26 years old - my mild but troubling persistent side effects

Hey all :slight_smile:

It’s nice to finally have somewhere to talk about this stuff, as it does worry me.

Basically, I went on finasteride twice, and both times only about 0.25-0.5mg a day for about… well, the first time maybe 2 or 3 weeks and the second time only around a week, maybe less. If there was another time it would have been VERY brief like a few days. I was 25 at the time I think (and am 26 now).

The first time I came off it as I noticed I wasn’t getting erections as easily as before. The second time (of the main two) it was because my voice seemed much weaker and prone to dying during a conversation! That freaked me out so I stopped the drug FAST and it didn’t happen again.

My persistent sides (I have had them for perhaps just over a year) are:

-> Considerably weaker voice

-> Unpleasant sensation around the tip of my penis. Like… it’s hard to explain but it definitely doesn’t feel right :frowning:

-> Perhaps very marginal reduction in erection frequency and strength

-> Possibly different consistency in ejaculate but again, if so then very minor.

As you can see the top two are by far my biggest concerns, and why I decided to come on here. I have a really wonderful relationship just starting now, and I just feel so worried, inadequate and self-conscious, mainly due to this unpleasant sensation I have around the tip of my penis. I know it sounds random and silly, but as far as I can tell, it’s very much real and very much only since I went on fin the second time. It kinda feels a bit like an itch or something instead of a pleasant feeling when it’s touched. I often wonder if it’s blood flow, as I did notice I think that it’s paler around there than it used to be.

Anyway, sorry for any TMIs… but I’m worried :frowning:

Mike / Hoppi

And thanks guys, even just talking about it like that helped a lot :slight_smile:

This drug really sucks eh?

Hey Mike, welcome to the forum.

The one symptom that stood out most to me from your symptom set was your tip sensitivity issue. I completely forgot having this issue as I didn’t think to associate it with propecia but after having many new issues that I never had to deal with before fin, I realize that most, if not all of them, are probably side effects listed and not listed on Merck’s pamphlet. Well, I’ve been off fin for almost a year now and dealt with that problem on and off during the early stages of my pfs but have not dealt with this dilemma in months. It was especially bad whenever I wore certain pairs of boxers I owned. I don’t know if it will change it for you as I don’t know what you currently are wearing but perhaps boxers or briefs made from a softer material might help.

As for your slight difference in erection frequency/strength, I recommend considering trying Tribulus Terrestri. I’ve been on it for about two weeks now and though it’s still early in my cycle, I seem to have stronger erections and a little more desire to attain them.

I’m not sure how to help with the weaker voice issue but I imagine there are tips online that may be worth a shot to try strengthening it.

Good luck and I wish you well. Be sure to keep us posted on your progress.