Update: still completely recovered, raging libido for the last four years

So if the theory is that AR is too upregulated in pfs… it seems likely that tribulus works because of its antiandrogenic effect. And its additional effect of upregulating AR is why some people get worse on it.

It does seem paradoxal how tribulus can both be antiandrogenic and upregulate AR though…

EDIT: corrected androgenic to antiandrogenic

It is odd aint it?

I took tribulus when I was 20, way before even taking finasteride. After taking it I went absolutely nuts, my libido was insane, I had a lots of energy and I was very agressive aswell almost getting into several fights with other men. So science said at that point that it wont increase testosterone levels, and therefore isnt a real testo booster. Well, I think that tribulus somehow influences receptors and other sexual hormones that arent measured in normal blood tests anyways.


Im in the middle of 1 high week cycle of tribulus, I have been doing 1-2-4-6 and today I will do 4 then 2 -1, etc… what I have noticed is that I have moments with very little anxiety, have been living with anxiety so much time that now after so many years I find it hilarious to find my self like this. I noticed the same when I did a 5DHP trial. Will keep informing.


Anyone ordered tribulus from Bulgaria to Germany!? My order has been seized by Turkey customs and i need a fucking doctor prescription for a god damn Tribulus extract to get it! This country is nuts. No one will ever prescribe tribulus for me because its not even a medication. Such a stupid condition. I lost my money. Don’t

Is there a law like this in Germany too? I have family member in Germany so i can try to get the pills for me when they have summer vacation here.

Wow that’s so frustrating

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Same happened to me when I ordered tribestan from bulgaria on ebay.

Now I only buy vemoherb from amazon.

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Amazon.de? So you have no problems with it? Ok i will do the same then.

I think I manage stress very well know… just noticing some things… I have started my second bottle (only 40 pills in each bottle) ;(

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Yeah amazon.de. I live in Germany so I have no problem.

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I had some labs done this morning.

Testosterone 710.9553 ng/dL (240 - 870)
Estradiol 140.0 pmol/L (40 - 162)

T is good so likely no need for a triptorelin shot, but the estradiol seems high which explains why I’m so prone to gyno and collect fat around my midsection and ass. Gross. Likely even further suppresses T.
However the units on the E2 test don’t match up to what I find online and the ranges seem weird (this likely isn’t the ultra-sensitive test calibrated for males) so I’m not sure how valid this is.

Didn’t test DHT because it took 3 weeks to get the results and I didn’t have any more money so I will get it next time. Now it’s just about getting those AR’s functional again to make the most of that T.

Next week I have 2 bottles of MediHerb Tribulus coming in.


Your estradiol isn’t high when it’s within the normal range.

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That is a false statement.

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@japsufferer That’s like saying “Your testosterone isn’t low when it’s 300” or “You don’t have hypothyroidism when your TSH is 4.0”. Come on.

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Ranges are a very basic guideline.

Come to think of it, you are right.
Damn, my E2 is above the normal, which is more serious than I thought.

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Is it a must to have higher Testosterone? Anyone here had any success with tribulus while having low T?

Mine is too also high prolactine.

You could use a mail forwarding service to, for example, send it to a forwarding address in the UK where they relate it and remove description of contents. It’s not as expensive to do as it might sound. Just letting you know about that option for carrying out international shipping and avoiding customs.

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I think people here are way too obsessed with hormone levels. I’ve had low T, high T, normal prolactin, astronomical prolactin (like 15x normal) as a side effect of drug, high estrogen, low estrogen, etc — the actual real effects are not anything like what people seem to tend to think. They are subtle even at order of magnitude larger range of variation than average person here is talking about. You should never try to assess what your hormone levels are by feel. You’ll just induce placebo and reverse placebo effects on yourself and throw yourself into tailspin screwing around.

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