in my case he told me that my hormones pretty much look normal. He also told me that does not mean that there is not a problem. He then told me about 10 different types of treatment he could try. He first gave me clomiphene citrate to be 3 times a week at just 10 grams a pill. Im getting tested tomarrow to see if the pill is raiseing my T levels. Im at about 500 dhl but shippen told me my body might need to run on higher level. If this has no effect then i will be trying dophimine along with maca-3 and vitamen D.
Shippen told me that there is about a 75 to 80 percent chance that he can get me back to normal. He also told me it could take a couple years.
He said hes hopeful in my case because my hormones are not way out of wack. He told me that he had some patients that had low t levels and nothing seem to work in healing them he said this was only about 20 to 25 percent. So wish me luck on my healing and i hope im not part of the 20 percent.
I think though that it is a good investement on my part to go and see him it cost me probally 1000 total with travel and appointment cost. but now i am one of his patients and i can do phone appointments from now on they cost about 120 dollars a pop and are half an hour.