My (IHP) Full Sexual Recovery from PFS - Story and Regimen

Hey IHP,

Did you notice any die off symptoms during this whole ordeal or when you started the wormwood/blackwalnut/clove mix? More specifically, did you notice any kind of sinus build up as a die off? (e.g. runny nose, pain above teeth, pain behind ears, etc)

also, earlier i asked you if you took any things and you had a bad/no reaction to. you’re right, this is way too general. what i was thinking to myself was there anything within your regimen categories, for example other digestive enzymes or probiotics or other things within your regimen, possibly another brand where you didn’t feel any type of result or possibly a bad reaction to.


Another thing, did you notice a change in your bowel movements throughout this process? Or possibly flatulence or something like that? Like color, or just noticeable things/changes you had… possibly after all this anti parasite type stuff?

nystatin, chinese herbs… i think you recovery from a chronic prostatitis… and i think this is the cause of a rise in cortisol, so our sexual hormones became lower… because of cortisol we have adrenal fatigue and our gut work properly so we cannot recovery from high estradiol because liver discharge estradiol to the gut and it don’t work properly we got depression and sleep problens because of the cortison the firt thing we need to do is killing infection for our body can recovery itself… thx ihp you help us and yourself so much lets recovery from this prostatitis… IHP did you suffer some pain in perineum and tell me about your insonia… you cant sleep or awake several times during the night?@

estradiol is the only hormone that has never given problems to me…

Its been sometime since the this initial thread has been posted. Has anyone else tried Nystatin?

i tried nystatin for a bit more than 1 month, started with 3 spoons, then up to 6 spoons, digestive products, probiotics and candia diet but felt absolutely nothing. I stopped nystatin about 3 days ago because i think i was just wasting time and money.

Yep, i´d like to get some more feedback regarding those who said they´d try it. As far as i know there were a few.

Well esermon, i reckon that u stopped taking fin quite recently so you might recover naturally. Furthermore, i believe that this nystatin theory may be useful to try for people who have been suffering the sides for like time and got worse with time, which is my case, for instance.

Please check this out to understand why 100% of what is written there is plain wrong. (bottom line is nystatin is not an HDACi that we know of, and dex is irrelevant to this story)

ehm who told you i stopped fina recently? i stopped it in october 2010, it is not recently unfortunately. Actually it’s 3/4 days i feel better, as of when i stopped nystatin and restarted eating a bit better i feel a bit better. Now there are 3 interpretations: 1) it’s just a coincidence 2) nystatin & co. wasn’t just useless, it was damaging me 3) my body started to feel nystatin & co.'s benefits when breaking them off. Now which is the truth?

Esermon, how long were you on it for? I think IHP said it took 4-6 weeks to start feeling any difference.

about 5 weeks

hey IHP you fell somekind of perineum pelvic floor little pain sometimes?!

Jesus Christ, calm down. You don’t have to flood this forum. I know I touched a nerve that Dr. G missed, but let the hatred go already.

lol you really seem to wish I was hating you do you? You unfortunately made several fallacious statements in that post that required another one to reestablish the factual truth in that thread. Read my post again and note the total lack of anger or hatred. Your Dr G. jokes are getting old though, and Im dumbfounded to see how a PFS sufferer could ever make fun of the people that went to Kos… That really is some next level douchebaggery…

I really wish I didnt have to waste my time trying to undo the damage you’ve done posting misleading bullshit in so many threads in this forum. You’re the one that has been flooding that place with useless (at best) garbage, posting the most ill-founded, illogical, stupid, agressive and/or plain wrong statements with the utmost confidence and with a tone of authority. Before you mention his name again note how you seem to hate solonjk more than anyone that has actually been to Kos (which happened before you even arrived here) too, that should tell you something.
The one semi-good idea you ever had (the hunger strike at Merk’s headquarters) it seems you’ll never have the balls to make it happen. Just like you created a suicide blog (“watch me as I fight for my life”, LOL) with a countdown to 90days then few weeks later changed your mind about it saying “it’s only methaphorical”. So pathetic I don’t have the heart to make fun of your case like I actually could.

Try to do the damage solonjk has done first.

lol, you’re so predictable

Update: I have been taking Nystatin at high dose (up to 8 tabs or 20ml, 4x a day) for about 1 1/2 months.

I first noticed my skin clearing up (a subtle change, but a distinct one to one familiar with seb. dermatitis). I then observed strong, rigid nocturnals that would wake me up. And then routine morning erections that would come and go. The most rigid erections I felt were typically the nocturnals. I would wake up elated, because normally when I wake up, I put my hand on my penis and it’s shriveled up. I would be half-asleep and thinking to myself “no way this is permanent,” I just felt alive in those moments. The erections were never quite 100%. They would vary in rigidity. Typically, the morning erections wouldn’t be quite as hard. I would guesstimate around 70-85%, sometimes fuller or more rigid. I Also noticed more flaccid size when urinating. It was so damn dramatic. My penis looked so much healthier, so much more stretched and loose…I realize what some of the guys who report fluctuations in flaccid penis appearance were talking about now. Oh yeah, even after masturbation, blood/size would hang around even through my post-masturbation urination.

At my best, I had slow/steady arousal to porn…there was some delay in the reaction, but it was less than my baseline PFS state. My erection came straight out with some rigidity, but would not reach full potential or last without some manual assistance. But this was improvement. I felt like I had taken a step forward out of 10 very big, long steps to potential recovery. Unfortunately, I didn’t stay in this improved state (which lasted less than a week)…but the nocturnals/morning episodes continued steadily. And manual arousal was generally easier than it had been in a long time. So overall: high dose Nystatin gave life to my dead penis, particularly nocturnals and morning erections. Although not as rock hard as one year ago when I did this same Nysatin experiment.

