My (IHP) Full Sexual Recovery from PFS - Story and Regimen

What do you guys think of the idea of a fecal matter transplant? I know it’s completely disgusting sounding but it just might work

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Joetz, I think the name of the drug is Nystatin, and the marketing names can be Mycostatin, Nilstat, Nystat-Rx, Bio-Statin. Having said that, my liquid bottle says MGP, my tabs just say Nystatin. Some overseas gray market tabs and capsules from Sigma Tau say Nilstat–haven’t really relied on that stuff as much.

Can you elaborate on your specific doses, how long on Nystatin (what form), and what specific before and after results you have? (How bad was your E.D. / sensitivity / libido before & how is it now?)

Regarding fecal transplants, I have mentioned the concept in the theoretical discussions regarding IHP’s recovery thread: viewtopic.php?p=51742#p51742.
Nobody reacted to it, lol. It’s like an immune system transplant, essentially. And other than the screening process for the donor sample, you can do it yourself, if you’re adventurous. There are, of course, an increasing amount of doctors/researchers doing the technique. There will be no pharma-sponsored large studies, of course, because it would wipe out their antibiotic sales. There are some small studies that are gaining funding, though.

If this is a fungus/gut problem, it should be easily testible, correct? Why can’t they just take a stool sample and check for fungul infections? Has anyone done this? I have access to a microscope and Potassium Hydroxide, so I can easily do a mouth swap to check for oral infection. If I have systemic candida, it should obviously be in my mouth as well.

Fungal infection makes a bit of sense for some of my symptoms. Particularly, I was using ketaconazole 2% shampoo every day for many months. Several months after quitting finasteride, I realized it was also not good for my testosterone, so I quit taking it. My brain fog gradually began to get worse starting from around this time (not sure if it was getting worse before stopping Nizoral 2% or not). I can’t remember if I had pain in my prostate area before this or not… man, I really should write this shit down.

Yep you can get a stool test, and multiple people have tested positive, although no single test is conclusive for reasons discussed before. History and symptoms are usually good clues on whether to treat. Testing methods have been discussed on this thread before: viewtopic.php?p=51524#p51524

I haven’t been taking the Nystatin like you have. I’ve been doing the homemade kefir, coconut oil, oregano oil, black walnut, and wormwood. All natural stuff, but they are very powerful at killing bad stuff in the intestines. I’ve been making huge improvements all around. Better sleep, less ED, better libido, and my mind is much faster and I am getting my wit and humor back. We’re definitely on the right track and I hope you keep progressing as well.

There is a doctor who is doing this in australia. I have even heard that fecal transplants can reverse parkinson’s disease, which sounds incredible. Would love to see some of our aussie PFS victims give it a try if they have the cojones for it. I might even consider doing it myself if I could find someone local who could do it for me and it were properly screened

I know this is about as disguisting a topic as we can have, but this is very interesting. I been trying to research this topic, but it’s difficult to find much reliable information on it. If anyone has stumbled onto impressive studies or Successful recoveries using this please post them.

I have the perfect donor candidate for myself. My 2 yo daughter. Of course still in diapers. At least I could save myself further embarrassment from this nightmare. Imagine asking your parents, sister or other family member for some of their feces. lol. I don’t know how much worse it can get than that.

Here’s a guy on a Candida forum, that seems to claim it has helped him. I know he also did Nystatin enemas as well. I have been trying to communicate with him, but it seems since he isn’t suffering much he doesn’t post on the forum as much.

I’ve done some research and if we are lacking good gut bacteria we probably need trillions of probiotics. Most of the brands sold are expensive and we just don’t know the reliability. I can’t find much in the way of studies on this subject. Part of the problem is the pharmaceutical companies can’t make money off of this. There is actually a doctor in the area where I live who is renowned for using the fecal transplants for C diff patients who have tried other therapies that have not worked.

Boston, if your daughter was conceived after your PFS, wouldn’t you be concerned that her gut flora would be compromised? I would pay attention to her gut/immune system for her sake (avoiding any potential immune triggers like gluten/grains, finasteride or unnecessarily stacked vaccinations - and research incorporating natural probiotic sources in her diet). Also, I would not consider her an ideal candidate for you. I know this is just an idea that we’re discussing here, but still, just wanted to raise the point. Glad some people are entertaining the concept on a theoretical level.

The problem with a fecal transplant is that it’s a crapshoot, lol. It’s a treatment of last resort in which you hope that you have a healthy donor with truly healthy microbiota. But you can only test for the most obvious, detectable, known pathogenic strains of stuff we’ve identified. If anyone were to take the step of doing this, I would hope that they thoroughly vet the donating party. There are links (some provided earlier) where people do this themselves via enemas over the course of a week. You still need a doctor/hospital to run the screen on the stool sample.

Xhornd, You certainly have a point with that concern. However, I Personally think she is healthy as any other child her age. I have been living her with her for 2 years. She gets colds ocassionally in the winter and doesn’t seem to be sick any more than any of the other kids in her day care center. My sister’s son is in the same day care center class with my daughter and he is sick about the same amount as my daughter. Of course this is all pure speculation, but my felling is I’m really sick and she likely is very healthy. Well I haven’t decided to do this yet, but I feel it’s more risk vs reward.

If I did decide to do it, I doubt I would deal with a hospital or doctor. I’m done dealing with those arrogant fuckers. I know that would be the ideal situation in a perfect world, but you and I know I can’t call up my local GP or hospital and tell them I would like to have my daughters waste tested. There’s too many egos and too much bureaucracy involved in the US medical system to do this. Their only interest is in making money and they don’t care about what is best for me. I have seen dozens of doctors and spent thousands of dollars and and time. It has gotten me no where. Personally I feel there is far more risk is in using an adult donor, who is more likely to have some type of parasite, c diff, etc., because they have just been alive longer.

In any event, I’m not a 100% certain I’ll do it yet. I hope I can dig up some more success stories or something to show we should investigate this subject more.

Boston, I’m super-glad your daughter is healthy. And I totally understand your frustration with conventional medicine and doctors, don’t get me started…

I would still try to find a way to be extra-sure that there’s nothing overtly pathogenic from ANY sample you use. Read, read, read, read as many personal tales of people doing this, whether at home or with a doctor. Don’t impulsively do it – not that I think you will, but I understand the tolls PFS and the medical system take on one’s soul and sometimes we just say “fuck it!”

I admire your do-it-yourself attitude, I just want ya to be safe about it.

Interesting point about an adult sample – then again, why not find the most virile male you know for a donor? Lol. I’m half-kidding here.

There must be some options for independent testing of stool – try to see if you can circumvent going to a regular doctor if you feel you won’t get anywhere with one, and if you don’t have any nearby practitioners of this method. Some kind of online lab where you can ship your shit out to. :slight_smile:

Ihp… speak more about iron…?! your iron are very low…they are high before???
i think this can be a copper/iron overload…
copper raise estradiol… iron infections/ both cause
brain fog and impotence…

tks! and appear!
you can post blood tests for iron…
its a lot of important for my researchs…

just another information… one side effect for nystatin is anemia… so … this can be a metal toxicity caused by the raising of estrogen that propecia give to us…?
and yes how much of you had ginecomastia?
and… for you know… metals can change our dna…
just google this…
so the aswer is reduce metal overload… like letsconvenience did… and ihatepropecia?
mew what you think?
what every one here think about it?

Honestly, I think what you are posting is complete nonsense, backed by nothing remotely scientific other than some concepts you’ve dreamed up in your own head. Stringing together random theory after random theory will get you nowhere, perhaps focus your energies on something more productive like starting a lawsuit in Brazil or generating media awareness in your country instead.

Just search… metal toxicity, candida(fungus does’t exist how many here had jock itch, athlete foot?,) copper toxicity, estrogen and metals, anti fungals and anemia,
high metal, and infections, high metal gingivitis, high metal, low vitamin C, D, high metal digestive problens,
high metal brain fog, high metal impotence, high metal dna changes, high metal diabetis

That’s nothing new/we already know that aspect. Well, “we” and we really, i mean i think it’s been talked about here in these forums before. Just search about it with the search function. It’s something to consider as a possible side-effect/result of PFS/finasteride so check it if you want. xhorndog or others might have read about it. JN might have been talking about it, i can’t remember.

