Very Important Propecia Story

have shared this story on a couple of forums in their general discussion section. This is what happened!!!

The story got a lot of feedback.

I’ve received nearly a 100 messages and responses from people telling me they are outraged that their drug industry could be so corrupt and are genuinely shocked.

Many have said they will share the story on social media to warn others and have thanked me for posting, claiming it’s very important.

Thanks to Kelly Pfaff we now have a major public interest story on Merck and Propecia. The more clicks this story generates on Reuters the more it gets noticed by them and that may lead to more bigger exposure in the future. It could also lead to other media sources picking up on this and willing to run stories on PFS, Propecia and Merck.

Please post the story on your social media platforms and off topic sections in the forums you visit. No one is going to know you have PFS by doing this, it’s a public interest story about Corruption at the highest level that is being covered up by a member of the US legal system.

People are upset because they know that Pharmaceutical corruption could affect them if they use prescribed drugs/medicines.

People here keep asking for Journalists and media sources to run stories on Propecia well now we have one. Let’s make the most of this opportunity they don’t come around very often.

If you are in touch with any Youtubers consider sending them this story as some of their viewers probably take Propecia and need to know what’s happening. We know from the survey that most of us who completed it are aged between 23 - 38 and attended University. Any Youtubers with this viewing audience are likely to be interested.

‘Carpe Diem’


Just bumping this thread if we can share the article online it would be helpful in drawing attention to Merck and Propecia, and hopefully get more interest from Reuters. The more our stories leave this forum and get into the real world the more our condition is talked about and becomes part of normal society rather than hidden away on PH.

Nothing Merck has done to us is normal and it does not belong in a free society. Many of us believed that if we went to University got an education, it would provide us with opportunities for a career, a life, a family, our own home and so on. We did not expect that amongst the dream was a Pharmaceutical company planting mines in our path that could destroy the things we worked for. This is simply not acceptable.