Warning Regarding Aromatase Enzyme Inhibitors

Dear Kitsunebi88,

No I didn’t commit suicide. It’s been like 7 years since I last visited this forum. I am sorry to inform you that my erectil condition didn’t improve. But my mood, foggy brain functions etc turned back to normal. I don’t feel old for like 6 years.

But I noticed one thing. If I don’t masturbate for a few days, I can get normal and thick erections.

My advices to you:
1- Never masturbate
2- Never watch porn
3- Eat healthy food
4- Have long walks every day, at least 45 minutes
5- Use cialis

Don’t think about committing suicide. It never came to my mind , not even a bit. Cheer up.


Hey welcome back, did dostinex really help you? Thanks

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Hi @wlan! Do you know that I made you unlock? Welcome back to us! :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face: I’m happy! I wanted to hear from you so much because you and I have the same problem not from Finasteride, with identical problem and I wanted to hear from you. I’m sorry you did not solve all… write me in private.

I never used dostinex and never heard of it

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Hi. Listen to my advices and cheer up. Don’t touch your penis and forget about it. I sometimes get normal erections and my penis look normal, healthy and strong. I don’t know why it happens. But I think it’s like that when I don’t ejaculate for along time.

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If it’s possible, could you share the info publicly? I’m just thinking that it might be helpful to the next person also affected as you have been.


@Wlan still have the skin of the whole body of rubber-numb?

Yes of course. But I was pleased to talk to him in private.

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Did you try Arimidex did something?

I’m in Testostetone replacement therapy and take an AI every 6 weeks or so if my estrogen is high. I have crashed my estrogen to almost 0 before and it takes weeks to get back to normal.

1.) most men think testosterone is what gives them libido. This is wrong, it is estrogen.

2.) every man has a sweet spot where their estrogen gives them great erections and perfect libido. If you me estrogen is too high, you gain weight and have erectile problems and low libido. If your estrogen is too low you have erectile issues and your libido is bad but your lust for life is gone.

3.) the typical range for men to feel best is between 20-30 ng/ml. This is slightly different for everyone and also this range can shift a little based on your testosterone to estrogen ratio. (Some people feel better at 18 and others may feel better at 32)

4.) taking an AI without knowing what your estrogen is from a blood test is stupid (you need the ultra sensitive estrogen test to be accurate enough for men. The basic estrogen test is not good enough)

5.) if you take an AI and your libido goes up for a short time then more than likely your estrogen is slightly too high and your passing quickly through the range talked about in #3.

6.) AI’s stick around with you a while. Anastrizole is “I think” 2 days but the effects and blocking mechanism can last a week. If you take more you only compound the issue.

7.) everyone is different. On testosterone I need 1/64th a dose of anastrizole or less … some people may need 1/4.


The same happened to me mate… but in my case I took a lot . 160 mg letrozol and 70 mg arimidex and 4,5 grams nolvadex and 200 mg accutane all this total in 75 days. Yeah… I fucked my life… i wish you the best.

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my E2 is slightly elevated, and i bought grape seed extract. I wanted to drop down a little my E2. Not sure now how much harm can i do with grape seed extract.

I am in the same situation man, I died my life was totally destroyed by a Vitamin D

Why would you do this?

Grape seed is great. Add some ZMA which all together helps regulate your estrogen and T. Zinc is slightly an AI but I cannot describe scientifically how. You would have to google. Just don’t go crazy and take mega doses.

I don’t know man I was totally insane . I did this to fight one minor ( really minor doctor eventold it was nothing) gynocomastia. And the accutwn to fight acne but I thought it has no side effects it’s only dry skin looool. I fucked mysellf! Fucked my whole life! I don’t know why I did that now man… trust me I fucked me and I regret every single minute every single second this is torture

How long ago?

6 months

I think you will be fine. If you can survive the depression and and suicidal urges you will eventually get better. You need to see an endocrinologist and tell him what you have done so that you can get regular blood tests. If you have messed up your hormonal axis there are drugs that can restart you. Jesus man this is like setting off a nuclear bomb to kill a snake in your back yard!

Leave this board and search for “t-nation forums”. Post what you did on thus board. The t-nation forums are all for people that take steroids or takectestosterone but also they are well versed in how to use the AIs that you took. They can help more.

If you have dropped your E2 down to 0 your penis will be 1/4 the normal size and lifeless. Nothing will get it hard. The world will seem dark and gloomy. 1 mg of anastrizole will drop me down for 3 weeks. You took 75x that.

The half life of anastrizole or letrizole is 2 days, so after 2 days you have half of what you started in your system. It would take weeks to get rid of 160mg. The half life of Nolvadex is 7-10 days. So after 10 days you have 2.5g still In your system. After 10 more days you still have a gram. I’m assumimg you did not eat this all at one but you have to deal with something called “steady state” where basically this crap built up in your system.

As an example, i inject 100mg of testosterone once a week. The half life of testosterone is 7-8 days. Because I keep injecting testosterone every week, after 40 days I have 200mg floating around in my system at all times. I’m probably a little off on the number of days but you get the point.

There is a calculator to figure out steady state and how long drugs are in your system. Your body does not just eliminate all those drugs in a few days . You now have to wait while they are broken down and then you have to wait for your estrogen receptors to start working again

Like I said, Go to the t-nation forums and someone can help you better there. They are well versed with playing with testosterone and AIs

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