Treating emotional flatness, even temporarily. Desperate

Read the posts where people didn’t benefit and it made them worse

Then make your choice. Good luck

Dont´t be afraid of Zyban/Bupropion. You have nothing to loose. If you dont´t try it you will never know if it works for you. I lived 10 years like a Zombie and thanks to Zyban i am back to life again. Dopamine itself is a prolactin inhibitor. By raising your dopamine you counteract prolactin. I have taken a few years ago also Methylphenidat. But i had no effect on my Libido. Neither better nor worse. Although it works like a dopamine reuptake inhibito. But Bupropion is different. Carbergoline is a very potent Dopaminagonist. But it can damage your heart valves on long term use. So i would not recommend it. Bupropion is a relative safe drug.


At the beginning the effects were stronger, but still got a permanent dopamine increase.

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I took micro doses every 14 days. It only works for one day though. But still nice to feel great even for just 1 day.

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I spent ~4-5 years taking bromocriptine on-and-off and it seemed to help induce windows of increased emotion over my baseline. Also seemed to help with libido a bit.

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Micro doses of what?

Magic mushrooms.

Yeah I did. I don’t think living this way is feasible though, so i’m hoping there’s some way out there to fix the emotional flatness.

If really desperate. Microdosing ibogaine HCL gave me 2 months of ok emotions. Could watch movies again and shit.

Old post, I know. But i have the exact same things. Zero libido, no connection to penis from brain, and little emotion. What gives me temporary relief is masturbation or my girlfriend relieving me (or sex when possible). When I orgasm I guess I feel an overwhelming dopamine rush which lasts a few hours and I feel relaxed and relatively positive. Makes me feel normal for a while