Visit with a pfs believing doc

A pssd doctor who recommends taking drugs that cause pssd but can’t prescribe them herself. Are you sure she’s even a real doctor?


A PSSD doctor recommending SSRIs to PFS patients. What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Did you ask her why she’s recommending something she knows could cripple and hurt you further? What’s wrong with these people?

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Sounds like your typical doctor based on my experience.

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Yea she was a sexual dysfunction doc her email tag was dr and said that I would have to go to the gp to get them prescribed.

Around the lines of its a small percentage get side effects millions of people benefit from ssris. Again she was convinced it was depression and she thought my penis was fine just from eyeballing it. I didnt want to keep probing her for explanations as it was clear that nothing but an argument would come of it and I would be made out to be crazy and not in control of my emotions.

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Well if she can’t prescribe drugs then she’s not an MD. And this business about ‘a small percentage get side effects but millions benefit’ is just typical pharma-speak. She doesn’t know shit about post drug syndromes and she’s posing as someone who does to get patients in the door. Sounds like the worst kind of huckster.


We need to stop giving money to these people…


What is this “doctors” name?

I’m not going to put that out

What can you do? doctors can only go off the research of which their is none

Anyone else think we should start naming the names of these “doctors”?

Erik himself gave a shining example here: My Medium Story - Finasteride Exterminated My Soul Why not follow his example?

It would help others save time and money, and people wonder why I never went to a doctor for this.

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There’s already an extensive record on this forum of various doctors who have claimed to be “PFS specialists,” refusing to acknowledge the full spectrum of symptoms or worsening the situation for their patients.

Anyone reading this, remember there is a thin line between sharing bad experiences with particular doctors, and harassment. Any “shit lists” or insinuations of threats will be removed.

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@Deadinside, could you please use the drop-down template to post a complete member story in this topic? It’s absolutely required of every member and this topic/subject should have technically been posted under another category.

Instructions and examples can be found here: ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS! Read this before posting

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She wasn’t recommending he take SSRIs.

Yes she was.

“As the doc really thought my problems were with depression and heavily recommended ssris and therapy. The irony of it all being that this doctor mainly deals with people with pssd and was recommending me to take these drugs

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Ah I missed that part.

Very disappointing experience I can relate to. It seems we don’t have much other than 'Internet forum theories", huh?

Judging by my own experience I should warn you that cialis daily for a prolonged period could and very likely will increase tinnitus and head pressure.

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Living life in a constant minefield of things that can fuck you up. How fun!

Moved this topic to “Media and Awareness” (discussion of awareness and recognition of PFS) since it isn’t a proper member story.

Thank you