swelling and fat around midsection.

I always had some extra weight on the sides that never seemed to go away. I was borderline high on tsh and since a small dose of thyroid medication (synthroid)… the side weight disappeared. Skin got a little better, still dryish.

If your tsh isn’t high, not sure if it would help. I was around 4. I believe they use to say under 5 was ok, but, have moved to under 3 being better. IIRC

This is so me. Did u get better? I been on fin for 10 months. Fin just made you worst off only? When you say your hair looks weird…do you mean dry miniaturization of hair from using fin? What’s your age? I’m 37

Are you still taking finasteride?

Yes I am. They say give it a year or more but I dont know if thats the right choice for me

Hey man, I’m sorry but this forum is only for those who suffer post-finasteride syndrome and other similar post-drug conditions.

This is explicitly stated in the site banner and community guidelines:

Welcome to propeciahelp, a forum for both men and women suffering from persistent symptoms after use of 5alpha-reductase inhibitors such as finasteride, isotretinoin, saw palmetto extract, dutasteride as well as antidepressants and GnRH analogs. PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT a hair loss forum. Take a moment to read our How to Get Started section, which includes our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and new Community Guidelines.

If you stop taking finasteride and continue to experience persistent symptoms, you are welcome to join the discussion.

On a side note, it is insulting to some of our members, many of whom have had their health ruined by finasteride, to discuss the drug’s efficacy in treating hair loss. There are other forums for that.

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thanks for the clarification…when signing up for things…ppl just are click happy like myself and don’t read the terms etc.

Just wanted to pass along I was able to reduce a ton of my water weight / midsection swelling by hoping on the keto diet and taking a vitamin d/k supplement. I am down ~20lbs in just two weeks. Might be worth a shot?


I’ve come here to see who else has had weird weight gains. I was 165 when I stopped. Now up to 180-185. Like there’s a tire around my midsection. Even carrying fat in my pecs and on my hips. Like a woman. This shit it fucked up.

Has the keto really made that big a difference ? I want to try it but it’s just hard to imagine planning all my meals. But 20 lbs in two weeks is pretty incredible. Would love to hear your feedback.

Keto has made a huge difference! I’m down ~25. My liver enzymes are also lower. I’m not sure where you’re located, but I’m utilizing snap kitchen for all my meals. It’s $220 a week for 3 meals a day / 7 days a week.

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Mentally better and better…Physically still a wreck my body is disaster…Besides all this other physical shit has anyone else here got the dry skin that just rolls off their body? I just got out of the shower and drying off skin will just continue to roll off and flake off all over my arms, forehead and hands…I can rub my palms together and skin will just roll and roll off as long as you continue to do it…

Just wanna chime in to say that this shiet started someday during my late-teenage years. And no matter what I tried diet/creamwise never helped.
I never had skinproblems otherwise, but leaving the shower instantly after my skin would just peel no matter what. It got so bad that I was skipping my face during showering cuz it was unbearable and I had to reapply water like 5x before leaving the house. Then I moved to another country and after a week it was gone. For 5 years when I came back to visit it instantly after 2-3showers kept starting and now after 7 years doesnt happen at all anymore. So dk if it’s actually a weird reaction to something in the water from the body.
I know this isn’t really helpful just wanted to share the experience eitherway.

Just an update been to urgent care and probably going back…I now weigh 272lbs and physically I am declining still…Up 112lbs and my sciatic nerve pain has gotten so bad I can barely walk…

All this water weight and weakness of the muscles has been too much for it…if I hold a remote control out changing channels my arm gets tired…I got an injection of toradol in my back a few days ago and may have to go back I am almost immobile…

That is absolutely horrid dude… I don’t think there’s any symptoms that can compare to physical changes like that. Even with something obviously broken inside your body, have you tried to maintain any sort of healthy regimen, whether it be walking, diet, anything?

Hey @holyhead! I hope you doing better!

I’m fucked by fin+testo booster combination, as a result (amongst others) my digestion is a completely shut shithole. That means i dont digest anything properly, getting puffed by even the smallest bites. Eating like 1500 calories/day the most, still having a fcked gut and facial and abdominal swelling. My stomach also makes weird growling sounds. Having maybe stool just once a week.

Question to you: after you had unfortunately a long experience with swelling caused by slow metabolism, can you give me any advise? Where to / what to / how to?

I was lean bodybuilder for 15 years (now 33) and i just cant watch myself in the mirror becoming a fckin cushing syndromed dspite healthy living.

I appreciate your tips man! Bests

(Ps: i have high E2 and low free T levels, furthermore high cortisol)

When did you guys start to notice the weight gain?
I had a bloated stomach and face the first time I took fin (Happened in a matter of 24 hours), but it went away when I stopped.

It happened right after my crash, with stomach pain with growling sounds. I suspect high E2 and low T levels behind it, which typically brings slowed metabolism.

I also feel my metabolism has slowed and my stomach growls, but my weight has been consistently in the low 160s.

Hope you figure out a way to overcome this symptom, and I hope I don’t get it.

Once i’ve managed with keto and cardio, but then i fcked myself in the balls again with a testo booster supplement. But this time this crappy symptom falls on me much heavier. Gaining fat (or water) just after calorie deficit day on keto too.

Check your endocrin blood. You might suffered high E2 or cortisol levels