My (IHP) Full Sexual Recovery from PFS - Story and Regimen

IHP is not updating his own thread? Guys seriously if any of you had recovered would do the same? I am sure if you or me had recovered, would be staying here and helping others happily. To me this behaviour appears suspecious and the thread looks just like prostatis thread where there is nothing but exaggeration and false claims.
After spending three years and speaking to many doctors, Awor’s theory is very close to what happened to us.

If I recover I would happily never go on again.

It has too much of people fighting each other over which of their pet-theories is true and tell each other why nobody will ever recover and anyone who says otherwise is a merk rep.

What kind of a fucking knucklehead do you have to be to not accept the post I made regarding his continued 100% sexual status that was made explicitly to appease YOU? It’s not enough that I talk to the guy daily? He has to keep updating you personally on a theory that you don’t even subscribe to? Was he not clear in what HE did to achieve his success, but also qualifying it by saying he doesn’t know what exactly would or wouldn’t work in other people’s cases? If I recover, I’m making one post and never logging in again precisely because of annoying fucks like you!

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Let me make it clear: IHP listed what HE took which he held responsible for his recovery.

He expressed that his overall philosophy was to target pathogens of all sorts.

He doesn’t purport to have some perfect recipe for everyone.

So if you suspect you have outstanding infections, perhaps explore this area.

I’ve made several posts on this related thread regarding inflammation/infection:

Here is the main point I’d like to raise here w/o repeating that entire thread again:

The possibilities are interesting and endless when you change your perspective and consider the major categories of what finasteride did:

A) “Physical” damage from DHT deprivation, etc. (fibrosis, prostate shrinkage, pudendal neuropathy) <----inflammation
B) Hormonal/Endocrine/Immune dysregulation: ie. Finasteride = Immunosuppressant <------infection / inflammation

If PFS is inflammatory or auto-immune in nature, as increasingly many diseases & chronic conditions are suspected to be, what is the outstanding inflammation stemming from?

Did you know that the methylation cycle regulates sulfur metabolism which is necessary for your body to detox? Or that the methylation cycle and gluthione production have an synergistic relationship?

Didnt know everyone on here has a science degree

No, I would post that and how I recovered, answer a couple of essential question and then leave to never come back again. Why would you spend time here as a healthy man when you can go out and enjoy your life? And to be honest, I have seen the same behaviour at a lot of health related forums. As soon as a problem is solved people don’t want to bother with illnesses, misery etc. This might not be the most altruistic behaviour, but I think it’s totally understandable.

This is my blood…under the microscope…after all of the treatment i have done for 5 months it stills look like shit…I still claim that im 90 % recovered…and its true…however im putting HUGE amounts of supplements in my body and i cant keep up like this forever right? RIGHT…next step kill these motherfuckers …how? Nystatin…wormwood/blackwalnut/cloves + chinese herbs and diet…i feel like this is about to end for GOOD.wish me luck…and to compare. Im going to post a healthy blood test that my doctor had in her file of another patient.

i cant find the picture on my cell phone…im going to visit her tomorrow again so we can check my lab results , but for what i looked here its looking pretty good…PSA low…estradiol low…no insulin resistance anymore. Now…if you dont believe healthy diet and supplements can do wonders…then i dont know what to tell you!

What does this picture show? Is this an fungal or what? How so you Test it?

Acidic vs alkaline blood levels - molecular microscope

ogadwolverine do you think that looks healthy?

To be honest:

No - I don´t think so.

I mean what does this show? is this an fungus infection? anything wrong with the blood itself?

Please tell me my friend. You are really going other passes than all the others - that is really awesome.

Keep on rocking!

I think the blood is a problem…alot of people have low well does this make sense…low aldosterone = acidic blood = lowered immune system=bacteria and fungus= damage blood. look at that video i posted above. Personally my aldo is low and globulin is low and test (i cant explain). I cant explain the hormonal part of PFS thats up to the pros

Do you exhibit signs of acidification? Find out with this checklist of 30 symptoms.

  1. Lack of energy, constant fatigue, loss of physical tone and psychic drive, sensation of heaviness in the limbs, feelings of inability to cope.
  2. Lower body temperature; frequently feels cold.
  3. Tendency to get infections.
  4. Loss of drive, joy and enthusiasm.
  5. Depressive tendencies.
  6. Nervousness, agitation without cause, hyperactivity, sensitivity to high-pitched noises and easily stressed.
  7. Very pale face.
  8. Headaches.
  9. Eyes tear easily.
  10. Conjunctivitis.
  11. Inflammation of the corneas and eyelids.
  12. Acidic saliva.
  13. Loose teeth.
  14. Inflamed, sensitive gums.
  15. Mouth ulcers.
  16. Cracks at the corners of the lips.
  17. Recurring infections of throat and tonsils.
  18. Teeth are sensitive to hot, cold or acidic foods.
  19. Teeth have a tendency to crack or chip.
  20. Pain in the nerves of the teeth.
  21. Excess stomach acid.
  22. Acid regurgitation.
  23. Gastritis.
  24. Ulcers.
  25. Nails are thin and split and break easily.
  26. Hair looks dull, has split ends, and falls out.
  27. Dry skin.
  28. Skin tends to be irritated in regions where there are heavy concentrations of sweat.
  29. Hives.
  30. Leg cramps and spasms.

A lot of our symptoms can be explained by the not working androgens - you need dht and testosteron for more than just achieving an erection.

I personally believe in fixing the androgen signaling - will fix most of the other problems. I know our brain is fucked, too. But yeah this is related to the gaba stuff. (eye floaters, brain fog, depression)

Please inform me what this bloodtest mean!

Yeah I dont understand the hormonal part…the scientists can figure it out… but i think the other things may contribute…PFS is not just hormones. Hmm if i was to say i reackon T to DHT conversion is f**ked inturn making more estrogen which = lower test and sides :smiling_imp:

this image shows that…we are fucked we fungus!! this is all fungus and bacteria…and it shouldnt be there.
and is also a proof, now no one can tell me…“braziliandude you re delusional etc etc”…its right in front of your eyes! You cant turn your head to the fact that we are infected with fungus. and thats why I wanted to post this here…its a graphic proof, confirming everything single thing that’s ever been said about the problem , it is REALITY. On my first post on this forum I mentioned that I was very commited to this issue(PFS)…and I would find a way out. Gotta love determination, I could never sit on my ass and let life go right thru me. im having a second and I WILL not take it for granted, and as long as I can keep people informed and bring light and hope to those who are in a SHIT situation I WILL do it… regardless of how insane some of you may think I am.

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braziliandude, can you update your member profile and include your success and what treatments you use.

i will do that once i feel 100% …a friend of mine from atlanta is going to send me the medication i need to start the last step…however in brazil , it takes a loong time to overseas medication to enter the country, so maybe in a few months , praying to god!!! and keeping my faith up


congrats on your improvements! i am curious, in your opinion, is this fungus issue the root of our problems, or is it simply a major consequence caused by our finasteride issues? i am just curious of your own opinion.

i hope you keep improving man!