My (IHP) Full Sexual Recovery from PFS - Story and Regimen

I cannot edit my posts anymore???
Actually, sorry, United pharmacy won’t ship to italy
try these,%20Nystop,%20Pedi-Cri,%20Generic%20Nystatin%20%29.html

Congratulations on your recovery, IHP. I hope one day, like you, I can bounce back and get on with my life as a recovered person.

I have a few questions about sensation. At what point in the process did you first notice an improvement in sensation? Did it all come back at once or was it gradual? Has 100% of sensation returned?

Also, when you were taking the Nystatin, do you know how many millions of units/day you took when you were at your highest dose? You mentioned about 15 teaspoons. I can’t figure out how many millions of units/day that would be. Then you switched to the tabs but I can’t find how many you took per day.

I’d love to try to do some of the same things you did and hopefully get some similar results.

Ooh! Nice questions venceromos.

Hey IHP, i figured you missed this: About dark field microscopy and it’s results, do you still have the picture somewhere? What kind of test it was, just a drop of blood put onto a microscope glass + shield and then put it to that dark field microscope? Well, i don’t need to know the exact details maybe to how to do it but yeah, any info about this would help of course if i’m asking some laboratory to do it.

Thread has been split to remove arguments, theoretical discussion etc to enable IHP to focus on providing direct Questions/Answers in his own thread.

Theoretical discussions related to this thread moved here: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=6161

to ihatepropecia where did you buy digestive enzymes, i didn’t find them in pharmacy. And probiotics? I bought a digestive that is also apt for stomach hyperacidity, it contains calcium carbonate, glicina (i can’t translate it in english but it should be something similar), anionico synthetic rezin (see glicina for anionico) and it contains sorbitol too. If you took digestive enzymes just to digest i think i can take my digestive, if you took them for other unknown reasons maybe i can’t. What do you think about it?

ihatepropecia did you use t3 in your recovery and for how much time?!?
sorry for bad english

Hey guys,

No, I did not buy a bottle a day lol. That is insane lol. The bottles I had were 900ml, something like that. I then moved to tabs, and they were all 500,000units per tab. 1 tab = 1 teaspoon.

Florindo – It’s all on their website. Used paypal. What do you mean what symptoms? I told them about all my pfs symptoms, which are listed in my initial post.

Prop – Yeah man, it was a ton! The more I took the better I did, so I just took more. Each tab is 500,000, and each teaspoon is 500,000, so just add them up. 12 tabs = 6million units. You get the idea.

Joetz – I can’t recall the “ah-ha” moment in regard to sensitivity because it really didn’t happen like that. It was definitely gradual. I’m normal now, though it was a slow process. I do recall sensitivity at a much improved level around 3 months after Nystatin, but not fully recovered until around September, which would be about 9 months after starting give or take.

Getfinauser – Hey man, I have the reports, but not the pictures. The process was straight forward consisting of a finger prick, a swab, and then placed on the slide. I’m sure you can find the complete process and all its “flaws” on quackwatch lol :wink:

Esermon – All of the supps/meds I used I listed in my initial post, along with links.

Also, I’m sorry if I missed any questions. Just ask again if I did :slight_smile:

IHP, can you touch on any things you’ve tried in the past that didn’t help you? For example, I know you talk about and link to specific digestive enzymes/probiotics you took (THANK YOU), but were there any other ones that you took and had a bad reaction too? Or anything for that matter, did you take any things and you felt a bad effect and decided to stop taking it? Or maybe something you can think of that you didn’t really notice on helping. I know you probably did a ton of different stuff, but just curious on other things you can remember.

thanks man. and thanks for going into such detail on everything here also.

That’s a huge question. I was sick for a long time, and I tried everything except for HRT. I couldn’t just sit ideally and let life pass me by. Eventually everything made me worse except for the sup/meds I mentioned in my initial post, that is why I stuck with them. My theory was that I will treat this infection angle, and anything that helped I would just take more of it, so I did.

In the past I took tons of meds, supps, etc. and some helped for a day or two, maybe for a week if I was luckily, then they stopped working and made me feel worse than before I started them.

End the end, the products I mentioned are the ones I stayed with because I noticed they helped me the most.

so you bought probiotics and digestive enzymes online not in pharmacy, am i right? about the digestive i bought (the one in the previous post), that i took as i didn’t find digestive enzymes in pharmacy, what do you think about it, to your mind should i take it as if it was your digestive enzymes?

Hey man, I’m not really sure. I can tell you what I did, and I can only really speak to what I did. It might be helpfull, and I’m all for giving it a shot and reporting back to the group.

ihatepropecia did you use t3 in your recovery and for how much time?!?
sorry for bad english

so t3 are useless?

IHP, thx for reply
can u tell me, exactly,
how many millions units per day and for how many days ?
u had any side effects from so hi dose of nysta?

does someone how to do the conversion from gram to IU for nystatin or amphotericineB?
i am in Europe i jsut want to compare dosage and this information is hard to find…

I am planning on following this recovery regimen down to the T. If anybody else is going to be doing the same and is interested in keeping track/notes on our progress, please PM me. Thanks

Great news. But please keep us all updated in this forum…


While you were on your six month diet, did you restrict yourself from ALL carbs and ALL sugars?
Or was it ok for some foods to contain low amounts of sugar?


sorry if i seem insistent but i need to understand your theory so i can manage it for me too. digestive enzymes were taken simply to digest, no other obscure reasons am i right? about the diet did u follow a specific diet for a known illness, like candida diet or leaky gut diet etc. or not? or rather i read u used to eat eat vegetables and chicken and no carbohydrates, but who gave you this idea? what illness can improve with your diet? When i asked “who gave you this idea?” i didn’t mean which person by who, i meant what situation, what problem. i hope the questions are clear.

IHP are you dreaming now?

Well, I have recently bought a bottle of Nystatin (mycostatin is its commercial name in Spain) to give it a try. But before starting to take it, i´d like to gather some thoughts that i have had.

I found out some time ago white spots on my skin. The majority of them are set on my back and belly skin. I went to see a dematologist a few months ago and ahe prescribed Sporanox (itraconazol), 2 pills for 1 week. Well, i havent taken them yet as she said it was nothing serious, just appearance-related, and i was having some other meds (to prevent malaria, as i was in Africa for a while) so i didn´t want to mess with new drugs.

So here is my question, does anybody think that sporanox might be as useful as mycostatin to tackle our symptons? I have been doing some research and Sporanox is also prescribed to treat candida and, apparently, it is more wide-range antifungal compared to Mycostatin…

In addition, do you reckon that my white spots might be linked to some fungus grown on my body due to finasteride use?