Over the weekend, I tried tapering down on Nystatin as I incorporated some natural/herbal antifungals and sleep/adrenal supps. I had a clear drop off. Back to back nights/mornings where there was virtually no erection. Kind of freaky and distressing. Very little libido, it’s like the turtle’s head went back inside the shell. Masturbation regressed to how it was pre-Nystatin, where I had to force myself to do it, really work hard to keep blood flow, and I wasn’t necessarily fully engorged when I came. Same when I went to urinate: back to the old, shriveled, shrunken, dead-looking penis.

So I re-incorporated Nystatin yesterday, and went SUPER HIGH on my bedtime dose last night. I again re-experienced rigid nocturnals and some morning movement.

Seems like clear cause and effect for me. Nystatin helps my erections at high dose. It’s frustrating, because I would like to believe that natural/herbal antifungals are strong enough to do the job, but I am unsure. I am going to keep on with the natural anti-pathogen formula (GI Synergy) that I recently started taking (many of the same ingredients as stuff IHP took), continue with the Nystatin, and today I also incorporated InterFase Plus, a biofilm buster. I’ve also been on high-dose probiotics at night. And I’ve incorporated homemade Kefir (live active cultures) with that nightly probiotic dose. I did a month of GAPS Intro Stage 1 dieting (bone broths with meats and veggies) and am now back on a full GAPS/Paleo/Primal/Weston Price/Perfect Health Diet regimen: whole foods, no grains.

After a few weeks of the new herbal supplements/biofilm buster, I will monitor and see if I can taper down from Nystatin. I would like to ideally focus on rebuilding gut-ecology instead of just nuking one thing as the natural docs all suggest. But if I again drop off significantly, I will have to keep Nystatin as a staple, and perhaps reconsider stronger antifungals like fluconazole and itraconazole. I’m very weary of these, 'cause they’re so toxic and it’s tough to distinguish die-off from side effect. They made me feel really ill.

One point I’d really like to make is that my facial skin getting itchy as I tapered down the Nystatin doses was the sign that Nysatin’s action was antifungal. Skin and penile health go hand in hand for me, so it’s a clue that fighting fungus is what Nystatin does and what helps me. I still can’t precisely explain the mechanism, I’m still frustrated by experiencing such strong positive signs but not being able to take a few more steps forward. I struggle with sleep, especially since finasteride, and so I’m afraid that getting restful, recuperative deep sleep is part of helping my system cool down and recover. I’m working on that.

It’s interesting to me that the first improvements come at night when the body is repairing itself and inflammation is at its lowest. I wish I could get the modified EMG and SSEP and doppler ultrasound testing that Blase, JG, Venceremos, Claro and other PFSers have been getting in France (they are now 7 for 7 in diagnosing pudendal nerve inflammation in PFS cases, in addition to guys like Frustrated, Tlecum and Voice who received similar diagnoses of neuropathy from other doctors: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=5661). I think they have a smoking gun picture of the spot of the inflammation between the gut/prostate area, in the general uro-genital region. And somehow, gut inflammation and/or fungus and other pathogens have some association and culpability (a couple of them who tried antifungals had positive experiences & doctors agree that this is a possibility–hence their reluctance to treat with traditional immuno-suppressing anti-inflammatories). Additionally, some of these PFSers continue to get diagnoses of prostatitis. There appears to be a gut-prostate-nerve-brain axis or continuum. These organs do not exist in isolation, it’s safe to say that finasteride damages your uro-genital organs, one way or another, you just don’t see these kinds of test results in such young men. Even with these clues, fixing this problem does not appear easy.

@xhorndog you took 8 tablets per day or how much liquid? i can’t understand how much liquid from what you wrote.

When i restarted eating normally after ihp’s regimen i noticed my tummy blows up after eating, it blows up in an incredible way. I think it’s due to digestive products i took, maybe they made my stomach not able to digest anymore, or maybe not eating grains for so long made my stomach not able to digest them anymore.

I took Nystatin 4 times a day. Instead of the standard 500,000 units each time (one tab, or 5ml), I took 8 tabs or 40ml, or some combination that totaled that same high amount.

I would not recommend eating grains of any sort. There is zero nutritional benefit, there is lots of potential downside (not just from the gluten, but from other proteins, from the competition with absorption of other minerals we need, the general inflammatory effect of excess omega-6s and the genetically modified profile), and there’s also the matter of which (healthier) foods they displace in the diet.

Also keep in mind that we coexist with fungus, including candida, as well as bacteria and parasites. So if you take a nuclear approach to just fungus, there could be imbalances created with other beneficial organisms. So I can’t really endorse strictly using Nystatin, or using it in any particular off-label dosage. Candida thrives when the immune system is out of whack. So think of diet and probiotics, among other things, as foundations to help the whole system, the whole ecology of your gut. Look into home-fermented foods and kefir – very easy to make.

The goal long-term, is fixing the overall system which keeps candida and anything pathogenic in check. But the question is just how deep into it are we? It takes a tremendous effort and amount of time to repopulate your gut with beneficial bacteria. IHP’s diet consisted of nothing but kefir for certain stretches of time. And he took TONS of probiotics. How much did this factor in to his recovery? And are some people (myself?) so affected that we need a pharmaceutical approach? Or is the holistic approach the better route, even if it takes longer? I constantly find myself at a crossroads of deciding which way to go.

Xhorndog are you taking Nystatin brand or generic?

I’ve been doing some the same things you have and have also had similarly good results