Voice change for the worse

Hi @Microda, sorry to hear you are experiencing these effects. Yes, this is commonly reported and there’s many mentions of a decreased range of pitch and loudness/increased nasality of voice on the forum. As such this symptom is in our survey. If/when you have been off the drug for at least three months, please take the survey if you are still experiencing symptoms.

Thank you


Hi and thanks for your answer. I will try and write a member story as soon as I have the time. In the meantime could you send me a link to a discussion regarding this particular problem?

Hi and thanks for you answer. I will take the survey as soon as I have the time. If you have a link to a discussion regarding voice change could you please paste the link here? I can’t seen to find them.

There’s a lot of posts that mention it (1, 2, 3, 4 etc) but i’m not aware there’s a specific discussion. Try searching for terms like voice, pitch etc and going through results.

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My voice has changed, now they say it’s more “feminine” is Disturbing.

Thank you, I’ll look trough the results you sent. Maybe this thread can be the first specific discussion regarding voice change then.

hey microda im a singer in a band and i know exactly what you mean. before pfs my voice was darker, had much more volume and overall sounded much better. i thought i would be the only one here with this effect…

Hey Milando. Sorry to hear that. For how long have you had this? Have you seen any improvement at all over time? How is your falsetto?

Hey Milando97. Sorry to hear that. For how long have you had this? Have you seen any improvement at all over time? How is your falsetto?

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A female singer who noticed unfortunate changes in her voice from Accutane:

i have seen small improvements but its definitely worse than pre pfs. i have pfs since march 2018. while i took the drug my voice hasnt changed. but it changed for the worse after my crash in march 2018. my falsett? i dont know really. especially dark tones are much more diffucult for me now :confused:

my vocal register definitely changed for the worse. i edited my last post with time informations

With falsetto I mean the really high notes that for example RnB-singers use. Listen to “I wanna be your lover” by Prince to see what I mean. Mine is completely dead but I can still sing low notes with without a problem.

i know what you meant. but i dont really know if that changed for the worse because i was always bad in singing high notes

My voice is more raspy now but I think it’s due to extreme fatigue.

I have the same thing. it feels like it is lower, weaker, raspier. I visited a neurologist today because of muscle twitch. The doc gave me an EMG of my leg and saw twitches but didn’t think they were anything serious.

I did NOT ask the doc to put the needle into my larynx, but now I am regretting that, seeing as most of my “weakness” is in my voice, especially later in the day. I’m not sure if it is a consequence of sheer exhaustion.

Same here

Did you also loose your falsetto? If not in what way has you voice changed?

This reminded me of a topic I posted. You’d also probably be looking at muscle involvement as well.

Retinoic acid induces alveolar regeneration in the adult mouse lung

European Respiratory Society – 1 Jan 04

Retinoic acid induces alveolar regeneration in the adult mouse lung

Recent data suggests that exogenous retinoic acid (RA) can induce alveolar regeneration in a mouse and a rat model of experimental emphysema and disrupted alveolar development. This may be because RA is required during normal alveolar development and…

Recent data suggests that exogenous retinoic acid (RA) can induce alveolar regeneration in a mouse and a rat model of experimental emphysema and disrupted alveolar development. This may be because RA is required during normal alveolar development and the subsequent provision of RA reawakens the gene cascades used during development.

Here, additional evidence that RA is required during alveologenesis in the mouse is provided by showing that disulphiram disrupts this process. A further model of disrupted alveolar development using dexamethasone administered postnatally is then described, and it is further shown that RA administered to these adult mice restores the lung architecture to normal.

This is a little off topic but again the keyword is regeneration.

1.3.4 Retinoic Acid
RA has been found to have a role in neural patterning (Wilson et al., 2004) in
development. In the chicken spinal cord, RA treatment increases motor neuron
generation and increases the proliferation of ventral progenitors (Sockanathan and
Jessell, 1998). Treatment of RA in zebrafish embryos also increases the number of
motor neurons generated during development (Ryu et al., 2015) and biases the
proliferating progenitors towards motor neuron fates at the expense of GABAergic
interneurons (Kong et al., 2018). It is necessary for adult neurogenesis in mammals
(Jacobs et al., 2006) and is used extensively in vitro to direct neuronal differentiation
of stem cells (Tonge and Andrews, 2010; Tan et al., 2015). The RA signalling
pathway, such as receptors (rarab, rxrga) and downstream genes (crabp2a, cyp2ba),
is upregulated in the adult zebrafish spinal cord after a lesion (Reimer et al., 2009).
Raldh2 is increased in mammalian spinal cord after injury in NG2+ cells (Mey et al.,
2005; Kern et al., 2007). No studies so far have investigated the functional role of RA
in neuroregeneration in the spinal cord.

I’m a vocalist too and I have noticed some changes …not drastic but enough to notice a change .

Over time it has improved and is still improving ….I’d describe it as almost a rasp , singing suddenly takes a lot out of you when before it didnt .
I’m singing properly too and have been using the diaphragm etc i think it’s the hormonal changes affecting the voice, but as hormones start to return it has improved for sure