Time Travel / Regret

Having been an avid soccer fan all my life, I found that after crashing in early 2018 I lost all passion. Watching games was joyless, even as my team was seeing some success. But it has begun to return, as my strict eating and exercise regime seem to be providing some relief of my symptoms (though nothing approaching cure).

I have also found that placing myself in environments where there are other fans has been helpful in stoking that excitement again. If I sit at home and watch it alone or with a friend, I still don’t get as animated as I used to but, for instance, I went to a bar to watch a game the other week and found myself jumping out of my chair when we scored. The other fans I was with must have just thought I really was overly happy with that goal because I ended up celebrating the fact I was celebrating, unbeknownst to them.

Anyway, just to say, this state is not final, you can see improvement, and depending how severe you are, maybe try forcing yourself into an environment where that passion for your team is in the air. It might help.


Anyone else find themselves almost constantly (or multiple times throughout the day) fantasizing/day dreaming/wishing they could go back in time and never have taken their chosen poison? I also have found that this entire process has killed my faith in any (benevolent) god.


Every second of my Life


Yes, every second of everyday. I lost everything. Now I don’t want to wake up anymore. The neuropathy is the last straw really.


Regret doesn’t serve any helpful purpose, in fact it is only harmful. I obviously wish I had made different decisions many years ago, but it wasn’t even my fault, and I don’t dwell on it. I think of it almost like I was in a car accident where a drunk driver hit me. Another person’s recklessness was to blame, but it happened and I would have had no reason to take a different route or leave at a different time because I couldn’t predict the future. Almost all human lives have tragedies and this is one of ours.


Yep. Every single day I think back to my life before the pill. It’s a struggle to look in the mirror these days and see how sick and lifeless I look compared to before. And that’s ignoring the sexual sides.
Like someone above me said I always look at dates now. Whether it’s the date of a YouTube video or a picture I always think about how I wish I could time travel back to then.


I am 32 and I have near 0 libido. I worried more than 10 years for loosing my sex drive. It increased my anxiety. I was counting days to go to my 60s and die then I can end this suffering. Roughly 1 year ago I read some Buddhist books and then I realized how our mind works. How suffering is common in the world and lot of things. Once you are studying them your burden is being lifted magically. So I suggest you guys, you can come out with nearly 100% of your current pain and suffering just by understanding things. Even though we know that its better to live in the present moment and such theories you can’t execute that without proper basement in your mind. I suggest you to read Buddhism and understand the core principals. It will help you definitely. Contact me if anyone need youtube resources.


Haven’t you recovered bro? :open_mouth: or you just wanted to express your thought?

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I’ve said many times. My sexual/hormonal/physical (still got some fatigue, a little gerd and ibs) health has recovered (about 98% most days, some suppliments fuck me up). My mental health is probably worse than ever…so I can’t even enjoy my sexual recovery much because of my horrible mental health (severe depression, paranoia, etc).


As upset as I am bro…you putting it that specific way did help a little. Innocent pedestrians or drivers get into tragic accidents literally all day everyday. Their stories are all over YouTube.
I just never thought something like this would happen. Nobody ever does.

Almost every day when it really hits me I say the same thing “Jesus God in Heaven. How can such a thing happen”

I think about the happiness that was taken away from me. I think about any situation in and how much happier I’d be if this wasn’t in my life.
This does force me to appreciate and enjoy life in a different way. An alternative path.
Mourning the old life is s bad habit. Very dangerous. Throwing yourself a pity party does feel good and can be therapeutic but too much can be detrimental.
Please be careful with dwelling my guys.
It never leads to anything good

I know you’re thinking “well fuckhead how can we not”? I get it I do. I do it all the time
Just keep it somewhat in check. Please

I hope and pray to God we see light in the dark tunnel soon. Very soon
And we will appreciate life like no can ever


Truly. If we survive and end up “cured” we will be the strongest/most durable humans on the planet, having literally lived a living hell for years on end now.


