Many a time TRT has been brought up in the course of discussion of PFS and associated conditions.
Whenever this occurs it is usually quickly refuted as being ineffective for sufferers of PFS. I accepted this as gospel for a long time for a number of reasons. Firstly, it seems that there are few members these days posting about attempted TRT treatments. It seems as though it’s been ‘written off’ as a methodology which simply doesn’t work for us as we’ve been irrevocably changed and entirely insensitive to androgens. While that hasn’t been spelled out specifically, it has at least been strongly inferred, especially by moderators as well as some passionate and vocal members.
Secondly, it seems to go against the official theory of androgen-receptor upregulation and how due to the upregulation and thus the increased activation of receptors due to hormones, they effectively shut down at a point.
I spent a bit of time exploring past posts from existing members dating back over 10 years. Many of the members have since left the forum for whatever reason. For the ease of other members, I decided to compile a brief spreadsheet outlining the different members, whether TRT improved, deteriorated or simply didn’t change their condition. Much to my surprise I found a much higher than expected number of positive anecdotes from members who tried TRT. Benefits ranged from near complete recoveries to partial recoveries with improvements in specific symptoms.
I hope that this can reinvigorate discussion regarding TRT and if nothing else, perhaps provide some semblance of hope to the most disenfranchised members of this community.
The link to the spreadsheet can be found here: