Veins on the penis

Has anyone had prominent blue-purple veins on the penis?
Nothing is missing. This is undoubtedly a total nightmare.

yes but had them before fin too

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What’s wrong with veins on the penis?


WTF my veins before was not blue and they were not prominent, fuck!

Your brain is not normal

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@Dubya_B you have this?

I’m not sure really. There are visible veins but I’m not certain if this is normal for me or if it is something that slowly developed over the past couple decades with PAS. Never really caught my attention.

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I noticed it after vitamin D is the interesting thing is that on one side of the penis they are so on the other side and the veins are loose as @wlan writes Prominent large veins on the penis

I think there is a misconception here about Damon simply saying the veins are visible. Having large, lumpy, varicose, veins isn’t normal.

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Me too, but they arent as visible but I can feel them if I touch my penis. really strange.

I’ve noticed this aswell, pretty recently actually. Mine is alot more veiny, with a large blue vein which sticks out somewhat. I definitely did not have it before all this, I can tell you it looks different for sure…

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Me too, excatly how you described it.

Same here.

yes, I have them too.