No one knows what shooting up pregnancy drugs to stimulate your Leydig cells for year on end does long term, of course. Don’t kid yourself that that is a low risk. And for what? To feel slightly less shit for a while while it still works and needing to go to doctors, purchase needles, store all that crap in your fridge, worry about making sure you have more on hand when it expires, be reordering all the time, have your family seeing you dependent on injectable drugs all your life, managing syringes and refrigeration all the time while trying to travel. Knock yourself out but people have been trying it here for 15 years and odd “recovery story” was likely someone who simply had hypogonadism in the first place.
As I say, my intent here was to merely clarify that hypogonadism treatments work for people with hypogonadism, but PFS is not hypogonadism and people should be clear that hopping on TRT means completely shutting down your natural hormone production system unless you want to artificially stimulate one small component of it (lutenizing hormone) by injecting pregnancy drugs constantly and indefinitely, potentially permanently desensitizing gonads, while leaving all the rest of your sex hormones completely suppressed.
People should have the basics of what doing things like TRT actually involve rather than viewing them as harmless Hail Marys that you might as well just give a shot because all kinds of guys on the internet are doing it.