My (IHP) Full Sexual Recovery from PFS - Story and Regimen

hey Blase, amphotericin B is a very powerful drug…please be careful with it.

Reeeff, itraconazole should have some positive benefits but its not the same drug as nystatin. Nystatin will give you no side effects whereas itraconazole might cause some. This is due to the fact that Nystatin is not absorbed by the gut and into the blood stream (supposedly). Also, please remember that different anti-fungals work differently and different strains of fungi react differently to each anti-fungal.

Well Dutsucks, as far as i know (im not an expert at all though), Itraconazole is a wide-spectrum antifungal, while nystain mainly works on candida set in mouth and stomach. As i said, i was prescribed itraconazole to erase the white spots from my skin, but as i have also come across with this thread and am suffering sexual sides, i was trying to kill 2 birds with 1 stone xD.

Furthermore, we don´t know what type of fungus we are trying to kill, so itraconazole might (or might not) work as well (or even better) as nystatin to reverse our sides. This is obviously just a theory…

Hey all,

RR3 – I’m sure there were some “carbs” and “sugars” in there, but I did not knowingly consume them. I didn’t make a “special” occasion and eat bread or pasta, nothing like that. It was not until a good while into the diet I started to allow sushi (rice) once a week.

esermon – Hey man, my theory is based around infection. I don’t know if we “really” had an infection, but I recovered treating that angle. Why did I use digestive enzymes? Well, because I wanted my food fully digested. I figured that if I’m infected, my body is not processing and digesting food well, and if it is not digested and processed well it would sit in the gut and putrefy. And what grows on shit? You got it – infection. So I didn’t want it sitting around long. Again, this is just my reasoning, and it could be completely “wrong”, but it is what I did.

My diet was basically influenced from the anti-candida diet. I got the idea from anti-candida diet and the limited diet that people are placed on when chronically ill. When one is healthy, they can almost eat any thing. It is when one is sick that diet is greatly restricted. I used this philosophy. Again, I don’t know if it is “right”. It’s just what I did.

Florindo – Hey, yeah. I have been dreaming for a while now, normal healthy dreams. Speaking of dreams, you brought up a good point. At the end of my recovery my body started having wet dreams again. I’m not sure why, but I can only speculate that perhaps it was reacquainting itself with its newly restored sexual functions. Once again, I don’t know what was “really” happening – I’ll let the scientists on the board discuss it – but at the end of recovery I was have a few wet dreams a week. It lasted a couple of weeks.

finally an exhaustive answer !!
Today is my thirteenth day on nystatin, candida diet, digestive after every meal and today i’ve started with probiotics. Sincerely i notice nothing good, on the contrary i’m losing weight, getting too thin i think and i’m experiencing almost zero libido that is something quite recent. It seems that improvements in erections bring me worsening in libido, i remember when i was completely impotent libido was almost like before fina.
ihp said that he felt nystatin was useful, probiotics were useful etc. whilst he took other drugs that to his mind were not helping him. Well ihp’s recovery path seems that is not helping me at all, even if just 13 days have elapsed. What do you (i mean all memebers not only ihp by you) think i should do? I need your advice because i’m trying that stuff not only for me, but for you too, if very luckily nystatin etc. cured me that would be a great result also for you i think. Now i’m trying to cure myself but i also feel like i’m a guinea pig.

Esermon, good on you here for sticking your hand up and giving it a go.

Have you tried Diflucan/Trican/Fluconazole, all the same thing. If not i really think you should.

all my medicines arrived today,im starting my treatment tomorrow.

13 weeks is not long enough to feel improvements with candida it takes months, you just have to stick with it. I also started the diet and have been using virgin coconut oil to start killing off candida and I already feel some benefits. I just cant wait for my nystatin to arrive . I have always believed this theory myself I have been a long time sufferer and candida has always been there. I used to have colonics and my therapist always used to say I had allot of yeast when I was having my treatments. I have cleansed myself of candida before it took along time and a very strict diet but it is the best I have ever felt in my life, and I was on that poison.
if this is my only chance to get better, I will try anything.

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ehm 13 weeks are 3 months and i haven’t tried nystatin for 3months, i said 13 days. Where have you bought nystatin? I found in pharmacies only mycostatin that is a syrup 100.000 u.i. i can’t find pills.

esermon, are you eating anything at all besides probiotics?

I believe if you are treating Candida you can still eat meats preferably chicken breast & vegetables but just avoid sugars & carbs… Please correct me if I’m wrong, as I’m still trying learn more about the Candida infection angle of this disease

i’m following candida diet that you can easily find on the internet. The point is that you can find almost everything and its opposite on the internet, for example somewhere i read carrots are anti-candida food, they kill candida, somewhere else i found carrots should be avoided because they contains lots of carbohydrates. I eat no dairy products except for yogurt without sugar, no milk, no sweet food, no bread, no alcohol, whole wheat pasta just a couple of times per week, fruit every day but never more than 2 fruits per day, no fried food, no mushrooms, no canned food with lots of preservatives, potatoes and tomatoes very rarely, no cereals.
Actually i don’t trust in this recovery path very much. I was doing very well from the end of november to the beginning of january, than something happened that stopped my recovery and brought me some months back, probably that something is penis enlargement shit ehm penis enlargement exercises or maybe it is just the case.

hey IHP, did you say tha you use t3 in june…
for how long you do that? and do you think this work?

are you still getting better mental?!

@ihp you started your path with a 10 days fasting, here on propeciahelp there are some cases of partial recoveries after fasting, did you notice any improvements after the 10 days you fasted?

now you need to ejaculate? like 2 times a week or more?

Hey IHP, did you have any neurological tests done? Some people have found that they have neuropathy.


congratulation on your recovery. I wish it could last for ever.
But I am afraid it is not recovery, but it is just a remission and you will come back to square one. The same kind of remission which people generally get when suffering from auto immune disorders ( like rheumatoid arthritis).
A lot over here have got occasional remission. It is not a rocket science any thing which brings down inflammation will bring remission.
Just pop vitamine D3 ( 4 - 8 tabs 1000 IU) and you will see huge improvement. I have got this kind of improvements many times.

Improvements that have lasted 5 months? How can you be so sure that he’s not recovered. This is so pessimistic. 5 months without taking anything sounds like recovery.

he heal the gut and recovery thats it!

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how can you be so sure this is simply a remission?

hey IHP i have sure we had a infection i’m too saw hemacias agrouped and candida in my microoscopy…so you think is a gut inflamation, infection or another place inflamation infection… thx for all you are the hero here"!

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Wow. Somebody give this guy an award for the most pessimistic post of the year. How the hell do you know that it’s simply a remission? We don’t even know if this is an auto-immune disease as you state and 5 months is an extremely long time for a remission.