My (IHP) Full Sexual Recovery from PFS - Story and Regimen

Look I have no ideia of what this drug caused us…but this is probably a major thing(fungus)…the hormone imbalance…the leaky gut and the immune system being down…obviously let this get out of control…i think this is a domino effect kind of thing…the thing that devasted us over night…one thing led to another and then boom…pfs sets in!!
By using the supplements…doing autohemotherapy , having chelation done…taking probiotics im helping my body not only at a cellular level…im rebuilding the foundation of my body…of my metabolism…and as you fix one thing…maybe your body will be able to help you with other issues! im VERY excited about the wormwood/blackwalnut/cloves mix to kill parasites and the nystatin to kill fungus and chinese herbs for the prostate…im always helping my body to regain balance!! just to feel normal just to feel human…laugh, feel music, sing and dance is all ready a sign of improvement and I’ve certainly got to that stage…however im not 100% yet…libido isnt like what it was…and as bad as its I still suffer from the HARD/Flacid condition and my sensitivity all around was really devasted…even my fuckin nipples that were SO sensitive before , are now somewhat NUMB to heat/cold sensation… and just a funny thing that happened today…I was watching the animal planet…and the most extrem animals show was on…and the theme for the show today was … Top 10 Animals that Scare Us the Most and the parasites were NUMBER 1…and they were mentioning what those fuckers can do to us!!! from elephantiase to all kinds of heart/brain problems…its very very disturbing so please guys dont underestimate the power of fungus/parasite they can certainly cause us a lot of demage…well that is it for now! lets wait and see what the future brings…and I know theres someone here that will have a stem cell procedure done pretty soon…lets see how that goes, I might have to use that to regain sensitivity again ( if that was possible i dont know? maybe injectin into my glans…ahha who knows)

thank you for the response

good luck! i hope u keep feeling better

you re welcome…if i was in america…hahaha everything would be sooooo much easier to get…god why is my country so late compared to america and the rest of thee world really, well i guess i just have to wait.

Who is having stem cell treatments done and where?

i dont know if the person is wanting to share…so but he will have it done very veery soon. lets wait

Can you at least share where he is having the treatment and where they are going to inject stem cells?

His penis? prostate? testicles?

as far as i know it will be a Intravenous therapy

PLEASE keep us updated on the stem cells, thanks!!!


well there you have it…haha i was just trying to be a good friend, but anyways…yes if that works for joetz , people can start to get VERY excited about stem cells

Just got my lab results checked…vit d still low…WHAT THE FUCKK

Isn’t joetz the guy who was saying neurotransmitter therapy or something cured him?

i dont know ask him

i came across this online… and this guy talks about losing all of his sensitivity after a dst treatment with antibiotics…WHAT THE FUCK are these drugs doing to us?? this is really misterious

Just to let everyone know, I bought those same Chinese herbs. They arrived over a week ago and I have taken them since. First 3-4 days, pretty much completely recovered in all areas apart from libido. Then PFS slowly reeled me back in even though I upped the dosage. They are clearly very potent, but alone they are not a cure for me. One thing is for sure though, alot less prostate congestive feeling after taking these. Definitely a positive thing, but certainly didn’t do anything for my libido and even though I’m still on them I’m pretty much the same as before.

Just thought I’d share that nugget of good news with you.

Hey Guys take it or leave it. You need to put your body in an alkaline state aswell as antifungals and probiotics and antibiotics . Try sodium bicarbonate, I no longer have muscle twitches or back pain. Seriously! I think there is a kidney and thyroid issue. Please believe me when I say it helps.

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If I would have recovered sexual, I would post a picture of my dick in action. This is how things should be done. So IHP have you something to show? (-:

I thought only Mandi was interested in that

If people are recovering, then relapsing like that, this doesn’t sound like genetic alterations or nerve damage. This sounds like an inflammatory/auto-immune condition. Maybe when inflammation is causing distortion of prostate or nerves which inhibits proper nerve signaling. If it was complete nerve damage, we wouldn’t be able to get erections at all right?

I wonder where is IHP?