinking about it, and I have been thinking about it all the time. Iā€™m not sure what is going on. I still have nocturnal emissions, which is something I did not have pre-fin, but hey, no biggie. I take it as a good sign.

Alright, here is the part that aggravates me to no end ā€“ yes I still have some brain fog. Iā€™m still trying to discover what may be the cause, and more importantly how to cure it. The brain fog has improved, though itā€™s still lingering, and this is what I find most aggravating.

My current reg: As you know, I have been reluctant, if not downright afraid, to try anything because I did not wish to risk upsetting the balance, if you will, inside the body, though in light of the above mentioned lingering brain fog, I decided to take the jump, albeit very slowly. I started with some iodine and noticed that I did not have any negative sides. This was terrific and I continued to experiment. I used more digestive enzymes, nattokinase, PRX, interfase plus, EDTA, mucostop, virastop, etc. Iā€™m not going to list the dosings ā€“ I took tons of it ok. The reason why Iā€™m not going much further into this is because, well frankly, it hasnā€™t helped cure my brain fog. It helped slightly, and I have retained the gains, but no cure. With this, I continue to search. So my current reg is, wait for it ā€“ nothing! Thatā€™s right, Iā€™m back to taking nothing for now.

My future line of action: Iā€™m thinking of trying sporanox. Why? I think I have cured the gut but still have pathogens in the brain, something similar to fugal meningitis. My current reasoning is the that nervous system is responsible for slowing the process of the other organs, such as the liver and gut, and with immune decline allowing infection to develop, and spread. Well, we know of 5ARā€™s role in the nervous system, and how inhibiting it can cause an issue there.

Well, I hope this helps and provides some insight. Iā€™ll stay around for a little bit and try to answer any questions.
