Treating emotional flatness, even temporarily. Desperate

NAC and Tyrosine both raise dopamine. I take 5g NAC every day and the difference is huge.

But the only thing that recovered 100% of my anhedonia was LSD and magic mushrooms.


How long have you taken NAC for?

8 months.

And the positive effects have remained since you began taking it?

How long did you take mushrooms for and how much?

Hallo Cman,

i understand 100% what you want to express. I had the same problems now for over 10 years till i decided one month ago to take 150 mg Zyban/Bupropion. All my Symptoms got dramatically better. Please look at the thread “bupropion for Motivation”. I made there a few posts.

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I plan on starting it soon, but seeing as I have adderall, which functions in a similar manner, i’m aware of how adderall’s effects have changed in me. I used to get focused from adderall, a mood boost, and get hard and long erections. Nowadays, i just get an energy boost with no mood change, and zero erection. Still no boost to sexual attraction, which as someone mentioned is probably related to feelings. I’m sure wellbutrin/bupropion might help me adjust to functioning in life, but I want to wake up and feel happy to be alive again. Its been months without feeling true happiness- or feeling uncomfortably horny. Which sucks. I just want to feel my dick tell my body to be horny again


Has any prolactin inhibitors or AI’s or clomid helped anyone recover their libido?

I am in the same position as you. We have no desires and no rewards. Nothing feels like anything. I can’t remember what love is supposed to feel like. Even the small things; stretching legs, listening to music, sitting with friends. nothing. Its never ending man


I’ve taken Cabergoline. Made my libido and erections better on it, emotions too. But it’s kind of a risky drug to be on for a long time, so I went off it. And I still didn’t feel cured, it felt like an artificial patch.

This symptom is the real killer

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Read the posts where people didn’t benefit and it made them worse

Then make your choice. Good luck

Dont´t be afraid of Zyban/Bupropion. You have nothing to loose. If you dont´t try it you will never know if it works for you. I lived 10 years like a Zombie and thanks to Zyban i am back to life again. Dopamine itself is a prolactin inhibitor. By raising your dopamine you counteract prolactin. I have taken a few years ago also Methylphenidat. But i had no effect on my Libido. Neither better nor worse. Although it works like a dopamine reuptake inhibito. But Bupropion is different. Carbergoline is a very potent Dopaminagonist. But it can damage your heart valves on long term use. So i would not recommend it. Bupropion is a relative safe drug.


At the beginning the effects were stronger, but still got a permanent dopamine increase.

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I took micro doses every 14 days. It only works for one day though. But still nice to feel great even for just 1 day.

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I spent ~4-5 years taking bromocriptine on-and-off and it seemed to help induce windows of increased emotion over my baseline. Also seemed to help with libido a bit.

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Micro doses of what?

Magic mushrooms.

Yeah I did. I don’t think living this way is feasible though, so i’m hoping there’s some way out there to fix the emotional flatness.

If really desperate. Microdosing ibogaine HCL gave me 2 months of ok emotions. Could watch movies again and shit.