But hmm florindo, whenever you are saying that x could be because of heavy metal toxicity or that nystatin causes anemia or whatever then could you PLEASE offer the sources? Scientific paper or the internet site so anybody could discern if the syndrome/health problem/thing in question is something to take seriously. Especially scientific papers in regards to drug side-effects.
No matter if it’s a alternative syndrome or androgen resistance or anything, ALWAYS prove sources to what you are saying. This is just common sense. If it’s something you heard from somebody or a doc in your rl then remember to mention that.


…'scuse me but surely you have realized by now that not many people have that kind of mental reserves/strenght to go through pulling out media interest? maybe some of us suffer crippling brainfog or hypoglycemia or bad chronic fatigue issues all the time? maybe lot of us are just students with little money to do much anything than to somehow eg improve constant brainfog so that they COULD have mental reserves to do more for them or for others? maybe some of us aren’t willing to give up on their anonymity in fear of losing love life for good? maybe some of us haven’t told even their loved ones of the truth in fear of losing them, being a freak after all? maybe some of us…idk, some of us might fear losing their jobs should their face become recognized to pfs in media or internet (and further consiquences to this)? losing face in your homecity? maybe there’s more reasons i just can’t figure out right this second?.. like uh some of us already stressed out the legal options they believe that would prove the best results already so the second best thing is to figure if some therapies at least relieve the symptons?

Also. I know you seem to somehow systemically ignore my posts about Kos prostatitis treatment but that drainage treatment cured my brainfog and tripled my energies. Improved eye-sight like noticably and in phases. Improved spontaneous erections while losing morning erections. Likewise, took a damage to my knees and maybe tendons/bottom of my feet.

Yet you still keep repeating that the drainage was a hoax and ineffective like some… some spstriken or Second Amendment, heh. Do you NOT see why i’m not regretting the treatment despite the losses? For a “random theory”, it sure seemed to affect me quite a lot. Every time i improved seemed to overlay with how the treatment was progressing and how eg the pain was sparking in the prostate. You can’t just ignore my statement if i’m saying that it definitely felt like that my feelings improved while on therapy, if i feel all the time that this is helping me physically then mentally then i wonder how you can say that it’s “the antibiotics effect” or whatever. Another bizarre example is tryingnottoworry who is still cured from his symptons from his stringed-together dolichol-spinach therapy (which makes sense in his theory). Or IHP’s recovery.

If you, Mew, bothered to do the search yourself, you would have found fairly quickly that the prostate drainage treatment (usually called Manila Protocol) is well-documented practice with multiple scientific studies and mostly positive feedback. Granted, not the only prostatitis theory out there but certainly one of the most plausible/likely reasons for prostatitis. EDIT Okay, i’m not sure who the burden of proof is on exactly in argumentation but this should affect both parties in any case.

Also, consider this problem: I have tons of energy now…that i MIGHT lose in the following year because i couldn’t kill my enterococcus faecalis and i’m broke. It’s hard to get a job over here. I need money and i got to juggle my school with my wildly swinging hypoglycemia and brainfog & listness/apathy problems.

So you know uh, just so you know. Consider these things just a little longer again before making yet another belittling post. We are on the same side after all, pal.

google this… is more easy and you can research too…
every thing that i saw is very very easy to found…

Uh, ok, but how exactly is googling what florinado is googling and spamming it around the forum helping?

I’m sorry? You must have quoted the wrong part. I think i only said that florindo should post his sources whenever possible than say like “hey google dye intoxication. it makes sense right? what do you think of it martinM.”. I guess i’m expecting that people check their sources themselves for authenticity or just posting ideas (which is yeah kinda what you are saying). Idk, sometimes those lead to interesting trails and sometimes they work. I agree though on what xhorndog and awor said, that you are free to try out therapies that prove minimum amount of hazard/misfortune to the users. I’m expecting that everybody has to read the dangers of therapies before doing them.

Any updates from the guys who were trying this?

I am going trough an antifungal protocol in 2 weeks as i have some fungus on my skin (i have prescription from my dermatologist), so i might find some relieve (sexually, were i totally screwed up)

Well florindo isnt really going to do anything eles around here, since he got banned

A very interesting article on the gut-brain connection