My (IHP) Full Sexual Recovery from PFS - Story and Regimen

any updates from anti-fungals guys?

Has anybody a concrete protocol to be followed on this matter?

Has anybody else even bought Nystatin??? Plans on using it???

currently i am onā€¦

oral nystatin (6 mil per day)
digestive enzymes
pure acai berry
elixa da vida
apple cider vinegar
cooking in coconut oil
drinking lots of water with fresh lemon and lime

i want to get back on fish oil as well and get some light excercise
diet has been messy lately but i want to return to where i was which is fish, eggs, avocados, nuts, some fruits and veggies etc.

i feelā€¦ better? nowhere even remotely close to being cured of this, but i must admit i have had some modest improvements in all areas with these supps and nystatinā€¦ still struggling, but for sure feeling a bit better

did you get a chance to start with a fast? have you stayed away from carbs?

can you pm me the link for where you bought the nystatin?

i did not start with a fast, which may have been a mistake ā€¦ i have been eating carbs still, which i should obviously cut down on ā€¦ i got the nystatin from a doctor, not a website ā€¦ sorry man, i just kept demanding a script for the amount i needed until i got my way, it did take some convincing though ā€¦ do u have a doc who will listen?

IHP, i know you havent logged into rthis site in a while but if you doā€¦I hope you could you answer a few questions for me?..

  1. What were your stools like throughout your process?
  2. Did you have any throid issues (High RT3 or T3/T4 imbalances) or low body temp issues and did you use any thyroid medication to address that or did these issues seem to fix themselves? (I ask because of CGJ1ā€™s recent posts & recovery)
  3. What what was your fluctuation in weight on your diet and what % body fat did you get down to? (ieā€¦did you get ripped abs?)ā€¦ I also ask this because of CGJ1 recent experiences and it is my understanding that the fat can store toxins and excess estrogen which only makes things worse for people in our condition and just wondered if reducing overall body fat can aide in recovery.

Im on a similar protocol (diet/nystatin/probiotics/enzymes & general supplements) and experiencing some positive signs with this direction with my mental issues and my body seems to be shedding fat (I dont think i am losing muscle anymore) and for the first time in my life after cutting sugars out of my diet my stomach is starting to look ripped from losing fat around this area alone and my gyno that i have developed has somewhat reduced. Sexual function however is lagging behind but im hoping it is due to my body still being in detox modeā€¦Im still remaining patien and optimistic and hoping this will fall back in line as well.

I appreciate your posts and willingness to give back to this thread.


IHP congratulations from Desperado.

I posted about auto-immune reaction hypothesis on this site. Problem could be genetical as well, but if (ā€œPFSā€) patient treats infection and keep his level of bad microbes way below normal, he could achieve some sexual (and mental) health. Thus auto-immune reactions should be avoided, since trigger (environmental) cause is neutralised.

In reality, no-starch-diet is very hard to perform, even harder than total fast (I am talking from my own experience).

Solution of this problem lies in body-cleaning, changing the bowel flora,and achieving your gut-health, since problem is not in hormonal-disbalance per se . I hope I will not be banned from this forum for this statement?

I had results only when I approached to problem this way. Alternative medicians, for example, are familiar with such treatments (for various diseases including arthritis and cancer) for long long time.

Fasting is good start, I performed 14 day-water fast couple months ago, but I dont advice to perform it at home, speccially if you are not educated well. If you fast, you have to perform chlistir (enemas) as well.

Greetings till next time,



can you tell me about your diet. You mentioned that you cut out sugars. Does that include fruits (fruit sugar).
I am eating fruits and also I am eating honey on my gluten-free bread (since keeping the diet for long-term is very difficult I eat gluten-free bread (perhaps it is no good idea)). What do you think about honey?

Thanks for your help.

i hatepropecia how are you doing?! whereee areee yooou!?

So another thread that is gone nowhere?

There were many guys following antifungal protocol, Any possitive/negative/zero results would be mostly appreciated.

Itā€™s not that this thread has gone nowhereā€¦it is being worked on offline and a protocol is being developed for a cure/treatment. I will report back with details in the very near future.

his last post wan on Feb 23, 2012. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6115&p=52004#p52004\

I hope this guy is still doing well.
The only way to recover 99% from this drug is if you have stopped it before getting any side effects and 100% if you have not touched it with your hands.

Heā€™s doing 100% sexually. Still has brain fog. Same story. The 100% sexual ability encompasses everything he reported in his first post of this thread and has been maintained with zero drugs or supplements. Thatā€™s all for now.

Ok thanks a lot, because i got some drugs for that ā€œprotocolā€ so iĀ“d like to have somebodyĀ“s way to take them.

Well, im very glad for this guy but in my opinion it would be more reliable and representative for this protocol if anybody else (not 1 but a few at least) have had success as well.

On the other hand, i went to see a gastroenterologist because i have felt gassy for over 2 years or so and i reckon this may also be linked to a kind of post fin stomach disorder. Actually she prescribed some probiotics so iĀ“d like to kill 2 bird with 1 stone and take antifungals to see whether i can be blessed by a miracleā€¦

Many who I talk to offline have experienced relief - notable but modest improvements - using elements of IHPā€™s protocol. I donā€™t know of anyone whoā€™s been able to reverse the PFS sexual sides like IHP has.

Those that are exploring this immune-infection-inflammation angle are researching these areas/topics:

-biofilm / systemic enzymes
-autism and lyme therapies related to the above
-natural and Rx antimicrobials/antifungals
-immune modulators
-autoimmune disease
-The Marshall Protocol (VDR, Biofilm, L-form and CWD [cell wall deficient] bacteria, etc.)

Nobody has a clear, reproducible, foolproof protocol. Just giving you some ideas to explore if youā€™re so inclined.

Hey, Iā€™m very intrigued by this recovery proticol. Though I donā€™t see how digestion can cure PFS. I spose why question it when it worked for him, just be really good to understand the science behind it but from what I see itā€™s a hormonal problem?

From what I understand, certain enzyme are able to breakdown the biofilm that houses and protects many pathogens (including candida).

How is creating a protocol? IHP himself? I trying to get some of the chinese herbs! This is the most important stuff in this story, isnĀ“t it? Had some results with using nyastin, but nothing really big. DidnĀ“t take much of it per day. So there could be really something, that could be treated!!! DonĀ“t know if it is really fungusā€¦

So how is the progess with the protocol - I am so interested in this.

i look my blood in the microscopy and see a lot of yeast, my ferritin is high. the fact isā€¦ iron and metals feed yeast and bad bacterias,
we need to know about ferritin and iron blood levels of ihatepropecia all time, because he said that when he recovered his iron and ferritin is very low.
lets convenience recovery reducing his metal, ihatepropecia with anti fungus protocol paulrogers too, mlevyholden with tribulus( anti fungal) diet, exercices, if you thinkā€¦ every one who recovered, work like treat a infection.

i hate propecia pls pls appear, and give me all yours blood tests , make this favor for all comunity who suffer. who have contact if heā€¦ pls pass this words,

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I think this anti fungal protocol is just a small part, thereā€™s no way this can be a cure for the hormonal damage. Common penile shrinkage and mental sides. Letā€™s be realistic.