My (IHP) Full Sexual Recovery from PFS - Story and Regimen

Yes lol. It was a pain in the ass, no pun intended. I was very regular. My average was probably 5-7, though I had gone up into the teens a few times.

Was is diarrhea? Did you ever come close to shitting your pants? How were you able to deal with this at work?

IHP, thanks for your answers

This could be, but I dont think so. Ive been severely affected by the FQ antibiotics on many levels. In fact PFS is easy stuff compared to PFQS. This is why I stayed silent for such a long time, I was so much destroyed, and Im still far from being recovered from this nightmare, and its unlikely I ever will be back 100%. I would rather eat a full box of proscar right now that touch a single dose of any fluoroquinolone ever again. I know i would most probably end up disabled, retarded, and psychotic, with atrocious chronic neuropathic pains all over. Id rather chop my dick and balls off than have to go through what i have been through again. NOBODY should ever touch one of these antibiotics unless they are on the verge of dying, and nobody should ever trust Dr G, there I said it, that man is fucking criminal, telling people to keep taking FQ they are reacting to and even increasing the dose. I was dumb to trust solonjk and this man.
Anyway, since FQ I have impaired blood flow, cold feet and hands (never had that problem before that), problem reported by many FQ sufferers, similar to raynaud syndrome, which also causes ridged nails, reported by many FQ sufferersā€¦

Although, some ppl (on curezone and other forums) do associate nail ridges with malabsorbtion issues/leaky gut and also candida, so there could be a linkā€¦

And since FQs, I have developped some kind of psoriasis on the scalp, that is very quickly and effectively treated with apple cider vinegar (i couldnt beleive this), but does come back after a whileā€¦ ACV has antifungal propertiesā€¦

Also, you forgot to adress my second questions : your ā€œprostatitisā€ symptoms and how the chinese herbs affected them (or not)


Yeah it was lol. There was many of times I thought I was going to shit my pants. I work in an executive building, so I pretty much have a private bathroom.

[Size=4]IHP, [/size]you missed my question amongst the see of arguing posts

Thanks againā€¦

@ihatepropecia you said 1 teaspoon of liquid was 500.000 ul, but was the liquid 100.000ul/ml? because i bought mycostatin that is a liquid containing 100.000 ul nystatin per ml.

Sorry man, could you clarify ā€œprostatitisā€ symptoms? All of my symptoms are in the first initial post. The Chinese Herbs really help ā€œhit it homeā€ I guess. Iā€™m not sure, and took them for about 6 weeks. I guess they helped the most with erections and libido, though I believe they may have been having a larger, more subtle benefit as well leading to my recovery.

This is correct 5 servings on 100,000 are in 1 teaspos, thus 500,000 per teaspon.

Among the more typical, obvious prostatitis symptoms (you dont need to get all of this with prostatitis) :
-pelvic pain, ball/epididimis pain, groin pain, direct prostate pain, pain or discomfort in the prostate when bladder is full an/or when passing big stools, maybe pain after ejaculation, shooting pains near the rectum or to the tip of the penis (those are all ā€œand/orā€)
-frequent urination
-reduced urinary flow, delay before urination
-ejaculatory dysfunction : lack of ā€œsquirt powerā€ (it just oozes out), low semen quantity, semen is lumpy or watery or doesnt seem well ā€œblendedā€
-burning in the urethra, especially when urinating after ejaculation
This are all the symptoms I get but not all the time, some of them happen very rarely the others more frequently, everything fluctuates in intensity too.


Oh ok, yes I had those, and they were greatly improved by treatment prior to starting the herbs. When I started the herbs, they just improved that much more, and then recovery was shortly there after. The herbs helped me in all those areas, especially ā€œsquirt powerā€.

IHP, what was the name of your doctors?

Hey Second, I donā€™t feel comfortable disclosing their names, as I know one of them has their assistant check the boards for anything derogatory regarding her employer. Those that have followed me over the years can attest that I have had many.

Are you referring to Dr. Mariano (psychiatrist) by chance?

Why would you be concerned about disclosing a doctorā€™s name (whoever it is) if nothing derogatory has been written about them?

well the bottle is 100 ml, taking it just 3 times (3 teaspoons) a day involves that the syrup will last 6 days, you said u used to take even 12 teaspoons a day, it means that every day u had to buy a new bottle, can it be possibile?

what symtons you send to how you buy this stuff?.. iā€™m from brazil i donā€™t know if i can buy this stuff here i think this product call ba zheng san but i donā€™t know =/

how many UI per day?

looks really too much

Itā€™s not too much. If you want to do this then you should be taking Nystatin in very high dosages.

Ok but it means every day he needed a new bottle of syrup!! It isnā€™t very credible, not for the dangers, not for the cost, just because i canā€™t imagine a person that goes EVERY DAY to the pharmacy and buys a bottle/100 ml of nystatin, itā€™s out of this world.

if u want to try better buy tablets or oral sospension before start,
u need a big reserve of it ā€¦

Thatā€™s some next level brain fogā€¦

a little googling laterā€¦
Iā€™m sure they ship to italy