....TRAV HCG log

Hey Trav, has your supply of HcG changed recently? Have you checked it with the pregnancy test method? Also can I ask which brand you are using?

Anyone else keep the HCG next to the maple syrup? lmao.

Bottle on the right is the first brand I received, 2nd is the left.

Not yet, i can go get a test at walgreens.

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Hey Trav, looks like your about 4 months in right? How are things going?

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Hey trav, how are you? Any changes (I hope)?

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Im 2 weeks in with 250iu. Nothing drastic yet. But my hourglass flaccid before pee, in cold weathers seems to be gone. It is fuller when flaccid.

I don’t know if it is due to the alpha blocker i take (Cardura) or purely HCG.

A little improved libido. Might be placebo and GYM’s effect.

Sorry to post it here, i don’t want to open my thread. Im leaving the forum for a while.

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Has the alpha blocker helped with orgasm feeling? It’s supposed to relax pelvic muscles right @Cooper

Yeah i was expecting that to happen but no, no changes on that regard. @Lostinaustin

Hey man, you are suffering for years and focusing solely on your orgasm problem and as far as i know you haven’t tried an efficient protocol to cure yourself.

Your prostate is inflamed. That’s why your orgasms are numb. I am the same. You are wasting your life. No one is going to find the magic pill for us in the next coming 20 years.

I think you have to try something. You are a pfs case and HCG may heal your prostate dude. You are missing a good chance here. JoeKool’s orgasms got pre-pfs with HCG, i talked with him privately.

Ask me on pm if you have questions about HCG. Its really a no big deal, you get used to it quickly.

Thanks for you your update Cooper. Are you running HcG with a doc and on-going blood tests or going it alone?

Alone. But will do a bloodtest for sure.

Cooper you’ve highjacked the op’s thread, sick of checking this thread when there’s been activity to find you’re chatting about your own bs


@Cooper I kindda agree, it would be better if you start your own thread with your own log. That way we can keep things seperated.

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Doing okay, thanks.

betweenjobs That was nice. Gave me some motivation to write this.

I actually quit HCG cold turkey about 3-4 weeks ago. Here’s why.

For the first month or two of HCG, I absolutely got benefit out of it. It didn’t feel like a cure per se, but it certainly helped alleviated some of the most (or only) PFS symptoms I have left. Symptoms including penile narrowing, penile pain, penile shrinkage, lack of erections, weak erections, dulled orgasms, lack of libido, morning and spontaneous erections, inability to lose fat around the waist ect…

Now, unfortunately, as time went on, it seemed like some of the benefits it was providing were fading just a bit, and the negative side effects were slowly creeping up. I began to experience very mild fatigue and nausea as early as the first couple weeks, 2/10 maybe. As time went on, fatigue and nausea became more apparent.

Around 3 months in my fatigue was becoming debilitating, it was akin to how fatigued you feel when you have the flu. I was also having a still a bit mild but very dull and annoying nausea some of the time. I consulted my urologist but seeing as she is still a useless bitch as usual, she did not provide any help whatsoever.

Anyhow, I quit cold turkey. The first week off was a bit rough. I felt my normal PFS baseline I would say, maybe slightly worse. As time went on, I think I am around where I was pre-hcg, maybe slightly better - hard to say. I had a few really good days, but as is tradition, I kind of slid backwards in terms of progress as has been happening for nearly four years.

Having said all that - HCG has got to be the most effective thing I have ever done in regards to PFS. Nothing else I have tried has come even close. It really is an interesting drug. It did some serious work on penile narrowing and shrinkage while I was on it. My dick looked fuller, felt better to touch, my balls didn’t look like a deflated balloon when waking up most days. I was waking up hard and with libido. It was pretty fantastic. But again, not a cure. I still felt and DO feel like I have permanent brain damage from finasteride.
But it was certainly an improvement on the hell I’ve lived through.

My takeaway: I will probably try to with a physicians guidance try to go back on it at some point, maybe mess with the dosage and or frequency. I really wanted to quit for a bit because everyone is different and I wanted to make sure there wasn’t some sort of weird caveat after quitting such as a crash.

ALSO: I think brand may play an important role. The first vial I got was a different brand than the second. This could be why I was feeling so good early on and then got worse with time. But not sure.


I appreciate you keeping us updated on your status. One thing about your post that I would disagree with, and I’m not a doctor so take this with a grain of salt, is that you’ve suffered brain damage.

It’s logical to feel this way with cognitive issues but I’m confident that our neurotransmitters and neurosteroids being fucked up is what causes the cognitive issues, not irreversible damage to the brain.

So in my non-professional opinion I think recovering from PFS, PAS, or PSSD will restore neurotransmitters and neurosteroids to normal levels and make you feel “normal” again.


Yeah, just the general feeling I would describe. Definitely not conclusive.

Just wanted to say that over a month off HCG I slowly but surely descended back into my normal PFS.

As of last Sunday, I went back on HCG. I am doing 2x a week 500 IU each dose (1000 IU weekly.)

Within 24 hours of my first dose I started feeling significantly better.

I have been feeling better since I have started up - zero doubts about that. Unfortunately, like many veterans here, I am essentially artificially propping myself up. I consulted my doctor about long term usage of HCG and she did not have anything valuable to say.

As of right now, my plan is to stick with HCG as long as I can. I spent years trying to naturally recover and in doing so spent years of my life in misery. I am uninterested in continuing that trajectory so if at some point HCG no longer provides benefit or causes other issues, I am going to be in a very difficult position.


It’s good to hear you’re feeling better after restarting HCG which, in my non-medical opinion, makes it seem pretty conclusive that HCG benefits us or at least a certain subset of us.

If it’s a safe medicine long term I would gladly take it on a continual basis if I had to. There are far worse things in this world than having to take a medication on a regular basis even if it’s a pain in the ass (which it sounds like HCG might be). I’m probably eventually going to try it but the measurement and mixing makes it seem intimidating

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Thanks. Definitely a bit intimidating at first, but like anything you get used to it, I suppose.

I don’t mind taking something indefinitely, just more so concerned about Leydig cell desensitization over say the next 5-10, ect years. Not sure how real of a concern that should be, but I like to consider sustainability in regards to treatments.


This is going to seem strange but just wondering
How do you feel when you take the injection? Can you feel it immediately, is there any dizziness or confusion initially followed by a headache, then after all that wears off do you start feeling like your pfs symptoms start to lift?

I wouldn’t say immediately. It’s pretty subtle for me. I have experienced a bit of light headedness but it’s pretty mild. The most immediate change I’ve noticed is in the penis. Within around 24 hours it goes from being very light in weight and shrunken/thinned out to more heavy and hangs more naturally. As well as looking much fuller like pre-pfs. This was most noticeable after starting HCG again.

When I started HCG a few months ago for the first time the change seemed much more gradual. Coming back on it after a month I was feeling an improvement within the same day.

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Trav I haven’t been in this site for years . It’s nice to hear about your experience with HCG injections . Please continue to keep us up to date . If you continue to have positive news, I’m thinking of giving it a try myself . God Bless .


Something is happening…

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