UltraHard (androsterone) - legal alternative to Proviron that also modulates allopregnenolone

Week 3 finished. Still the same noticing lots of frontal hair loss so hopefully this is a good sign of something working.

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Tomorrow will be the last day on cycle so a full 4 weeks don’t want to keep using since I did a 4 week cycle prior so it will be a full 8 weeks all together. 4 weeks on 4 weeks off 4 weeks on. I’ll have to wait and see what happens after the cycle so I’ll keep you all updated throughout January 2021 on this thread. Things to add in so far, my insomnia is worse, my well being alot better, aside from shitty headaches. Brain fog is basically gone I feel more calm. Nothing to note on sexual improvements but 2 weeks after I came off the last cycle I felt like I had partial libido returning along with genital sensitivity about 30%. I seem to have had a lot of insomnia worsen the last few weeks as well but I’m sure it will go back to baseline. I also seem to be growing chest hairs that I never had before along with excessive frontal hair loss which has not happened since I crashed over 3 years ago. Fatigue is somewhat better but hard to rule out due to insomnia

Great you went through this experiment nice and smooth. I think its a great sign you didnt suffer any symptoms worsening which tells you are not (or not as much anymore) androgen intolerant, so your epidenetic didnt counter react them as science suspects it with PFS. Could be a sign of improvement and with time your adrogen receptors might receive androgen signaling again. The slight libido return, reduction of anxiety ,the hairloss and chest hair growth can be a good indicator of your androgens to return to action. Insomnia might be caused by the hormonal change in favour of androgens atm, a blood test would certainly present that. You recover insomnia once your body adapts to the change soon
Thums up ,keep updating!

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Hey bro how you doing? any improvements lasting since done your experiment?

Nothing as of now unfortunately, although I will say fatigue seems to be much better but I’ll have to see what happens after a full month which is very close. Sexually nothing. Lucky not worse that’s one thing I can say. Brain fog is pretty much gone. One thing is I did get very sick this week which most times I either don’t get sick or it’s very mild when I do so maybe this is a good thing as far as my immune response goes.

Glad to hear man, its progress rather than nothing. For me chronic fatigue is worst symptom of all cause it influences everything from mood to activity.

I guess that you got a preventive reaction on bacteria or viruses is a good sign! thums up!

I used a lot of TRT gel on and off over the years with limited results.

Is there much difference between regular medical TRT and this product ?

Yes, this product works on both the androgen and also the neurosteroid pathways.


Any update?


I never took it and have not checked back at the other forum where a lot of guys were taking it (assuming they are not fake CDnuts profiles)