Mate can you tell me when you started recovering? And was your recovery gradual or sudden. it seems like you had 2 mini recoveries.

How did it feel like? Or is there anything that you can think of that might have triggered the recovery.

I don’t think I’ll make it that long.

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What are your symptoms that make you feel that specifically?

Did you get fin from HIM

Every fucking night of this month I’m falling asleep while thinking about an alternative scenario where I’ve not taken this fucking shit. I’ve been suffering from this for just 4 months and I was coping somehow, waiting for improvements with hope. Last month I started dating probably the best girl I’ve ever dated in my life but ofc it’s already over and guess WHY??? Yes obviously because I can’t feel my fucking dick after having taken a fucking hair loss supplement. How the fuck is this shit even happening for real idk. It doesn’t make sense. It’s making me completely crazy ffs, not even being able to talk about this w someone bc it’s too fucking surreal to explain. My life could be perfect but it’s fucking being ruined by a hairloss supplent which believe me, now that I think about it, on the box had ‘not to take if you’re UNDER 5 Y/O’ written and nothing else. Unbelievable. Sorry for the rant guys


Don’t apologize for ranting
You have to let it out somehow right?

I’ve said the same words as all of us have
It’s completely valid and understandable

I’m sorry about the girl
I run through scenarios in my head too

Best not too but I understand the urge to
Because we want to experience what it would be like to have not taken this stuff, at least in our own minds

But sometimes the fantasizing can make us feel worse


yeah for sure spending all the time in regret is not what we should do to feel better, but its hard not to since for the first time in my life I struggle to make plans and have hopes for the future

I understand what you feel like. I’ve been in your situation for two years now. While I understand that I could’ve been hit with much more scary symptoms — genital numbness and ED are very much in the way of leading a normal and fulfilling life, especially on the social/intimate/romantic front. It’s very frustrating not being able to really enjoy masturbation and it gets lonely after a while. Most of my friends are couples at this point in my life. My ex has moved on and found a new partner a few months ago. I would love to move on as well but it’s hard to feel like your forced to stand and watch on the outside of it all because you were hit with chronic side effects from a drug. To be told that it’s between your ears on top of that is injustice. It’s certainly hard to try and not be bitter about this situation indeed.

We can learn our lessons from the past but we can’t change it. So it is best not to linger and look forward to opportunities and solutions.
The best advice I can give you is to not blame yourself.

It is not your fault that the relevant government agencies have failed to thoroughly test and accurately assess the safety profile of this drug before releasing it on the market. It is not your fault that doctors and other providers of this drug are misinformed and — with or without intent — falsely advertise the drug as safe. It is not your fault that we basically live in a morally corrupt capitalist society where pharmaceutical companies are perfectly willing to manufacture and trade in drugs with risky profiles that they know have not been thoroughly investigated, as long as they can keep the machine churning. Just reading about the history of finasteride says enough about the absolute naivety that these pharmaceutical behemoths are willing to operate on, in my opinion.

On top of that, as average people of the general public we are urged to trust in medical professionals and the world of modern medicine. We are told that they are our safekeepers and differentiators of what constitutes quackery and what is sensible. We are told that endocrinologists are specialists in medical practice based on hormonal biochemistry. We are told constantly that advances in the medical world are greater than ever before and made to believe that the world of modern medicine knows just about everything there is to know about the human body.

But you were never told that they simply don’t know how libido, erections, and genital sensation actually work (at least from a neurological perspective). There are incredible technological advances in gene editing but truthfully we don’t have superficial knowledge of the most basic functions of the human body.

TLDR it’s perfectly understandable that you believed in this drug and the ones who promoted it. You didn’t abuse the drug, or used an excessive dosage, or anything. It is nobody’s first line expectation that medical professionals might be willing to hurt you for your money. This simply isn’t on you. Stop blaming yourself.


You’re right ofc and tbh i’m not even blaming myself that much, I just struggle to accept the situation and what has happened to me. But I’m still determined to get back my life as soon as possible and I’m gonna do whatever it takes