Viagra didnt work

I no longer take cialis or an alphablocker, but, when I did… The daily low dose cialis was a disaster. It would lose any effect it had. I had way better results taking 20mg once or twice a week. Sides were stuffy nose, sore back, maybe a little eczema flare ups.

The uroxatral made me a little tired, nothing like doxazosin which I couldn’t take because of the fatigue it caused. The main problem uroxatral caused me was a wicked sore throat. This could have been my fault by taking it near bedtime sometimes. At supper after a meal might have helped that.

No question cialis takes even more sensitivity away.

Actually even with 25 mg of cialis all together that is more than the highest dosage i’ve never had any side effect, the only problem is that it doesn’t really help my erection.