Viagra didnt work

So a few months ago I bought some viagra and cialis online. Last night, after having about 12 drinks, I picked up a girl at the bar and brought her home. I knew I was probably too drunk to get it done on my own, so I popped a viagra. But it didnt do anything : (
Have other pfs sufferers used viagra without any luck? I’m kind of hoping i bought a bad batch of pills. Next time I’ll give the cialis a try. This is getting really scary if even ED pills cant help me

i recall reading something stating that these erection medicines have little to no effect if you have too high levels of estrogen, and after your 12 drinks it is possible your estrogen levels were too high? i am honest unsure

my first 2 or 3 doses of cialis seemed to be useful for blood flow and definately gave me a better erection, but the effects wore off VERY quickly and cialis became next to useless for me

i have not tried one in a few months though and may try it again soon to see if i can create some blood flow

you just never know with this health condition man, personally, i am all over the map and have days that are absolutely better, but most are very, very rough

try it next time sober and see if it helps

it’s a commercial site but the literature references are still valid. penile fibrosis and venous leakage prevents E.D. meds from having an effect.

they do nothing for me, either.

thanks for the response…yeah Im definitely gonna try it a little more sober next time.

Also for those who have used these pills before, how long before showtime are you popping them?

Viagra is shit. Try cialis 5mg about 4-5 hours before.

i think i have actually heard others say they prefer cialis over viagra as well, so i think this is good advice … cialis has the longer half life i think?

My estrogens are low, or rather my estradiol is low, it is the only estrogen i usually check and cialis does almost nothing for me, even 25 mg of cialis that is 1 pill at the highest dosage, 20mg and 1 pill at the lowest dosage 5 mg. If cialis worked on me i would not even be here on propeciahelp, i don’t need to be cured, i just need a drug that fixes me, even if i need to take it for ever.

I would try adding an alphablocker like uroxatral/alfuzosin taken at a different time of the day with a lower dose of cialis, like 10mg… and see if that helps.

My biggest question is why glans is never full, even when the rest of the dick is quite erected?

You shouldn’t take alpha blocker with pde5 inhibator.
Look at the viagra manual.

why? what do you mean exactly with “with”? HOw long should i take them apart?

pde5 inhibitors never did much for me either. made my vasculature pop out like a mofo, but that’s about it. no performance benefits.

Look at viagra description that in the box. They said not to take it with alpha blocker, i don’t know why.

I took cialis and an alpablocker about 6 hours apart. I believe the concern is low blood pressure.

Here’s a link to a monster thread on the subject… … -Erections

Look, someone around the forum is linking alfa blockers to onset of Peyronie. I would be careful.

Every doctor I’ve seen has tried to put me on Cialis. I’m afraid of the side effects.

I requested Cialis from my GP and like you was afraid to take it because of the side effects. I even started a thread on this subject as I was surprised nobody had really mentioned the dangers in taking it.

Eventually I took a small dose (a quarter of a pill which I believe is 5mg) and didn’t experience any noticeable side effects although equally it did next to nothing for my sexual function.

I took another 5mg dose a few weeks later and then about a month after upped the dosage to half a pill (10mg). In both instances there were no noticeable side effects and no real improvement to my sexual function.

I think the likelihood of suffering side effects from Cialis is low (and at least they are acknowledged by the medical community) but looking at the mess finasteride has caused all of us I fully understand your reservations. I would neither recommend not discourage you from taking Cialis but I would say that if you do decide to take it to start on a small dose of no more than 5mg.

I’m not sure of any sides of pde5 inhibitors but I saw a penile rehab specialist from Sloan Kettering in NYC comment that he believes doctors will prescribe low dose daily pde5 inhibitors as it seems they have a protective quaility in heart tissue the same way they do in penile tissue. Seems low does daily cialis might be a good idea for those reasons. No pde5 inhibitors have any effect in helping me achieve an erection.

I am taking 20 mg cialis or 100+ mg viagra, with one side effect, my nose become like in a flew for couple of hours.

never tried cialis before but viagra usually works if taken about an hour before,i try to take as least as possible,25mg to 50mg,because of the headaches from it,if i take a whole pill 100mg im in a world of pain,cant breath through my nose for hours and pounding head,ive seen people get nose bleeds from taking a full pill…