Update: still completely recovered, raging libido for the last four years

I wanna die.
Why the hell is this happening to me?

Whatā€™s wrong?

Hey just tried a swedish brand of tribulus yesterday. I woke up with morning wood first time in forever! Will follow the cycle and see what happens


Which brand?

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swedish supplements, it said it had high Protodioscin content.

Can you ellaborate? Low allopregnenalonone levels hase extremly correlated with suicidal ideation, wat have you done?

" japsufferer

I wanna die.
Why the hell is this happening to me?"

relax, its possible to fix this. Have you looked into fecal transplants to fix your gut flora quicker than normal? Dont go and do something stupid

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Sorry, but itā€™s just sometimes I feel so depressed just because of my sexual issues due to finasteride.
I donā€™t think I have depression or any other kind of mental issue.
Perhaps my conditions might not be way too bad. But, I mean, anyone would wanna die if he canā€™t expect his decent sex life for the rest of his life.


I understand you, my depression is mostly due to my sexual sides as well, otherwise I would be going through this situation a whole lot better had I not gotten these symptoms.

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Same here I came to terms with my subpar sexuality but it keeps getting lower no matter what

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I took both finasteride, saw palnetto and roaccutane. My dick has been dead for 10+ years. I always have to use Viagra and cant say theres much feeling. However I did feel recovered one time. The only thing i remember i was doing at the time was eating tons of Kefir, meditation with an app on the phone and I do think i was doing intermittent fasting 16h per day at the time as well. I might have been taking raw crushed garlic on empty stomach in mornings to for a while. I never kept any protocol but I think all of those things help the gut flora. Ive already scheduled the fecal transplant but it will be 2 months until then. If I feel just 20% better its worth the 3000 USD for 5 treatments.

I think finasteride fucked up the gut and the brain. I thought meditation was complete nonsense until i found studies showing MRI brain scans of subjects that had brain changes after 90 days of meditating daily.

Just started Tribulus as well. I had morning wood first day but now I just seem to have insomnia from it.


and your erection?

Japsufferer believe me I understand. Mine happened at 54ā€¦ and I was so focused on staying sexually potentā€¦ really killed my confidence at a time when things start to go south from age anywayā€¦but I must admit, as I sit here and type this and think back 3 years ago, Iā€™m in a better place. I was really depressed when my wife would walk around naked and I had no reactionā€¦hell, I used to get wood just from looking at her (she looks fantastic even though she is a year older than me). But today, with not so desirable means, Iā€™m doing betterā€¦ I would love to be normal again one day and the guys on this forum are really helpful in being supportive and informative. Donā€™t give up, it will get better!

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I think I stated either here or on another topic but lately Iā€™ve tried to take a daily cialis supplement, along with vitamin A and a few other supplements. The vitamin A really helped me experience the orgasm more fully nowā€¦ but itā€™s all artificial i know, wish my body did it naturally. On the days without the cialis i get no morning wood, no libidoā€¦completely deadā€¦ and iā€™m also on testosterone patchesā€¦ i do wish i could get it all naturallyā€¦so will keep trying tribulus to see if it will help

I donā€™t understand your question

How is going your dickā€™s erection? Is it firm, strong?

Not 100% at all. Ordered amd received more trib for the next cycle. Wanted to give my body a recovery- the high dose trib does a number on me


I took tribulus for a week. I started slow, upped mid week and lowered last days. I had morning wood first day, the rest of the days it was hard to sleep and I felt angry all day. I thought it didnt work but last night I didnt take any pill and I woke up with morning wood! It must have done something to my body or brain! I will wait a week and do another cycle. Very exciting!


Sounds about right

another thing i noticed was my puffy nipples went away while i was on tribulus. Now that Im off it they are a bit more puffy again